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188 lines (123 loc) · 4.16 KB

File metadata and controls

188 lines (123 loc) · 4.16 KB


Parse command line arguments in a Perl script.

This OO module processes command line interface arguments based on specified parameters.


 use CLI::ParseArgs;

 my $pa = CLI::ParseArgs->new(
     -synopsis => "A brief description of what this script does (used for help)",
     -valid_args => {
         '-i' => {
             req => 1,
             desc => "[int] Specify ID",
             validation => qr/^\d+$/,
             alias => '--id',
         '-f' => {
             req => 1,
             desc => "[path] Specify file",
             validation => \&Untaint::linux_file_path,
         '-d' => {
             req => 0,
             desc => "Show debugging messages (via STDERR)",
             alias => "--debug",
             debug => 1,
             no_value => 1,
         '--dry-run' => {
             req => 0,
             desc => "Report what would happen without altering any data",
             no_value => 1,

 my %args = $pa->process_cli_args();

 # the primary arg name or the alias both work as the key to retrieve the value
 my $id = $args{'--id'};

 $pa->debug_msg("This is a debug message. It will only show when the debugging argument is indicated");

 ## Alternatively, you get the argument values via method calls:

 $pa->process_cli_args(); # no need to receive the values in a hash

 my $id = $pa->get_arg_value('-i');


  • new()


    Help flags (-h with alias --help) are automatically added unless you tell it not to using -auto_help => 0.

    It will not override your valid args if you specify those same flags though.

    If you specify your own help flags, indicate which argument is for help by adding help => 1 to the argument's options.

  • process_cli_args()

    Process the arguments. If called in list context, it will return them in a hash.

  • set_synopsis()

    Set the description of the program.

  • get_synopsis()

    Return the description of the program.

  • get_anonymous_args()

    Returns a list of anonymous (unnamed) arguments.

    Anonymous arguments are not specified in -valid_args. To allow them, pass -allow_anonymous_args => 1 to the constructor.

    E.g. foo bar baz


    my @args = $pa->get_anonymous_args(); # holds "foo", "bar", "baz"
  • set_valid_args()

    Pass in a hash reference with the valid argument definitions. This is called from the constructor if -valid_args is passed in.

    The format is:

    'arg_name' => { options... }


         '-i' => {
             req => 1,
             desc => "[int] Specify ID",
             validation => qr/^\d+$/,
         '-f' => {
             req => 1,
             desc => "[path] Specify file",
             validation => \&Untaint::linux_file_path,
         '-d' => {
             req => 0,
             desc => "Show debugging messages (via STDERR)",
             alias => "--debug",
             debug => 1,
             no_value => 1,
         '--dry-run' => {
             req => 0,
             desc => "Report what would happen without altering any data",
             no_value => 1,

    None of the options is required, but "desc" (description) is highly recommended as it is used in the help output to explain the argument.

  • set_valid_arg()

  • get_valid_args()

  • is_valid_arg()

  • get_arg_options()

  • set_arg_value()

  • get_arg_value()

    Get the value passed in for the named argument. process_cli_args() must be called first.

    E.g. my $id = $pa->get_arg_value('-id');

  • list_args()

    Returns a list of all defined argument names/flags.

  • list_required_args()

    Returns a list of all defined argument names/flags that are set as required.

  • debugging()

    Get or set debugging indicator (true/false).

    This will be set automatically if a debugging argument is detected.

  • help()

    Get or set help-requested indicator (true/false).

  • help_msg()

    Return the help message (string).

  • debug_msg()

    Output the specified message to STDERR if debugging is on/true.




None known.


John Winger