Real time collaboration is a fascinating concept.
Main purpose of this libriary it to explore applications of data structure called CRDT
in context of real time collaboration
and learn answers to questions like:
- How to write collaborative applications?
- How to ensure strong eventual consistency?
- What are limirations of CRDTs?
CRDT stands for Conflict-free Replication Data Type in JavaScript.
Compoents that can be found in this libriary:
- Data structures like
Immutable SortedSet
,Immutable Lists
,Immutable Maps
- Partial ordering algorithms like
Vector clock
- Higher order component
that encapsulates operation on plain text that can be used in collaborative editing.
- - Collaborative notepad app (demo).
Basic development requires at least nodejs@8
To quickly start developmen run:
npm install
npm test
Before pull request run following commands to ensure code quality:
npm test
npm run lint
npm run dist