layout | title | description | image | byline | author | reading_time | comments |
default |
Historical Nuclear Energy Films |
A directory of historical nuclear energy films including digitization status and efforts |
/img/camp-century-pull.jpg |
true |
nick |
false |
true |
We have also learned how to get not-yet-digitized ones that exist in the National Archives digitized. See our YouTube channel here and [our Digital Reactor History Museum]({% link %}). You can read more about the process of digitization and see some results at [our ZPPR video page]({% link _news/ %}) and [our announcement of the world re-premier of a Hallam film]({% link _news/ %}). If you're interested in helping to get more of these scanned, check out our digitization GoFundMe and/or [contact us]({% link %})!
{% assign vids_gotten = | where: "priority", empty %} {% assign vids_wanted = | where_exp: "item", "item.priority > 0" %}
{% assign grouped_wanted = vids_wanted | group_by: 'priority' %} {% assign prioritiesSorted = grouped_wanted | sort: "name" %}
{% assign sorted_wanted= '' | split: '' %} {% for pri in prioritiesSorted %} {% assign sorted_this_pri = pri.items | sort: 'date' %} {% assign sorted_wanted = sorted_wanted | concat: sorted_this_pri %} {% endfor %}
These films have been scanned and can be viewed online now.
{% include table_of_vids.liquid vids=vids_gotten%}
The ones with non-blank NARA IDs are readily available for scanning given funding.
{% include table_of_vids.liquid vids=sorted_wanted %}
{% assign vids_sorted = | sort: "title" %} {% assign half = | divided_by: 2 %}
{% for vid in vids_sorted %}
{% if forloop.index <= half %}
- {{vid.title}} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% for vid in vids_sorted %}
{% if forloop.index > half %}
- {{vid.title}} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
The data on this page is generated from this data file. You are encouraged to find full data there and suggest changes, corrections, or additions.
- [Our Digital Reactor History Museum]({% link %})
- A collection of hundreds of more related videos at the National Archives.
- [Our nuclear reading list]({% link %}).
- ANL's video channel, with lots of reactor videos
- miSci's video channel, which has lots of old GE videos
- Large catalog of Russian nuclear films