title | description | author | layout | date | byline | image |
Energy flow diagram |
Primordial origins of all energy sources |
nick |
default |
2020-06-03 |
true |
/img/energy-flow-sm.jpg |
This diagram roughly shows the origin of energy we can use to help us do stuff.
Most items are individually clickable to give you more info (mostly Wikipedia links).
UPDATE: This was remixed by @OperadorNuclear really well.
{% include_relative energy-flow.mmd %}
You can download this as a jpg here.
<script type="module"> import mermaid from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/mermaid@10/dist/mermaid.esm.min.mjs"; var config = { startOnLoad: true, htmlLabels: true, flowchart: { curve: "basis", useMaxWidth: true, stroke: "gray", fill: "honeydew", diagramPadding: 3, nodeSpacing: 30, rankSpacing: 30, }, securityLevel: "loose", }; mermaid.initialize(config); </script>