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Principle author: Satoshi Takashima

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GramsG4 propagates particles as they pass through the detector, recording the amount of ionization they deposit in the liquid argon. The next step in modeling the detector is to propagate that ionization to the GRAMS readout.

In theory, one might set up Geant4 to transport each individual electron liberated by ionization to the readout plane. In practice, this would take too long. Instead, we use GramsDetSim to model the drifting of the ionization electrons in the LArTPC.

Note that this program does not model the effects of the readout geometry or electronics. That's handled in a subsequent step.


Like the other GramsSim programs, GramsDetSim uses the options XML file to control its processing. The parameters that control the program are under active development, so it's a good idea to read the file options.xml and pay attention to the comments.

In particular, many of the parameters used in the models described below depend on the choice of units. It's up to you to make sure that that units used for (e.g.,) option birks_kB match the options LengthUnit, TimeUnit, and EnergyUnit at the top of the XML file.

Running GramsDetSim

From your project build directory (see GramsSim/ you can run this program with


This program will read in a file created by the GramsG4 simulation and create a friend tree, adding a column of ElectronClusters data objects, described below. See GramsDataObj/ for a detailed description of "friend trees".

See GramsSim/util/ for a description of how to control the operation of gramsdetsim through the options.xml file and the command line.

Note that the diffusion model (described below) makes use of a random-number generator. If you're running gramsdetsim as part of a cluster of jobs, you probably want to include a random-number seed on the command line as described GramsG4; e.g.,

./gramsdetsim --rngseed=${process}

Detector-response functions

Again recall that the parameters for all of the following functions can be found in the options.xml file.


"Recombination" is a model of the effects of electrons returning to atoms after being liberated through ionization.

As of Sep-2022, the recombination models and parameters used in GramsDetSim are based on these papers:

The specific recombination model is selected by the parameter RecombinationModel in options.xml. That parameters selects between two functional forms:

  • Modified box model

  • Birk's model


  • β', α, AB, and kB are material- and detector-based parameters that must be measured empirically;

  • ε is the electric field;

  • ξ is the effective electric field;

  • ρ is the density of the liquid argon;

  • dE/dx is the ionization energy per unit length.

(Note: Here, dE/dx is the quantity computed in the program code, that is, energy per unit length. In the papers referenced above, dE/dx is the "stopping power", defined as deposited energy divided by material density per unit length. To go from one to the other, (1/ρ)(dE/dx)code = (dE/dx)papers.)

See the options XML file for the values of the individual parameters.


Absorption models the effects of ionized electrons being absorbed by impurities in the liquid argon (such as oxygen and water) as the electrons drift towards the anode of the TPC.

As of Sep-2022, the absorption model in the code is:


  • sdrift = the drift distance between the ionization hit in the TPC to the anode;

  • vdrift = the drift velocity;

  • telec = the electron lifetime in the liquid argon.

vdrift and telec are detector- and material-dependent parameters, whose values are found in the options.xml file.


Diffusion models the spread of the ionization electrons as they drift towards the anode.

The procedure is to convert the ionization energy to a number of electrons. The electrons are grouped into clusters, to save time. Then each cluster is randomly shifted in both the transverse and longitudinal directions of the drift.

The spread of the electron clusters is given by:

where N(a,b) is a normal distribution with a mean of a and a width of b, and DT and DL are parameters supplied in the options.xml file.

This is a sketch of the procedure:

Sketch by Satoshi Takashima of the operation of GramsReadoutSim. Note the separate values for DL and DT, the longitudinal and traverse diffusion respectively.


As you look through the description below, consult the GramsDataObj/include directory for the header files. These are the files that define the methods for accessing the values stored in this object. Documentation may be inaccurate; the code is actual definition. If it helps, a std::map is a container whose elements are stored in (key,value) pairs. If you're familiar with Python, they're similar to dicts.

Sketch of the grams::ElectronClusters data object.

The grams::ElectronClusters data object contains all of the electron-cluster information for an event. ElectronClusters is a map containing grams::ElectronCluster objects.

The value of "ClusterID" is completely arbitrary. It's assigned within GramsDetSim for purposes of "backtracking" through the GramsSim analysis chain. In particular, do not assume any kind of time ordering based on ClusterID; ClusterID==0 does not imply that it's the first or earliest electron cluster created for a hit.

GramsDetSim groups electrons into clusters whose size is given by the ElectronClusterSize parameter in options.xml. There are usually some electrons remaining, which are assigned to the last cluster for a given HitID. This means that if you examine the sequence of grams::ElectronCluster objects for a given HitID, the energy and numElectrons fields will be the same for all but the last one in the sequence; that cluster contains the remaining electrons after the total number of electrons is divided into groups of size ElectronClusterSize.

The position field within grams::ElectronCluster contains the (x,y,t) values of the cluster at the readout anode, in units given by the parameters in the <global> section of options.xml. The z-coordinate is the exception; since its value would always be 0 (the origin of the z-axis in the detector geometry is the anode), instead position.Z() contains the z-position of the cluster when it was first generated.

Design note

It's reasonable to ask why the functions of GramsDetSim, GramsReadoutSim, and GramsElecSim are in three separate programs.

Functionally, each of these programs relates to a different aspect of an experiment's simulation:

  • GramsDetSim relates to the physics of charge transport in the detector.

  • GramsReadoutSim relates to the geometry of the readout anode.

  • GramsElecSim relates to the design of the data-acquisition electronics.

Experience has taught us that for the purpose of planning, testing, studies, and maintenance, it's best to have these functions in separate programs, rather than one large program.