This directory contains the compiler job templates.
These templates, file type .JESI
, are used by
to generate
from a meta-jcl .JES
file a ready to run jcl job. The templates provide
a standardized interface to the stored procedures in SYSx.PROCLIB
define variables which can be overridden from the .JES
file. The
set of variables is compiler specific, the common ones are
Variable | Function |
JOB | job name |
JOBPOS | job card positional parameters |
JOBEXT | job extra parameters |
CLASS | job class |
MSGCLASS | message class |
MSGLEVEL | message level |
REGION | job memory |
TIME | job time limit |
PRTY | job priority |
DDSRC | source file |
DDDAT | data file |
PARMC | compile step PARM |
PARML | linker step PARM |
OUTLIM | go step SYSPRINT limit |
The following compilers are supported
Compiler ID | JESI | called PROC | Comment |
a60 | job_a60_clg | ALGOFCLG | |
asm | job_asm_clg | ASMFCLG | |
cob | job_cob_clg | COBUCLG | |
forg | job_forg_clg | FORTGCLG | |
forh | job_forh_clg | FORTHCLG | OPT=2 |
forw | job_forw_clg | WATFIV | |
gcc | job_gcc_clg | GCCCLG | -O3 |
jcc | job_jcc_clg | JCCCLG | |
pas | job_pas_clg | PASCLG | |
pli | job_pli_clg | PL1LFCLG | OPT=2 |
sim | job_sim_clg | SIMCLG |