This directory contains the source codes and input parameter files. The available Language-Case combinations are
Language | hewo | sine | soep | soeq | towh | mcpi |
Algol 60 | a60 | a60 | a60 | -- | a60 | a60 |
Assembler | asm | todo | asm | asm | asm | asm |
C | cc | cc | cc | cc | cc | cc |
COBOL | cob | todo | todo | -- | todo | todo |
FORTRAN-4 | for | for | for | -- | for | for |
Pascal | pas | pas | pas | pas | pas | pas |
PL/I | pli | pli | pli | pli | pli | pli |
Simula | sim | sim | sim | -- | sim | sim |
The links in the header row point to the description of the test case, the links in the table body to the individual source codes.
The jobs are in the jobs directory, see README for the Case - Job Type table and the Compiler - Case maxtrix which also a includes a list of known issues.