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HTML Data for WET

krisaston edited this page Jul 10, 2012 · 27 revisions

Table of Contents


Explore how best to implement HTML data (e.g., Microdata, RDFa Core 1.1 - W3C, RDFa Lite 1.1 - W3C, etc.) in WET, including applying HTML data to the core template as well as different page types (e.g., news releases, contact us pages, proactive disclosure pages).
Twitter hashtag: #WxtHTMLdata

What it this?

The Web has evolved in such a way that metadata is now being applied to component pieces on Web pages and Web applications, rather than metadata applied to entire Web pages.

Web metadata has been mandatory in the GC since 1996. The Standard on Metadata mandates the use of Dublin Core metadata, and the Standard on Web Interoperability mandates the use of HTML data.

Why is this important?

One of the ways this component metadata is used by search engines to provide refined search results.

WET templates are being created for different aspects and components of GC websites, such as proactive disclosure pages. GC websites also have procurement and contract pages, RFP pages, search results, contact us pages, and other types of pages on which component metadata could be leveraged.

The goals of this session are to:

  1. build requirements for HTML data into WET templates in order to facilitate the mandatory implementation
  2. develop WET templates with common metadata and attributes (fields & for each field, data type & format) for various types of pages, e.g. Proactive Disclosure, Contact Us, Search Results.
  3. explore HTML data-related projects for the Web Interoperability WG
The results of this activity is to:
  1. deliver a Proactive Disclosure template with common metadata and attributes (fields & for each field, data type & format)
  2. develop projects the forthcoming Web Interoperability WG will take on


This is a two-part activity with a mix of brainstorm talk and tech:

1. Brainstorming on HTML data-related projects that the Web Interoperability WG will take on. Project ideas to date:

  • Investigate and test HTML data extraction tools
  • Optimize the use of metadata in the head & body section of pages
  • What HTML data syntax should the GC use? Why? Pros & Cons.
HTML Microdata - W3C
RDFa Core 1.1 - W3C
RDFa Lite 1.1 - W3C
  • What HTML data schemas should the GC use? Why? For what pages? Pros & Cons.
  • What HTML data should be applied to other page types (e.g., news pages, contact us)
Using the Web Usability standard Web Page Types, developing HTML data and attributes for the GC Standard Page types
  • ... other ideas ...
2. Develop a common Proactive Disclosure template with HTML data (microdata) metadata elements and attributes. Some work has already been done on this: DRAFT Proactive Disclosure Common Schema

Departments have implemented Proactive Disclosure pages differently. First discussion point is to review departmental pages and discuss how they can be streamlined and made more consistent. Examples:


Participate! This collaborative activity is a mix of talk and technical, so conceptual thinkers, developers and everyone in-between is welcome to help work on developing HTML data in the GC.

Local collaborators:

Remote collaborators:


  • Below is the discussion transcript from Twiddla:
HTML Data Discussion from Twiddla


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