webpack 打包后生成很多小文件怎么优化? 问题 https://segmentfault.com/q/1010000039159663/ 几KB的小文件太多了,会影响浏览器加载资源 Chrome has a limit of 6 connections per host name, and a max of 10 connections. This essentially means that it can handle 6 requests at a time coming from the same host, and will handle 4 more coming from another host at the same time.
答案 LimitChunkCountPlugin https://webpack.docschina.org/plugins/limit-chunk-count-plugin#root
new webpack.optimize.LimitChunkCountPlugin({
maxChunks: 5,
minChunkSize: 1000
const webpack = require('webpack')
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
maxChunks:5, // 必须大于或等于 1
minChunkSize: 10000
mini-css-extract-plugin插件快速入门 https://juejin.cn/post/6844903826630115335