diff --git a/developers/weaviate/feature-coverage.md b/developers/weaviate/feature-coverage.md
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+title: Weaviate Features & Resources
+## Installation & Deployment
+| Feature | Guide | Other |
+| ------- | ------ | -------- |
+| AWS Marketplace | [AWS Marketplace](/developers/weaviate/installation/aws-marketplace) | - |
+| Docker | [Docker](/developers/weaviate/installation/docker-compose) | [Quickstart - locally hosted](/developers/weaviate/quickstart/local) |
+| Kubernetes | [Kubernetes](/developers/weaviate/installation/kubernetes) | - |
+| Embedded Weaviate | [Embedded Weaviate](/developers/weaviate/installation/embedded) | - |
+| Google Cloud Marketplace | [Google Cloud Marketplace](/developers/weaviate/installation/gc-marketplace) | - |
+| Snowpark Container Services (SPCS) | [Snowpark Container Services (SPCS)](/developers/weaviate/installation/spcs-integration) | - |
+| Weaviate Cloud | [Weaviate Cloud](/developers/weaviate/installation/weaviate-cloud-services) | [Quickstart](/developers/weaviate/quickstart) |
+## Search & Querying
+| Feature | How-to | Tutorial | Reference | Concepts | Other |
+| ------- | ------ | -------- |---------- |--------- | ----- |
+| Vector similarity search | [Vector similarity search](/developers/weaviate/search/similarity) | [Queries in detail [OUTDATED]](/developers/weaviate/tutorials/query) | [Search operators - Vector search operators](/developers/weaviate/api/graphql/search-operators#vector-search-operators) | [Vector Search](/developers/weaviate/concepts/search/vector-search) | - |
+| Keyword search | [Keyword search](/developers/weaviate/search/bm25) | - | [Search operators - BM25](/developers/weaviate/api/graphql/search-operators#bm25) | [Keyword search](/developers/weaviate/concepts/search/keyword-search) | - |
+| Image search | [Image search](/developers/weaviate/search/image) | - | [Search operators - MISSING](/developers/weaviate/api/graphql/search-operators#vector-search-operators) | [Vector search - Query vectors](/developers/weaviate/concepts/search/vector-search#query-vectors) | - |
+| Video search | - | - | - | - | - |
+| Hybrid search | [Hybrid search](/developers/weaviate/search/hybrid) | - | [Search operators - hybrid](/developers/weaviate/api/graphql/search-operators#hybrid) | [Hybrid search](/developers/weaviate/concepts/search/hybrid-search) | - |
+| Multiple vectors | [Multiple target vectors](/developers/weaviate/search/multi-vector) | - | [Multiple vectors](/developers/weaviate/config-refs/schema/multi-vector) | [Vector search - Multi-target vector search](developers/weaviate/concepts/search/vector-search#multi-target-vector-search) | - |
+| RAG | [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)](/developers/weaviate/search/generative) | - | [Additional properties (metadata) - generate](developers/weaviate/api/graphql/additional-properties#generate) | - | [Starter Guides - Retrieval augmented generation (RAG)](/developers/weaviate/starter-guides/generative) |
+| Reranking | [Reranking](/developers/weaviate/search/rerank) | - | [Additional properties (metadata) - rerank](/developers/weaviate/api/graphql/additional-properties#rerank) | [Reranking](/developers/weaviate/concepts/reranking) | - |
+| Aggregate | [](/developers/weaviate/search/aggregate) | - | [Aggregate](/developers/weaviate/api/graphql/aggregate) | - | - |
+| Filters | [Filters](/developers/weaviate/search/filters) | - | [Conditional filters](/developers/weaviate/api/graphql/filters) | [Filtering](/developers/weaviate/concepts/filtering) | - |
+| Explore | - | - | [Explore](/developers/weaviate/api/graphql/explore) | - | - |
+| Distance metrics | - | - | [Distance metrics](/developers/weaviate/config-refs/distances) | - | - |
+## Data Management
+| Feature | How-to | Tutorial | Reference | Concepts | Other |
+| ------- | ------ | -------- |---------- |--------- | ----- |
+| Backups | [Backups](/developers/weaviate/configuration/backups) | - | [backups](/developers/weaviate/api/rest#tag/backups) | - | [Blog - Tutorial - Backup and Restore in Weaviate](/blog/tutorial-backup-and-restore-in-weaviate) |
+| Batch import | [Batch import](/developers/weaviate/manage-data/import) | [Imports in detail [OUTDATED]](/developers/weaviate/tutorials/import) | [RESTful API - batch](/developers/weaviate/api/rest#tag/batch) | - | - |
+| Cross-references | [Cross-references](/developers/weaviate/manage-data/cross-references) | [Manage relationships with cross-references](/developers/weaviate/tutorials/cross-references) | - | [Cross-references](/developers/weaviate/concepts/data#cross-references) | - |
+| Data types | - | - | [Data types](/developers/weaviate/config-refs/datatypes) | - | - |
+| Migration (upgrading Weaviate) | - | - | - | - | [Migration](/developers/weaviate/more-resources/migration) |
+| Migrate data | [Migrate data](/developers/weaviate/manage-data/migrate) | - | - | - | - |
+| Multi-tenancy | [Multi-tenancy operations](/developers/weaviate/manage-data/multi-tenancy) | - | - | [Data strcture - Multi-tenancy](/developers/weaviate/concepts/data#multi-tenancy) | - |
+| Replication | [Replication](/developers/weaviate/configuration/replication) | - | - | [Replication Architecture](/developers/weaviate/concepts/replication-architecture) | - |
+| Tenant states | [Manage tenant states & temperature](/developers/weaviate/manage-data/tenant-states)
[Tenant Offloading](/developers/weaviate/configuration/tenant-offloading) | - | - | - | [Starter Guides - Tenant states](/developers/weaviate/starter-guides/managing-resources/tenant-states) |
+## Performance & Indexing
+| Feature | How-to | Tutorial | Reference | Concepts | Other |
+| ------- | ------ | -------- |---------- |--------- | ----- |
+| Quantization | [Product Quantization (PQ)](/developers/weaviate/configuration/compression/pq-compression)
[Binary Quantization (BQ)](/developers/weaviate/configuration/compression/bq-compression)
[Scalar Quantization (SQ)](/developers/weaviate/configuration/compression/sq-compression) | - | - | [Compression (Vector Quantization)](/developers/weaviate/concepts/vector-quantization) | [Starter Guides - Compression](/developers/weaviate/starter-guides/managing-resources/compression) |
+| Vector indexes | - | - | [Vector indexes](/developers/weaviate/config-refs/schema/vector-index) | [Vector Indexing](/developers/weaviate/concepts/vector-index) | - |
+| Inverted indexes | - | - | - | [Indexing - Inverted indexes](/developers/weaviate/concepts/indexing#inverted-indexes) | - |
+| Environment variables | - | - | [Environment variables](/developers/weaviate/config-refs/env-vars) | - | - |
+## Security & Access Control
+| Feature | How-to | Tutorial | Reference | Concepts | Other |
+| ------- | ------ | -------- |---------- |--------- | ----- |
+| Authentication | [Authentication](/developers/weaviate/configuration/authentication) | - | [Environment variables - Authentication and authorization](/developers/weaviate/config-refs/env-vars#authentication-and-authorization) | - | - |
+| Authorization | [Authorization & RBAC](/developers/weaviate/configuration/authorization)
[RBAC Roles](/developers/weaviate/configuration/roles) | - | [Environment variables - Authentication and authorization](/developers/weaviate/config-refs/env-vars#authentication-and-authorization) | - | - |
+## APIs & Interfaces
+| Feature | How-to | Tutorial | Reference | Concepts | Other |
+| ------- | ------ | -------- |---------- |--------- | ----- |
+| GraphQL API | - | - | [Search (GraphQL | gRPC) - GraphQL API](/developers/weaviate/api/graphql#graphql-api) | [Interface / GraphQL](/developers/weaviate/concepts/interface#graphql) | - |
+| RESTful API | - | - | [RESTful API](/developers/weaviate/api/rest) | - | - |
+| gRPC API | - | - | [gRPC](/developers/weaviate/api/grpc) | - | - |
+| Modules | [Modules](/developers/weaviate/configuration/modules) | - | [Modules](/developers/weaviate/modules) | [Modules](/developers/weaviate/concepts/modules) | - |
+| - | - | - | - | - | - |