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🌐 WeAreOpenSource Swift - Beta

📖 Presentation

This project is a Swift stack that can be ran as a standalone FrontEnd. Or in a fullstack with another repo of your choice (ex: Node, Vue).

Quick links :

Our stack Swift is actually in Beta.

💻 Swift / RxSwift / ReactorKit

📦 Technology Overview

Subject Informations
Architecture Layered Architecture : everything is separated in layers, and the upper layers are abstractions of the lower ones, that's why every layer should only reference the immediate lower layer (vertical modules architecture with Services Pattern))
Server / DB Our Node stack.
Reactive RxSwift - ReactorKit
RxOptional - RxDataSources - RxDataSources - RxAppState
Requests Moya - Kingfisher - images, with cookie plugin
Models Validator - Models struct & Validatable
Flow RxFlow
Tools SnapKit - Then - Reusable - ReusableKit
UX Eureka - Toaster - FontAwesome - SwiftSpinner
Logs CocoaLumberjack - LogFormatter services available
CI Travis CI
fastlane & Slather
Linter SwiftLint - SwiftGen
Developer Code Climate
standard-version / semantic-release - commitlint - commitizen - @weareopensource/conventional-changelog
Dependencies SPM
Being released
Testing in development
In reflexion
wip ....

🎉 Features Overview


  • User : classic register / auth or oAuth(microsoft, google) - profile management (update, avatar upload ...)

  • User data privacy : delete all data & account - send all data by mail

  • Tasks : list tasks - get task - add tasks - edit tasks - delete tasks

  • Uploads : get upload stream - add upload - auto delete old via api (ex : image => kingfisher: jwt, styles, cache, or sharp via node api)

  • Notification : example of notificaiton management

📌 Prerequisites

Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:

  • Git - Download & Install Git
  • Xcode (10.x) - Download & Install Xcode
  • HomeBrew - /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • SwiftLint - brew update && brew install swiftlint (swiftlint autocorrect)
  • SwiftGen - brew update && brew install swiftgen

For CI :

💥 Installation

It's straightforward :

git clone && cd Swift
./ --platform iOS --no-use-binaries

🏃 Running Your Application


  • click on play !


  • in develompment


  • lint: swiftlint autocorrect
  • commit : npm run commit
  • release : npm run release -- --first-release standard version, changelog, tag & choose version number : -- --release-as 1.1.1
  • release:auto : GITHUB_TOKEN=XXXXX npm run release:auto semantic release, changelog, tag, release require repositoryUrl conf in package.json


In develompment


  • enable notifications in config/default/development.json
  • Or xcrun simctl push booted me.weareopensoruce.vue.testing example.apn (on simulator launched)
  • Or xcrun simctl push XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX me.weareopensoruce.vue.testing example.apn (xx => device token)
  • Or drag and drop example.apns on device
  • article

✏️ Contribute

📜 History

This work is based on MEAN.js and more precisely on a fork of the developers named Riess.js. The work being stopped we wished to take it back, we want to create updated stack with same mindset "simple", "easy to use". The toolbox needed to start projects, but not only with Node and Angular ...

Today, we dreams to create Backs/Fronts, aligns on feats, in multiple languages, in order to allow anyone to compose fullstack on demand (React, Angular, VusJS, Node, Nest, Swift, Go). Feel free to discuss, share other kind of bricks, and invite whoever you want with this mindset to come help us.

Feel free to help us ! :)

📋 Licence


🔗 Links

Blog Slack Discord Mail