Project time management, billing, and invoice generation.
First download and install pyenv. Use the command:
curl | bash
Next, install Python 3.12 using the command:
pyenv install 3.12.0
Alternatively, you can skip pyenv installation and download python 3.12 or above from the official website and setup a virtualenv as well.
Next, install PyTM from PyPI using
:python -m pip install python-pytm
Check the version by typing the following in your terminal.:
pytm --version
To see the available commands type:
pytm --help
- Start a new project with a default name:
pytm project start
- Start a new project with the given name or, start an existing project:
pytm project start PROJECT_NAME
- Rename a project:
pytm project rename OLD_PROJECT_NAME NEW_NAME
- Remove a project:
pytm project remove PROJECT_NAME
- Check the status of a project:
pytm project status PROJECT_NAME
- Check the list of tasks and duration of a project:
pytm project summary PROJECT_NAME
- Finish active project:
pytm project finish
- Pause active project:
pytm project pause
- Abort active project:
pytm project abort
- Start a new task with a default name in the current active project:
pytm task start
- Start a new task with the given name or existing task in the current active project:
pytm task start TASK_NAME
- Rename a task of the active project:
pytm task rename OLD_TASK_NAME NEW_NAME
- Remove a task:
pytm task remove TASK_NAME
- current task's status:
pytm task status
- Finish active task:
pytm task finish
- Pause active task:
pytm task pause
- Abort active task:
pytm task abort
Configure project, user and invoice info:
pytm config project PROJECT_NAME pytm config user pytm config invoice
Generate Invoice:
pytm invoice auto PROJECT_NAME pytm invoice manual
Check version:
pytm --version pytm -v
Check summary of all the projects:
pytm summary
For a list of all the available commands try:
pytm --help
Clone this repository
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
run the tests:
- Author - Wasi - (wasi0013).
- License - see the LICENSE file.
- Contributing - see CONTRIBUTING.rst for detail. You can also help by creating issues.
- Version - see the tags on this repository.
- Acknowledgments - bootstrapped using this cookiecutter package.
- Built With ❤️ using Python.