diff --git a/index.bs b/index.bs
index 222477c..7b677f1 100644
--- a/index.bs
+++ b/index.bs
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ The {{LargestContentfulPaint/url}} attribute must return the value of thisget an element algorithm with element and null as inputs.
-Note: The above algorithm defines that an element that is no longer descendant of the {{Document}} will no longer be returned by {{LargestContentfulPaint/element}}'s attribute getter, including elements that are inside a shadow DOM.
+Note: The above algorithm defines that an element that is no longer a [=tree/descendant=] of the {{Document}} will no longer be returned by {{LargestContentfulPaint/element}}'s attribute getter, including elements that are inside a shadow DOM.
This specification also extends {{Document}} by adding to it a largest contentful paint size concept, initially set to 0.
It also adds an associated content set, which is initially an empty set. The [=content set=] will be filled with ({{Element}}, {{Request}}) tuples. This is used for performance, to enable the algorithm to only consider each content once.
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ Modifications to the DOM specification {#sec-modifications-DOM}
Right after step 1, we add the following step:
- * If |target|'s [=relevant global object=] is a {{Window}} object, event's {{Event/type}} is {{scroll}} and its {{Event/isTrusted}} is true, set |target|'s [=relevant global object=]'s [=has dispatched scroll event=] to true.
+ * If |target|'s [=relevant global object=] is a {{Window}} object, event's {{Event/type}} is {{Document/scroll}} and its {{Event/isTrusted}} is true, set |target|'s [=relevant global object=]'s [=has dispatched scroll event=] to true.
Modifications to the HTML specification {#sec-modifications-HTML}