Releases: vrogier/ocilib
Releases · vrogier/ocilib
Fixes (C API)
- Issue #60: Fixed bug introduced in v4.3.0 related to binding arrays of big ints
- Issue #64: Fixed structure size computation for Object members that are Objects
- Issue #65: Fixed Binding null/non initialized OCI_Number
- Issue #68: Fixed OCI_Execute() behavior with PL/SQL "select into" and no data found
Fixes (C++ API)
- Issue #63: Added cstddef header in ocilib_core.hpp as on some platforms/compiler versions, it was reported as needed
- Issue #67: Fixed memory leak when using Number objects
- Request #66: Increased value of OCI_BIND_MAX from 1024 to 65535
New Features
* Added NUMBER SQL type native wrapping
- Optional type as NUMBER type can still be fetched/binded using regular C native numeric types
- New OCI_Number type can be used when precision matters or for dealing with special values such as positive and negative infinity
- C API :
Added OCI_NUM_NUMBER numeric type
Added OCI_Number type
Added OCI_NumberCreate()
Added OCI_NumberFree()
Added OCI_NumberArrayCreate()
Added OCI_NumberArrayFree()
Added OCI_NumberAssign()
Added OCI_NumberGetContent()
Added OCI_NumberSetContent()
Added OCI_NumberSetValue()
Added OCI_NumberGetValue()
Added OCI_NumberAdd()
Added OCI_NumberSub()
Added OCI_NumberMultiply()
Added OCI_NumberDivide()
Added OCI_NumberCompare()
Added OCI_GetNumber()
Added OCI_GetNumber2()
Added OCI_BindNumber()
Added OCI_BindArrayOfNumbers()
Added OCI_RegisterNumber()
Added OCI_NumberFromText()
Added OCI_NumberToText()
Added OCI_ElemGetNumber()
Added OCI_ElemSetNumber()
Added OCI_ObjectGetNumber()
Added OCI_ObjectSetNumber()
- C++ API:
Added ocilib::Number type encapsulating the C API OCI_Number type
This new type comes with all possible operator overloads for better usability
* OCI_ObjectGetString(): Fixed usage of internal temporary buffers
* OCI_FileRead(): Return value was not the correct one
* OCI_PoolGetConnection() : was returning NULL connections for session pool using external credentials
* OCI_StringGetFromType() : Fixed segfault when converting CLOBs (with length > to 512) to UTF8 strings in OCI_GetString() if an UTF8 charset is used
* Fix indicators usage for collections : OCI_IsNull() always returned FALSE even if fetched collection was NULL
* Fix compilation under C compilers not supporting C99 feature allowing declaring variables anywhere in blocks
* C API: Added OCI_GetDataSize() and OCI_GetDataSize2()
* C API: Major internal code re-factoring
- Code factorization
- Replaced verbose macros with more compact ones
- Code base reduced by few thousands lines of code
- Fixed some error handling logic
* C++ API:
- Rewrote iterators for ocilib::Collection<>
- Collection Iterators are now random iterators allowing Collections being used with STL algorithms such as std::sort()
- Added Collection const_iterators
- Addressed various code analysis hints
- Added C++ compiler capabilities detection (C+11)
* Updated samples in folder /demo
- dded required DDL and DML for all samples
- Updated some samples
* Re-licensing OCILIB to Apache License Version 2.0 instead of LGPL 2.1: this is merely for overcoming the static linkage issue of the LGPL V2.1
* C++ API: Fixed memory leak caused by Statement::Bind() with non scalar types when Connection objects are closed before their child Statement objects get out of scope
* C++ API: Fixed minor compilation warnings
* C API: Compilation was broken when targeting Oracle 8i
* C API: PL/SQL statements starting with keyword "CALL" where not identified as PL/SQL commands and thus output bind buffers were not updated accordingly
* C API: OCI_Execute() ignored custom fetch and prefetch values with Oracle clients >= 9.2
* C API: OCI_ElemSetString() caused memory retention when dealing repetitively with string attributes
* C API: OCI_Cleanup() leaked of few bytes
* C API: OCI_BindLob() caused access violation when binding CLOB/BLOB to PL/SQL OUT parameters using OCI_BDM_OUT bind direction mode
* C API: OCI_DirPathSetEntry() may passed Wrong SQL type passed to OCI_NumberFromString() for some numeric columns
* C API: OCI_GetLastError() wWas not reporting errors/warnings after the following calls: OCI_FetchPrev(), OCI_FetchNext(), OCI_FetchFirst() and OCI_FetchLast()
* C API: OCI_MemRealloc() may manipulate dandling pointers
* C API: Fixed some usage of OCI_BIND_CALL() macro
* C API: OCI_ObjectGettring(): When the attribute type was not a string, the application error handler
was called with error code OCI_ERR_ATTR_NOT_FOUND and then the method was converting the attribute to a string without problem as expected.
* Added "Environment Variables" section in the C API documentation
* C++ API: Added silent parameter to Date::Date()
* C API: Fetch and Prefetch values are not reset any more to default values when statement is re-prepared
* C API: Added support for specific environment variables: Now specific documented environment variables can be set for activating
experimental or optional behaviours mostly for implementing workaround for Oracle Bugs.
* C API: Added experimental workaround for unsolved Oracle OCI bug #9838993 using the environment variable "OCILIB_WORKAROUND_UTF16_COLUMN_NAME"
New Features:
Implemented Oracle 12c extended support for PL/SQL types
* Support for PL/SQL boolean, records and index by tables
* These types can be now used in binding calls
* C API: PL/SQL records can now be used using OCI_Object
* C API: PL/SQL Index by tables can now be used using OCI_Coll
* C API: PL/SQL boolean can be used using boolean C type
* C API: Added OCI_BindBoolean()
* C API: Added OCI_ElemSetBoolean(), OCI_ElemGetBoolean()
* C API: Added OCI_ObjectSetBoolean(), OCI_ObjectGetBoolean()
* C API: OCI_TypeInfoGet() supports now records these PL/SQL types
* C API: Added collection type OCI_COLL_INDEXED_TABLE
* C API: Added data type OCI_CDT_BOOLEAN
* C++ API: PL/SQL records can now be used using ocilib::Object
* C++ API: PL/SQL Index by tables can now be used using ocilib::Collection<T>
* C++ API: PL/SQL boolean can be used using bool C++ type
* C++ API: Added template specializations for supporting PL/SQL boolean using C++ bool in the following calls:
- ocilib::Statement::Bind()
- ocilib::Object::Get()
- ocilib::Object::Set()
* C++ API: Added ocilib::Collection<T> specializations for supporting bool data type
* C++ API: Added ocilib::TypeBoolean
* C++ API: Added ocilib::Collection::IndexedTable
* C++ API: Added internal core class ocilib::BindTypeAdaptor<T1, T2>
Added Memory usage information
* C API: Added OCI_GetAllocatedBytes
* C++ API: Added ocilib::Environment::GetAllocatedBytes()
* C++ API: Added ocilib::Environment::OracleClientBytes, ocilib::Environment::OcilibBytes, ocilib::Environment::AllBytes
Added Session Max Cursor information
* C API: Added OCI_GetMaxCursors()
* C++ API: Added ocilib::Connection::GetMaxCursors()
C++ API:: Enhanced pre/post statement execution check for binds
* Before execution, bind buffers are only updated from host variables if Bind Direction has the ocilib::BindInfo::In flag
* After execution, host variables are only updated from bind buffers if Bind Direction has the ocilib::BindInfo::Out flag
* C API: Fixed OCI_GetLastError() that returned NULL after OCI_Initialize() if OCI shared lib cannot be loaded
* C API: Fixed OCI_ColumnGetSQLType() that has its break statements within the switch removed by mistake leading to return "?" in all cases
* C API: Fixed OCI_ElemSetXXX() where XXX is a numeric type
* C API: Fixed OCI_IterFree() when dealing with numbers
* C API: Fixed Memory retention in local OCI objects cache when calling OCI_ObjectFree(): Objects indicator structures were not freed until calling OCI_Cleanup()
* C API: Fixed OCI_ElemSetXXX() for numeric types when element is created using OCI_ElemCreate() instead of being retrieved with OCI_IterGetPrev() or OCI_IterGetNext()
* C API: When OCI_SubscriptionRegister() failed, the input connection was freed leading the caller to hold a dangling pointer to the connection handle
* C API: Fixed comparison call in OCI_TimestampCompare()
* C API: Fixed alignment computation in OCI_GetStruct()
* C API: Fixed alignment computation in OCI_ObjectGetUserStructSize()
* C API: Fixed compilation under compilers that require variable to be declared at the beginning of blocks (example : VS2010)
* C API: Fixed minor internal bugs and issues
* C++ API: ocilib::HandleHolder<T>::Acquire() => Made sure that a smart handle is not allocated if the input C handle is NULL (even if it shall not happen as the C API must raise an error if it cannot return a valid handle)
* C++ API: ocilib::HandleHolder<T>::SmartHandle::~SmartHandle() => the C API handle free function is now called only if the handle is not NULL
* C++ API: Fixed compilation error when using OCI_CHARSET_WIDE
* C++ API: Fixed ocilib::Raw binding when using OCI_CHARSET_WIDE
* C++ API: Fixed ocilib::BindArray::BindArrayObject<Raw, unsigned char>::SetInData()
* C++ API: Fixed binding array of Blobs
* C++ API: Fixed binding array of Raw
* Doxygen documentation: Added C and C++ data types mappings documentation page
* Removed references to
* Minor internal code changes to fixing hypothetical issues found by code analysis (CppCheck)
* Fixed some typos and formatting issues