diff --git a/pyVim/context.py b/pyVim/context.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42b1af15f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyVim/context.py
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+# VMware vSphere Python SDK
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+__author__ = "VMware, Inc."
+import logging
+from pyVim import connect
+class Connection():
+ """
+ A context connection object for use with pyVmomi that is thread-safe and multi-processor safe.
+with context.Connection(host='my_host', pwd='my_password') as si:
+ content = si.RetrieveContent()
+ container = content.rootFolder # starting point to look into
+ viewType = [vim.VirtualMachine] # object types to look for
+ recursive = True # whether we should look into it recursively
+ containerView = content.viewManager.CreateContainerView(
+ container, viewType, recursive)
+ children = containerView.view
+ for child in children:
+ print("VM Name: ", child.summary.config.name)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=443, user='root', pwd='',
+ service="hostd", adapter="SOAP", namespace=None, path="/sdk",
+ version=None, keyFile=None, certFile=None, thumbprint=None,
+ sslContext=None, b64token=None, mechanism='userpass'):
+ """
+ Most values are optional. Specify the minimum values for your use case.
+ :param host: default 'localhost' specify your host here
+ :param port: default '443' specify only if different
+ :param user: default 'root' specify only if needed
+ :param pwd: default '' specify only if different
+ :param service: defaults to 'hostd' specify only if you need to
+ :param adapter: defaults to SOAP specify only if required to do so
+ :param namespace: default will be calculated on connection
+ :param path: defaults to /sdk only specify if you must
+ :param version: default calculates the highest version number SDK + Host can use together
+ :param keyFile: specify only if using self-signed PEM key files
+ :param certFile: specify only if using self-signed certs
+ :param thumbprint: specify only if overriding based on known SSL thumbprints
+ :param sslContext: specify only if you are overriding default SSL context behaviors
+ :param b64token: specify if you have a Token such as the HoK Token
+ :param mechanism: specify as either 'userpass' or 'sspi'
+ """
+ self.si = None
+ self.open_count = 0
+ self.host = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.user = user
+ self.pwd = pwd
+ self.service = service
+ self.adapter = adapter
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ self.path = path
+ self.version = version
+ self.keyFile = keyFile
+ self.certFile = certFile
+ self.thumbprint = thumbprint
+ self.sslContext = sslContext
+ self.b64token = b64token
+ self.mechanism = mechanism
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.open_count += 1
+ if self.si is not None:
+ return self.si
+ self.si = open(host=self.host, port=self.port, user=self.user, pwd=self.pwd, service=self.service,
+ adapter=self.adapter, namespace=self.namespace, path=self.path, version=self.version,
+ keyFile=self.keyFile, certFile=self.certFile, thumbprint=self.thumbprint,
+ sslContext=self.sslContext, b64token=self.b64token, mechanism=self.mechanism)
+ return self.si
+ def __exit__(self, *args):
+ if (self.open_count == 1):
+ close(self.si)
+ self.si = None
+ self.open_count -= 1
+ return
+def open(host='localhost', port=443, user='root', pwd='',
+ service="hostd", adapter="SOAP", namespace=None, path="/sdk",
+ version=None, keyFile=None, certFile=None, thumbprint=None,
+ sslContext=None, b64token=None, mechanism='userpass'):
+ """
+ Parallel processing friendly version of connect creates a new service instance on each call. This means you have
+ to be very careful to close the session in your process or else you will create orphaned sessions on the server.
+ :param host: vSphere host to connect to
+ :param port: port number if not 443
+ :param user: username if not root
+ :param pwd: password if not blank
+ :param service: service name if not hostd
+ :param adapter: adapter type if not SOAP
+ :param namespace: namespace if not None or global default namespace
+ :param path: if not the default /sdk specify here
+ :param version: specify a version if not the server's default
+ :param keyFile: specify a special SSL key file here
+ :param certFile: specify a special cert file here
+ :param thumbprint: allow a thumbprint override
+ :param sslContext: or ... optionally define an SSL context
+ :param b64token: or ... define a base 64 key token (ie: HOK token)
+ :param mechanism: either the default username/password as 'userpass' or 'sspi'
+ :return: your own copy of a session instance ... remember to close when finished!
+ """
+ logging.debug("opening connection to vsphere")
+ try:
+ info = connect.re.match(connect._rx, host)
+ if info is not None:
+ host = info.group(1)
+ if host[0] == '[':
+ host = info.group(1)[1:-1]
+ if info.group(2) is not None:
+ port = int(info.group(2)[1:])
+ except ValueError as ve:
+ logging.info(ve)
+ pass
+ sslContext = connect.localSslFixup(host, sslContext)
+ if namespace:
+ assert (version is None)
+ version = connect.versionMap[namespace]
+ elif not version:
+ version = "vim.version.version6"
+ logging.debug("debug racksim.tools.async.open: active version = %(version)s", version=version)
+ si, stub = None, None
+ if mechanism == 'userpass':
+ si, stub = connect.__Login(host, port, user, pwd, service, adapter, version, path,
+ keyFile, certFile, thumbprint, sslContext)
+ elif mechanism == 'sspi':
+ si, stub = connect.__LoginBySSPI(host, port, service, adapter, version, path,
+ keyFile, certFile, thumbprint, sslContext, b64token)
+ else:
+ raise Exception('''The provided connection mechanism is not available, the
+ supported mechanisms are userpass or sspi''')
+ logging.debug("debug racksim.tools.async.open: connection complete.")
+ return si
+def close(si):
+ """
+ :param si: the session instance aka connection instance
+ :return:
+ """
+ logging.debug("disconnecting connection session key %(key)s", key=si.content.sessionManager.currentSession.key)
+ try:
+ if si:
+ content = si.RetrieveContent()
+ content.sessionManager.Logout()
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.exception("Logout action returned error: %s", e)
+ pass
+ logging.debug("disconnected session")
+ return
diff --git a/tests/__init__.py b/tests/__init__.py
index f79f51dd2..43031ec64 100644
--- a/tests/__init__.py
+++ b/tests/__init__.py
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
import logging
import os
import socket
+import ssl
import unittest
import vcr
@@ -46,3 +47,8 @@ def setUp(self):
vcr_log = logging.getLogger('vcr')
+sslContext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23)
+sslContext.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
+test_pwd = 'my_password'
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/test_context_connection.yaml b/tests/fixtures/test_context_connection.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2021ef05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fixtures/test_context_connection.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,734 @@
+- request:
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+ '
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
+ \n"}
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+ <_this type="SessionManager">ha-sessionmgrrootmy_password
+ '
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+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\n52667dc1-bfaf-1791-a39e-d1b23de5af60rootAdministrator2017-02-11T01:55:56.888269Z2017-02-11T01:55:56.888267Zenen\n\
+ \n"}
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+ '
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+ User-Agent: [pyvmomi]
+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
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+ '
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+ User-Agent: [pyvmomi]
+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nServiceInstancecontentha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
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+ '
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+ User-Agent: [pyvmomi]
+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-sessionmgrsessionList5254706f-2fc8-8955-a217-0f810bc79b19root2017-02-07T01:28:43.562041Z2017-02-11T01:52:52.452192Zenen52667dc1-bfaf-1791-a39e-d1b23de5af60rootAdministrator2017-02-11T01:55:56.888269Z2017-02-11T01:55:56.977631Zenen52f75b35-b3c9-966c-5c22-dbabaa047f4edcui2017-02-07T01:30:02.050752Z2017-02-11T01:55:01.886166Zenen\n\
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+ '
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+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
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+ response:
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+ \n"}
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+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
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+ \n\nServiceInstancecontentha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
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+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
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+ \n"}
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+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nServiceInstancecontentha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
+ \n"}
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+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-sessionmgrcurrentSession52f82dd1-ecbf-7637-5c72-dbd63d0b7817rootAdministrator2017-02-11T01:55:57.027141Z2017-02-11T01:55:57.129198Zenen\n\
+ \n"}
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+ User-Agent: [pyvmomi]
+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
+ \n"}
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+- request:
+ body: !!python/unicode '
+ <_this type="SessionManager">ha-sessionmgr
+ '
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+ \n\nServiceInstancecontentha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
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+ \n\nha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
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+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
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+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
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+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
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+ date: ['Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:55:57 GMT']
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+- request:
+ body: !!python/unicode '
+ <_this type="PropertyCollector">ha-property-collectorServiceInstancefalsecontentServiceInstancefalse1
+ '
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+ User-Agent: [pyvmomi]
+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nServiceInstancecontentha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
+ \n"}
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+- request:
+ body: !!python/unicode '
+ <_this type="PropertyCollector">ha-property-collectorSessionManagerfalsecurrentSessionha-sessionmgrfalse1
+ '
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+ Cookie: [vmware_soap_session="84a4e8dba23fe0c026ac24099695ba3cd41317da"; Path=/;
+ HttpOnly; Secure;]
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+ User-Agent: [pyvmomi]
+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-sessionmgrcurrentSession5229fb84-df74-3906-4382-7b3c74512a05rootAdministrator2017-02-11T01:55:57.431755Z2017-02-11T01:55:57.589963Zenen\n\
+ \n"}
+ headers:
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+ date: ['Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:55:57 GMT']
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: !!python/unicode '
+ <_this type="ServiceInstance">ServiceInstance
+ '
+ headers:
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+ Content-Type: [text/xml; charset=UTF-8]
+ Cookie: [vmware_soap_session="84a4e8dba23fe0c026ac24099695ba3cd41317da"; Path=/;
+ HttpOnly; Secure;]
+ SOAPAction: ['"urn:vim25/4.1"']
+ User-Agent: [pyvmomi]
+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
+ \n"}
+ headers:
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+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: !!python/unicode '
+ <_this type="SessionManager">ha-sessionmgr
+ '
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+ Cookie: [vmware_soap_session="84a4e8dba23fe0c026ac24099695ba3cd41317da"; Path=/;
+ HttpOnly; Secure;]
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+ User-Agent: [pyvmomi]
+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\n\n\
+ \n"}
+ headers:
+ cache-control: [no-cache]
+ connection: [Keep-Alive]
+ content-length: ['378']
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+ date: ['Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:55:57 GMT']
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: !!python/unicode '
+ <_this type="PropertyCollector">ha-property-collectorServiceInstancefalsecontentServiceInstancefalse1
+ '
+ headers:
+ Accept-Encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ Content-Type: [text/xml; charset=UTF-8]
+ Cookie: [vmware_soap_session="7432ae5468bc13343e979b7b916c091d3715b451"; Path=/;
+ HttpOnly; Secure;]
+ SOAPAction: ['"urn:vim25/4.1"']
+ User-Agent: [pyvmomi]
+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nServiceInstancecontentha-folder-rootha-property-collectorViewManagerVMware ESXiVMware\
+ \ ESXi 6.0.0 build-2715440VMware, Inc.6.0.02715440INTL000vmnix-x86embeddedEsxHostAgent6.0VMware\
+ \ ESX Server6.0HostAgentSettingsha-user-directoryha-sessionmgrha-authmgrha-perfmgrha-eventmgrha-taskmgrha-localacctmgrha-diagnosticmgrha-license-managerha-searchindexha-nfc-file-managerha-vdiskmanagerha-ovf-managerha-dvsmanagerha-l10n-managerha-storage-resource-manager\n\
+ \n"}
+ headers:
+ cache-control: [no-cache]
+ connection: [Keep-Alive]
+ content-length: ['2461']
+ content-type: [text/xml; charset=utf-8]
+ date: ['Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:55:57 GMT']
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+- request:
+ body: !!python/unicode '
+ <_this type="PropertyCollector">ha-property-collectorSessionManagerfalsesessionListha-sessionmgrfalse1
+ '
+ headers:
+ Accept-Encoding: ['gzip, deflate']
+ Content-Type: [text/xml; charset=UTF-8]
+ Cookie: [vmware_soap_session="7432ae5468bc13343e979b7b916c091d3715b451"; Path=/;
+ HttpOnly; Secure;]
+ SOAPAction: ['"urn:vim25/4.1"']
+ User-Agent: [pyvmomi]
+ method: POST
+ uri: https://esxi00/sdk
+ response:
+ body: {string: !!python/unicode "\n\
+ \n\nha-sessionmgrsessionList5254706f-2fc8-8955-a217-0f810bc79b19root2017-02-07T01:28:43.562041Z2017-02-11T01:52:52.452192Zenen52667dc1-bfaf-1791-a39e-d1b23de5af60rootAdministrator2017-02-11T01:55:56.888269Z2017-02-11T01:55:57.163271Zenen52c2d001-fba9-3e93-20be-0cdd8a6e3e79rootAdministrator2017-02-11T01:55:57.303258Z2017-02-11T01:55:57.628213Zenen52f75b35-b3c9-966c-5c22-dbabaa047f4edcui2017-02-07T01:30:02.050752Z2017-02-11T01:55:01.886166Zenen\n\
+ \n"}
+ headers:
+ cache-control: [no-cache]
+ connection: [Keep-Alive]
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+ content-type: [text/xml; charset=utf-8]
+ date: ['Sat, 11 Feb 2017 01:55:57 GMT']
+ status: {code: 200, message: OK}
+version: 1
diff --git a/tests/test_context.py b/tests/test_context.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..603a31bd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_context.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# VMware vSphere Python SDK
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2017 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import tests
+from pyVim import connect
+from pyVim import context
+class ContextTests(tests.VCRTestBase):
+ @tests.VCRTestBase.my_vcr.use_cassette('test_context_connection.yaml',
+ cassette_library_dir=tests.fixtures_path,
+ record_mode='once')
+ def test_context_connection(self):
+ session_keys = []
+ outer_si = connect.Connect(host='esxi00', pwd=tests.test_pwd,
+ sslContext=tests.sslContext)
+ for session in outer_si.content.sessionManager.sessionList:
+ session_keys.append(session.key)
+ print(session_keys)
+ with context.Connection(host='esxi00', pwd=tests.test_pwd, sslContext=tests.sslContext) as si:
+ key = si.content.sessionManager.currentSession.key
+ print("Current session key is:\n\t", key, "\n")
+ self.assertNotIn(key, session_keys)
+ leftover_keys = []
+ for session in outer_si.content.sessionManager.sessionList:
+ key = session.key
+ leftover_keys.append(key)
+ self.assertIn(key, session_keys)
+ print("Leftover keys:\n", leftover_keys)
+ @tests.VCRTestBase.my_vcr.use_cassette('test_nested_context_connection.yaml',
+ cassette_library_dir=tests.fixtures_path,
+ record_mode='once')
+ def test_nested_context_connection(self):
+ session_keys = []
+ conn = context.Connection(host='esxi00', pwd=tests.test_pwd, sslContext=tests.sslContext)
+ outer_si = context.open(host='esxi00', pwd=tests.test_pwd, sslContext=tests.sslContext)
+ for session in outer_si.content.sessionManager.sessionList:
+ session_keys.append(session.key)
+ print(session_keys)
+ with conn as si:
+ key = si.content.sessionManager.currentSession.key
+ print("Current session key is:\n\t", key, "\n")
+ self.assertNotIn(key, session_keys)
+ with conn as inner_si:
+ inner_key = inner_si.content.sessionManager.currentSession.key
+ self.assertNotIn(inner_key, session_keys)
+ print("Inner session key is:\n\t", inner_key, "\n")
+ self.assertEqual(key, inner_key)
+ with conn as inner_inner_si:
+ inner_inner_key = inner_inner_si.content.sessionManager.currentSession.key
+ self.assertNotIn(inner_inner_key, session_keys)
+ print("Inner inner session key is:\n\t", inner_key, "\n")
+ self.assertEqual(key, inner_inner_key)
+ after_key = si.content.sessionManager.currentSession.key
+ self.assertEqual(key, after_key)
+ leftover_keys = []
+ for session in outer_si.content.sessionManager.sessionList:
+ key = session.key
+ leftover_keys.append(key)
+ self.assertIn(key, session_keys)
+ print("Leftover keys:\n", leftover_keys)