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Connector: handy HTTP-client for 1C:Enterprise 8 platform

Python world has a very popular library working with HTTP requests - Requests (author: Kenneth Reitz). The library allows you to send HTTP requests extremely easily. Literally a single line of your code can receive or send data, not caring about making URL, encoding data etc.

Connector is "Requests" for 1C world.

The original of the library in Russian is here


Main library features:

  • Passing parameters in URLs
  • Working with requests and responses in JSON format
  • Submitting form data (form fields), application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Submitting form data (form fields and files), multipart/form-data
  • GZip compressed response support
  • GZip request body compression
  • Basic, Digest and AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 authentification
  • Auto resolution of redirections
  • Cookies setting and getting
  • Session with state persistance across requests (cookies, authentification и пр.)
  • Reusing HTTPConnection in the session
  • Configurable retries of connection/sending request with exponential latency
  • Mobile platform support
  • And much more


  • 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.10 and higher.
  • Mobile platform (tested version 8.3.15 only)

How to use

To use the library in your code simply copy the HTTPConnector common module to your configuration.

Library's power example

What is so good about the library? Let’s show you an example.

Let's get JSON data using GET request:

This is how it's done using built-in programming language

SecureConnection = New OpenSSLSecureConnection(Undefined, New OSCertificationAuthorityCertificates);
Connection = New HTTPConnection("", 443,,,, 30, SecureConnection);	
Query = New HTTPRequest("/events");
Response = Connection.Get(Query);
Stream = Response.GetBodyAsStream();
Encoding = "utf-8"; // suppose we know that there is such encoding

Reader = New JSONReader;
Reader.OpenStream(Stream, Encoding); // Encoding in response header
Result = ReadJSON(Reader);

This is how it's done using Connector

Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("");

That's all! You will get in Result a deserialized server response from JSON. At the same time:

  • Connector parsed the URL
  • Established secured connection
  • Defined response encoding from headers
  • Deserialized JSON

And this is a simple example enough. All the library's power follows further.

Passing parameters in URLs

Working with request parameters is very easy:

RequestParameters = New Structure;
RequestParameters.Insert("name", StrSplit("John,Doe", ","));
RequestParameters.Insert("salary", Format(100000, "ЧГ="));

Response = HTTPConnector.GetJson("", RequestParameters);	

You can also pass an Array of values for a parameter (see. name).

Request parameters can be set:

  • In URL by hand
  • In RequestParameters parameter
  • Combined both

The result will be the same:

  • Connector will add parameters as key/value pairs in the URL after a question mark
  • Encode URL, using URLEncoding
  • Execute request

You can see that the URL has been correctly encoded by checking the reponse property URL

Response = HTTPConnector.Get("", RequestParameters);

Response.URL -

Custom HTTP headers

In the main scenarios of using the library, headers are generated automatically. Custom headers can be set using AdditionalParameters parameter, property Headers.

Headers = New Map;
Headers.Insert("X-My-Header", "Hello!!!");
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("", Undefined, New Structure("Headers", Headers));

Working with JSON

To make it easier to work with JSON, there are methods: GetJson, PostJson, PutJson, DeleteJson. Requests are sent in JSON format, responses are converted into Map/Structure from JSON.

Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("");
Result = HTTPConnector.PostJson("", New Structure("Title", "HTTPConnector"));
Result = HTTPConnector.PutJson("", New Structure("Title", "HTTPConnector"));
Result = HTTPConnector.DeleteJson("", New Structure("Title", "HTTPConnector"));

Serialization to JSON and deserialization from JSON are configured in parameters of AdditionalParameters.JSONConversionParameters.

Submitting form data

Submitting form data is easy. We transfer (Structure or Map) in POST method and that's all.

Data = New Structure;
Data.Insert("comments", "Knock to the door");
Data.Insert("custemail", "[email protected]");
Data.Insert("custname", "Вася");
Data.Insert("custtel", "112");
Data.Insert("delivery", "20:20");
Data.Insert("size", "medium");
Data.Insert("topping", StrSplit("bacon,mushroom", ","));

Response = HTTPConnector.Post("", Data);

The Data will be encoded, Content-Type header value will be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

Submitting file

To send a file you should create its description and put it to AdditionalParameters.Files parameter.

Files = New Structure;
Files.Insert("Name", "f1");
Files.Insert("FileName", "file1.txt");
Files.Insert("Data", Base64Value("0J/RgNC40LLQtdGCINCc0LjRgCE="));
Files.Insert("Type", "text/plain");

Result = HTTPConnector.Post("", Undefined, New Structure("Files", Files));

The file will be encoded in a request body, Content-Type header value will be set to multipart/form-data.

Submitting files and form data

For submitting form data and files in a single request you should create a description of files and from data and transfer them to AdditionalParameters.Files, AdditionalParameters.Data parameters.

Files = New Array;
Files.Add(New Structure("Name,Data,FileName", "f1", Base64Value("ZmlsZTE="), "file1.txt"));
Files.Add(New Structure("Name,Data,FileName", "f2", Base64Value("ZmlsZTI="), "file2.txt"));

Data = New Structure("field1,field2", "value1", "Значение2");

Result = HTTPConnector.Post("", Undefined, New Structure("Files,Data", Files, Data));

Files and form data will be encoded in a request body, Content-Type header value will be set to multipart/form-data.

Sending arbitrary data

Arbitrary data (String, BinaryData) should be put to Data parameter.

XML = 
"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
|<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="""" xmlns:xsd="""" xmlns:soap="""">
|  <soap:Body>
|    <GetCursOnDate xmlns="""">
|      <On_date>2019-07-05</On_date>
|    </GetCursOnDate>
|  </soap:Body>
Headers = New Map;
Headers.Insert("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
Headers.Insert("SOAPAction", "");
Response = HTTPConnector.Post(
    New Structure("Headers", Headers));

Response content

Methods that do not end with Json, return response as Structure:

  • ExecutionTime - Number - execution response duration in milliseconds
  • Cookies - cookies received from host
  • Headers - HTTP response headers
  • IsPermanentRedirect - permanent redirect flag
  • IsRedirect - redirect flag
  • Encoding - response text encoding
  • Body - response body
  • StatusCode - response status code
  • URL - final request URL

You can get the data from the response in JSON, text or binary data using methods described below.

Reading response as JSON

Method AsJson returns deserialized JSON data of a response.

Result = HTTPConnector.AsJson(HTTPConnector.Get(""));

Reading response as Text

Method AsText returns response data as text.

Result = HTTPConnector.AsText(HTTPConnector.Get(""));

You can set the encoding as an argument. If the encoding argument is undefined, Connector will get its value from response headers.

Reading response as BinaryData

Method AsBinaryData converts response into BinaryData.

Result = HTTPConnector.AsBinaryData(HTTPConnector.Get(""));

Reading XML response as XDTO

Method КакXDTO converts XML response into XDTOObject.

Result = HTTPConnector.КакXDTO(Response);

Request body GZip-encoding

Connector can automatically compress the request body into GZip. To do this you should add the header Content-Encoding = gzip.

Note: the server must be configured appropriately to decompress incoming requests.

Json = New Structure;
Json.Insert("field", "value");
Json.Insert("field2", "value2");
Headers = New Map;
Headers.Insert("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
Result = HTTPConnector.PostJson("", Json, New Structure("Headers", Headers));

Response body GZip-decoding

Connector by default asks the host to encode responses into GZip format.

Note: any response body encoding can be turned off by setting the header Accept-Encoding = identity.

Decoding is perfomed in methods GetJson, PostJson, PutJson, DeleteJson, AsJson, AsText, AsBinaryData.

Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("");


Timeout can be set in AdditionalParameters.Timeout parameter.

Response = HTTPConnector.Get("", Undefined, New Structure("Timeout", 1));

Value by default - 30 sec.


Basic-authentification parameters can be set in AdditionalParameters.authentification parameter.

Authentication = New Structure("User, Password", "user", "pass");
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson(
    New Structure("Authentication", Authentication));

or in URL

Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("https://user:[email protected]/basic-auth/user/pass");


Digest-authentification parameters can be set in AdditionalParameters.authentification parameter. In this case Type must be set to the value Digest.

Authentication = New Structure("User, Password, Type", "user", "pass", "Digest");
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson(
    New Structure("Authentication", Authentication));


AWS4-HMAC-SHA256-authentification parameters can be set in AdditionalParameters.authentification parameter. In this case Type must be set to the value AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 and properties AccessKeyID, SecretKey, Service, Region must be filled.

Authentication = New Structure;
Authentication.Insert("Type", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256");
Authentication.Insert("AccessKeyID", "AKIAU00002SQ4MT");
Authentication.Insert("SecretKey", "MySecretKey");
Authentication.Insert("Region", "ru-central1");
Authentication.Insert("Service", "s3");

File = New BinaryData("my_file.txt");

Headers = New Map;
Headers.Insert("Content-Type", "text/plain");
Headers.Insert("x-amz-meta-author", "Vladimir Bondarevskiy");
Headers.Insert("Expect", "100-continue");

AdditionalParameters = New Structure;
AdditionalParameters.Insert("Headers", Headers);
AdditionalParameters.Insert("Authentication", Authentication);
AdditionalParameters.Insert("Timeout", 300);
Response = HTTPConnector.Put("", File, AdditionalParameters);


Proxy settings can be set in the AdditionalParameters.Proxy parameter.

Proxy = New InternetProxy;
Proxy.Set("http", "", 8192);
Result = HTTPConnector.GetJson("", Undefined, New Structure("Proxy", Proxy));

If your configuration based on SSL, proxy settings will be taken from SSL by default.

Supported HTTP verbs

Such HTTP verbs as GET, OPTIONS, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE have their corresponding methods in Connector. You can send request for any of HTTP verbs calling CallMethod method.


Connector automatically allows redirections by default. Let's try to get a search result from Yandex (

Result = HTTPConnector.Get("", New Structure("q", "how to delete metadata cache infostart"));

What will happen actually while executing this code line:

  • Connector will perform the request to URL
  • Host will require to perform a request with https scheme, i.e. will return the status code 302 and the header Location=
  • Connector will perform the redirect using https scheme
  • Host will require to perform a request with another URL, i.e. will return the status code 302 and the header Location=
  • Connector will perform the redirect to URL
  • Finally, the host will response with html result

Auto redirection can be turned off in the parameter of argument AdditionalParameters.AllowRedirect.

Server SSL certificate verification

The AdditionalParameters.VerifySSL parameter is responsible for server SSL certificate verification and which root certificates to use.

Result = HTTPConnector.Get("", New Structure("VerifySSL", False));

Client certificates

Client certificate can be set in the parameter AdditionalParameters.ClientSSLCertificate.

ClientSSLCertificate = New FileClientCertificate("my_cert.p12", "123");
Result = HTTPConnector.Get("", New Structure("ClientSSLCertificate", ClientSSLCertificate));


Connector extracts cookies from response headers Set-Cookie for future use. Received cookies can be found in a response property Cookies.

You can send custom cookies to the server using the parameter AdditionalParameters.Cookies.

Cookies = New Array;
Cookies.Add(New Structure("Description,Value", "k1", String(New UUID)));
Cookies.Add(New Structure("Description,Value", "k2", String(New UUID)));
Response = HTTPConnector.Get("", Undefined, New Structure("Cookies", Cookies));

Session object

Connector allows you to persist certain parameters across requests using Session object. For this you need:

  • To create a Session object with NewSession method
  • To use the created Session object in every request method

For example, let's try to get a list of updates from the website.

Session = HTTPConnector.NewSession();
Response = HTTPConnector.Get("", Undefined, Undefined, Session);

Data = New Structure;
Data.Insert("execution", ExtractExecution(Response));
Data.Insert("username", Login);
Data.Insert("password", Password);
Data.Insert("_eventId", "submit");
Data.Insert("geolocation", "");
Data.Insert("submit", "Login");
Data.Insert("rememberMe", "on");

Response = HTTPConnector.Post(Response.URL, Data, Undefined, Session);

What will happen:

  • Connector will perform GET request to URL
  • Host will require to perform request to URL
  • Connector will save received cookies and perform GET request to URL
  • Host will return the authorization form
  • We will extract the data from the form and send them to the host together with our login and password
  • Connector will perform POST request and send the form data with previously received cookies
  • Host will verify form parameters and if everything is ok issue a ticket and require to perform the request to
  • Connector will perform GET request to URL and transfer previously received cookies
  • Host will response with html result

Then using Session you can make requests to the server and download updates.

Retry attempts of connection/sending request

Connector can automatically retry connection/request sending attempts with delay. This is useful if:

  • Connection is unstable
  • Host is overloaded and returns 500th codes
  • Host is under maintenance (reboot, configs change, update etc)
  • Host limits the number of requests from the client

You can enable retries using the parameter AdditionalParameters.MaximumNumberOfRetries, setting a value > 0.

Parameter AdditionalParameters.MaximumTimeOfRetries allows you to limit the total time (timeouts + delays between retries). Value by default: 10 min.

Delay duration between attempts:

  • Grows exponentially (1 sec, 2 sec, 4 sec, 8 sec, 16 sec, ...). Can be adjusted by the parameter AdditionalParameters.ExponentialDelayRatio
  • For staus codes 413, 429 or 503 delay duration value is taken from the header Retry-After (duration in seconds or the exact date).

The parameter AdditionalParameters.ToRetryForStatusesCodes allows to set status codes, for which retry attempt should be run. If this parameter is empty, retry attempt will run for all status codes >=500.

AdditionalParameters = New Structure;
AdditionalParameters.Insert("MaximumNumberOfRetries", 5);
AdditionalParameters.Insert("Headers", Headers);
URL = "";
Response = HTTPConnector.Get(URL, Undefined, AdditionalParameters);