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File metadata and controls

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A simple react-redux-saga typescript front-end for Drupal 8 with jsonapi module enabled

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💾 Installation

git clone
cd react-drupal-starter
npm install
npm start

Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

🍩 What it does

  1. Front page - List of article links with:
    • Fields: Title, Image, Tags
    • Pager
    • Tag filter
  2. Article page
  3. Authenticate user
    • Login form
    • Logout button
  4. Post article form with fields:
    • Title
    • image (Drag and Drop )
    • Body
    • Tags (with auto-complete and new tag creation)

🔧 What is using


Functional components with a few hooks


  • store.api: isLoading, browser url parameters, pager data
  • store.user: Drupal response to POST login
  • store.article: Drupal response to GET a single article
  • store.articles: Drupal response to GET list of articles
  • store.articlePost: Form data for POST new article


  • userLoginWatcher: listens for USER_LOGIN_REQUEST action and POST the payload

  • userLogoutWatcher: listens for USER_LOGOUT_REQUEST actionand and POST the payload

  • articlesWatcher: listens for GET_ARTICLES action, fetch articles, dispatch SET_ARTICLES

  • articleWatcher: listens for GET_ARTICLE action, fetch article, dispatch SET_ARTICLE

  • articlePostWatcher: listens for actions and POST the action.payload:

    • POST_TAG

    After the user creates a new tag, he expects the new tag to be included in the selected tags, so after every POST_TAG the saga worker will:

    1. referesh the store.articlePost.vocabulary by dispatching the GET_VOCABULARY action
    2. add the new tag to selected tags at store.articlePost.selected by dispatching the ADD_SELECTED action


Component Path Permisions
<Articles /> /
<Article /> /article/my article public
<UserLogin /> /user/login public
<ArticlePost /> /article/create protected
Protected Menu Item

The component /header/Menu.js uses the /header/LinkPrivate.js component to hide the protected <Link /> from non-authenticated users

Protected Path

The App.js uses the /utils/RouteProtected.js to redirect the non-authenticated users from the protected routes to /user/login

🐛 Debuging

⚠️ FIX: CORS for Drag and Drop image input field

For the react-dropzone-uploader to work with Drupal authentication cookies there is a usefull patch which Add withCredentials property to support CORS requests. For a quick test you can overwrite the working library files with the patched files from /fix directory

cp -rv fix/react-dropzone-uploader/dist node_modules/react-dropzone-uploade

Drupal Backend

💾 Installation

You can use the installation script drupal/ to setup a fresh drupal 8 site ready to work with the react front-end. The script is tested on centos 8 with nginx/php-fpm, it uses composer and drush, and it needs to be run under /var/www dir (/var/www/

For my normal setup on a centos 8 virtualbox machine with nginx/php-fpm, the composer needed at least 4GB of ram and also a smal swap file to play nice without any problems

cp drupal/ /var/www
cd /var/www
./ react-drupal-backend

The script will:

  • use the composer to install a fresh drush 8
  • create settings.php and services.php
  • create a database
  • set filesystem permissions
  • install contributed modules
  • enable contributed modules
  • create manager/1234 user
  • create a directory with the new site at /var/www/react-drupal-backend

The script will install for follwing contributed Modules

  • devel: usefull for devel_generate sub module to generate some demo articles
  • token: used by pathauto module for path alias
  • pathauto: you can request article by path alias instead of id
  • restui: enable Login, Register, Logout endpoints
  • jsonapi_extras: Include count in collection queries
  • jsonapi_include: merge include and relationship data (nodes with images and tags)
  • jsonapi_image_styles: exposes image style urls
  • fieldable_path: get article by url alias
  • pager_serializer: provide the pager links

⚠️ Drupal 8 has a fixed page limit that can be change at:

vi core/modules/jsonapi/src/Query/OffsetPage.php

-  const SIZE_MAX = 50;
+  const SIZE_MAX = 999;

⚠️ NGINX need the following setting in config:

        location @rewrite {
          - rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?q=$1;
          + rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?query_string last;

The project tested with versions:

  • Drupal 8.9.8
  • Drush 10
  • Composer 1.10.13
  • PHP 7.4.12
  • NGINX 1.16.1

🔧 Configure

1. Path alias settings


New Pattern: Article

  • Pattern Type: Content
  • Path pattern: article/[node:title]
  • Content type: Article
  • Label: Article
  • Enabled: [x]

New Pattern: Tags

  • Pattern Type: taxonomy term
  • Path pattern: term/[term:name]
  • Vocabulary: [tags]
  • Label: Term
  • Enabled: [x]

2. Article Node Settings


  • Preview before submittings: [Disable]
  • Fields
    1. Body body
    2. Comments comment
    3. Image field_iamge (set as required)
    4. Path field_path (set as required)
    5. Tags field_tags (set as required for the work of the devel_generate)

3. Generate content


🧪 Test Drupal Endpoints

You can download the postman collection react-drupal-starter.postman_collection.json or use the curl from the console


  • Non authenticated users recieve a different one every time they GET response
  • Authenticated users get the same that already have gotten from the POST Login reqponse
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost/session/token'

GET articles

The part ?include=field_image,field_tags needs the jsponapi_include drupal module

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost/jsonapi/node/article?include=field_image,field_tags

GET articles with tag 'myterm'

The filter part is &

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost/jsonapi/node/article \
?include=field_image,field_tags \
&filter[titleFilter][condition][path] \

GET article

The filter by field_path is done by the fieldable_path module

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost/jsonapi/node/article \
?include=field_image,field_tags,uid \

POST login

Using the standar cookie authentication

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/user/login?_format=json' \
--header 'Content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"name":"admin", "pass":"1234"}'

we get the response

    "current_user": {
        "uid": "1",
        "roles": [
        "name": "admin"
    "csrf_token": "YKXBwr_qDlYq2GH_L8RWdauCIDV5GL_eXGxly0sR6Kg",
    "logout_token": "w5D4blEDudgg0F3a51xLKXvE0NztsEBigVjNBMqK1BM"

this object is stored in redux store.user

GET user status

POST Logout

POST image

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/jsonapi/node/article/field_image' \
--header 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream' \
--header 'X-CSRF-Token: QtqRwdIdCxl2rPZezdUAelvTzghLQjF_pm3xb7j8_LI' \
--header 'Content-Disposition: file; filename="156696.jpg"' \
--header 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \
--header 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate' \
--header 'Cookie: SESS2f4ff3168b8423453fc408c2c2581ce0=FFZMHxxhCcxP4AoU99WTuS0lfZ3k8uBMTRiTd_7ht2Y' \
--data-binary '@/home/ste/Pictures/wallpapers/156696.jpg'

POST tag

The user can create new tags in the same input with <CreatableSelect ... /> from react-select

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/jsonapi/taxonomy_term/tags' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json' \
--header 'Accept: application/vnd.api+json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46MTIzNA==' \
--header 'X-CSRF-Token: ab9GUlrf7UfccnaNKSmicMF60N0TcVzoWupcA3UBv7c' \
--data-raw '{
    "data": {
        "type": "taxonomy_term--tags",
        "attributes": {
            "name": "latest term"

POST article with image and tag

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost/jsonapi/node/article' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json' \
--header 'X-CSRF-Token: ab9GUlrf7UfccnaNKSmicMF60N0TcVzoWupcA3UBv7c' \
--data-raw '{
    "data": {
        "type": "node--article",
            "attributes": {
            "title": "from postman title with image",
            "body": {
                "value": "from postman body",
                "format": "plain_text"
        "relationships": {
            "field_image": {
                "data": {
                    "type": "file--file",
                    "id": "a59d672b-07d8-42d4-b716-bb3fb8b565e5",
                    "meta": {
                        "alt": "Json Uploaded Testing1",
                        "title": "Json Uploaded Testing1",
                        "width": null,
                        "height": null
            "field_tags": {
                "data": [{
                    "type": "taxonomy_term--tags",
                    "id": "fc5fd77d-1672-49fa-97a8-f84af218c90b"