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The Website

This is my Personal Porfolio-Website to showcase my talent in CSS, React and Web Development along with my other projects.

The Website is completly ready. GO and visit the website.

Visit Website Here :

The Details

The behind-the-scenes stuff and other things.

Color Palette

At first I decided to make a dark mode toggle but I love Dark mode and decided to set it as default mode of the website.

The background is dark blue-black color : #0D0416

The foreground is a bright pinkish color and I slightly mixed my background to make it darker : #D50056

Right now I'm using a Perfect White for Headings and slight Off White(#F4F1F1) for secondary. I intend to change it in the future.

Now I've also added favicon and improved all the project details.

Technical Stuff

I used React JS to make the website and then used Firebase Hosting to Host the website. But along with React JS following things have significantly helped in the process.

  • GSAP and useIntersection : The animations on scoll is provided using GSAP 3.0 and using a custom hook : useIntersection. If you want to know what useIntersection is read about Intersection Observer API on MDN.
  • Figma : I can't stress this enough but using Figma for designing the website beforehand significantly reduced my developement time. I will share Figma Project for this website in future. Check out Figma here.
  • Nodemailer : I'm using nodemailer to send emails for contacting me. It has really reduced my work.
  • Firebase : Firebase is a great service for hosting the website and even check the analytics. I'm using Firebase Analytics/Google Analytics to get the analytics data.
  • Helpful Community : I just love programming community on Reddit, StackOverflow, Medium, YouTube etc. There numerous tutorials and articles have helped in solving made bugs.

Future Plans

I'm deciding to name all the alpha versions to spell KONOHA, birthplace of Naruto. So, in all, all there would be atmost 6 versions.

The v1 of website is ready and called v1.0KONOHA. But this doesn't mean there would not be further development. Right now, I'm looking to buy a custom domain and deploy it.

Stay tuned for v2

I found something wrong

If you have found a bug, some glitch in UI / UX, please open an Issue. If possible do provide a screenshot.

If you want to help add a feature, sorry I want to develop this website completly on my own. I hope you respect that. But at the same time I'm available for your suggestions. Please open an Issue describing your feature(s). Thanks.

Visit the website here. I hope you love it. If hate something or if I've done something wrong email me and I will try to fix it.