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References to "the paper" are to oncvpsp6.pdf, which is reproduced in this directory (now published as Phys. Rev. B 88, 085117 (2013)).

The main program is oncvpsp.f90, and has the following major sections:

  1. Data readin: Oncvpsp reads an input file, say 32_Ge.dat, from its standard input. While this file may contain comment lines with the initial character '#', its format is fixed, and input data must appear in the proper order, line by line. Examples in tests/data as well as 32_Ge_annotated.dat in this directory should clarify this. The program will stop, identifying the first bad line encountered in the input file if it does not find what it expects. After a successful readin, the data is scanned by the routine check_data for violations of bounds, etc., and offending data will be identified prior to halting. There are, quite deliberately, no defaults. Everything must be thought about and specified (but there is not that much input data).

  2. The routine sratom will then run to perform a self-consistent scalar- relativistic calculation for the reference configuration of the atom, as described in the input. I strongly believe that neutral ground-state reference configurations provide the best pseudopotentials for solids, and oncvpsp incorporates a number of features to facilitate their use. After some bookkeeping, the main program echoes the input data in a format similar to a typical input file, with the addition of the reference- configuration eigenvalues to the configuration description. All output printing is to the standard output.

  3. Next the main program loops through angular momenta from 0 to lmax to calculate one or two optimized pseudo wave functions. For each angular momentum, there are four major sub-sections:

A) The all-electron wave function is calculated for the lowest occupied state declared as valence or for a barrier-confined "well state" for a specified positive energy corresponding to a scattering state (subroutines lschfb and wellstate). The barrier potential is given in Eq.(17) of the paper. To find a bound state at the desired energy ep, wellstate starts with a large r_b = 8*r_c and searches for a suitable v_inf within the range [ep, ep + 1 Ha].

B) If two projectors using the norm-conserving Vanderbilt method are specified, the all-electron wave function with one additional node is calculated for either a second bound valence state (when the first is a shallow core) or for a second "well state" at a specified energy above the lowest state at the current angular momentum.

C) One or two pseudo wave functions are calculated using the RRKJ convergence optimization approach. Both will satisfy continuity and norm-conserving conditions with their corresponding all-electron wave functions. The second will have one node and will also satisfy the off-diagonal Vanderbilt generalized norm-conserving condition, which is dependent of the first pseudo wave function as well as the overlap of the two all-electron wave functions. Details of the routine run_optimize are expanded below. Diagnostic information is printed.

D) The semi-local pseudopotentials are calculated. More diagnostics and the convergence profile (Energy error per electron vs. cutoff) are printed.

  1. The routine run_vkb then is then called. It constructs the local potential from a polynomial extrapolation of the all-electron potential to zero (the recommended option, especially to take advantage of the Vanderbilt two-projector method), or uses one of the semi-local potentials, which may be satisfactory when using a single Kleinman= Bylander projector. It then loops over angular momenta, calculating the "raw" projectors (chi in Eq.(18) of the paper) and the B matrix (Eq.(21)). For two projectors, any residual asymmetry of B is removed (see the discussion following Eq.(24)), it is diagonalized, and the final diagonal and normalized separable non-local potential of Eq.(24) is produced. A small amount of diagnostic information is printed. As of release 2.0, orthonormal projectors are subsequently constructed, and overlap information is omitted. The "OPTION" variable in run_vkb can be reset to restore the old non-orthogonal output, although only for non- and scalar-relativistic cases.

  2. The valence pseudocharge density is calculated based on the separable potential, and then that of any "extra" valence state (ie., when cores are included), using subroutine lschvkbb. If specified, a monotonic polynomial model core charge is calculated which joins smoothly to the all-electron core charge at the radius at which this charge density equals a specified fraction of the valence pseudocharge density (subroutine modcore). The Hartree and exchange-correlation potentials of the pseudocharge are computed (subroutine vout)and the pseudopotentials are "unscreened."

  3. The routine run_diag is next called to test the semi-local and separable pseudopotentials. For bound states, the normalized bound-state eigenvalues and pseudo wave functions are calculated. The eigenvalues and amplitudes and first derivatives at r_c are compared to the all- electron results (as ratios). For positive-energy states, the all- electron log derivative is computed at r_c, and the "eigenvalue" of the pseudo wave function which matches this is calculated. Value and slope ratios (equal by construction in this case) are printed.
    For Vanderbilt two-projector calculations, these calculations are repeated at the energies used to construct the second projector. "Extra" valence states are treated as bound states here.

  4. The routine run_config performs all-electron and VKB pseudopotential self-consistent atom calculations on several configurations.
    Configuration 0 is always the reference configuration, and minimal errors here are primarily a consistency check. Up to 4 additional valence configurations may be specified in the input data.
    Eigenvalues are compared to all-electron results, and energy differences relative to the reference configuration indicate the excitation energy error of the pseudopotential. The VKB calculations are performed with the specified number of projectors and non-linear core correction. This routine duplicates a capability of the OPIUM code, but its utility is not clear (see paragraph 3 of Sec. V of the paper).

  5. The routine run_plot generates output that will be automatically plotted by gnuplot when running the main shell script. These include the unscreened semi-local potentials, with the local potential added in the more general case of a polynomial interpolation. The pseudo-valence charge, core charge (up to a cutoff), and model core charge if calculated are plotted next. Then, all-electron and pseudo wave functions are compared, looping from l=0 to l = lmax. In the shallow core with occupied valence case, both wave functions are computed, the single-node pseudo- valence wave function being calculated with the specified number of VKB projectors. For two projectors, the first- and second-projector pseudo wave functions are printed for comparison. The cutoff energy convergence predictions based on the residual kinetic energy are output in form suitable for plotting as of version 2.0. The run_plot output is also printed on the standard output below the heading "DATA FOR PLOTTING."

  6. The routine run_phsft compares the log derivatives of the all-electron and pseudo wave functions (bound or scattering) at the maximum r_c. (When shallow cores are included, this value shifts to max(rc)+1.) Since simple plots of log derivatives contain multiple divergences, and are difficult to interpret visually, I plot atan(r * ((d psi(r)/dr)/psi(r))) at this radius, which is akin but not equal to a scattering phase shift. These are plotted using the specified number of vkb projectors. If the local potential is that of a single l, no projectors are used for this l. These results are printed to the standard output, and plotted after the wave functions plots for the corresponding l. A smoothed downward step ~pi in these plots at negative energies indicates a bound state. The energy range of these plots is specified in the input data, and starting the range at an energy somewhat below the lowest relevant core state energy serves as a ghost test. A step in the pseudopotential plot which is not matched by one in the all-electron plot indicates a ghost. The pseudopotential results are shifted by an appropriate multiple of pi to align the plots at the first reference energy.

  7. The routine gnuscript produces an input script for gnuplot, which is extracted and appropriately handled for plotting by the main shell script tests/

  8. The routine linout creates a linear radial mesh, whose size and spacing are specified in the input data. All relevant potentials and projectors are interpolated onto this mesh, which is printed to the output file in a format that can be read by ABINIT as its psp format 8. The linear mesh has advantages of economy for pseudopotentials at small radii, and of greater accuracy for the Fourier transforms that will by performed by ABINIT at larger radii. In addition, format 8 accepts numerical projectors and their coefficients, which allows the multi-projector flexibility that ONCVPSP achieves to be used. The script transfers this part of the single ONCVPSP output file to an ABINIT pseudopotential file in a specified directory. The routine upfout uses the same linear mesh but produces a PWSCF-conpatible pseudopotential file in the UPF format. Which one is called depends on the "psfile" input variable. While all the psp files presently linked to PWSCF use a log mesh, the linear mesh works fine and produces results in excellent agreement with ABINIT results.

The auxiliary main program oncvpsp_nr.f90 is identical to oncvpsp except it sets a switch to do non-relativistic all-electron calculations. The only reason for including this feature is to support the discussion following Eq.(24) of the paper. The script tests/ calls it.

The subroutine run_optimize executes the math in Sec. II of the paper for each l, and has the following steps:

  1. The routine wf_rc_der calculates the value and 4 derivatives of the input all-electron wave function at r_c.

  2. The routine qroots selects the wave vectors q_i for the xi^B basis, Eq.(3) according to the principles discussed following Eq.(10).

  3. The routine sbf_basis creates the xi^O basis using Eq.(4).

  4. The routine Const_basis executes Eqs.(6-10), producing the xi^N basis and the phi_0 component of the pseudo wave function. Diagnostics confirming that the constraints are satisfied are printed.

  5. The routine eresid calculates the matrix elements in Eq.(11) of the E^r "operator" defined in Eqs.(1-2). The q integration is performed inward from a large value ("infinity"), saving snapshots of the matrix elements at regular intervals as well as the values at the specific specified q_c cutoff. These snapshots allow the convergence profile of the optimized pseudo wave function to be calculated very economically. This is the single most time-consuming step in the code, and setting the integration increments dq and dr to larger values will save time at some expense in accuracy. These are set in the first executable statements of run_optimize. With the new sbf8 routine of release 2.1.1 you shouldn't need to bother.

  6. The routine optimize diagonalizes the E^r_ij matrix, calculates the xi_R basis functions, and the coefficients in Eq.(14). It then executes the minimization procedure discussed in the paragraph surrounding Eqs.(15-16), giving the optimum x_i in Eq.(13). It finds the coefficients of the optimized pseudo wave function in the xi^N basis and uses the "snapshot" values of the terms in Eq.(11) to compute the convergence profile. Finally, it finds the coefficients in the xi^O and xi^B basis sets.

  7. The routine pspot calculates the semi-local potential and the (epsilon_i - T)|ph_i> component of the |chi_i> projector, Eq.(18). It also calculates the total kinetic energy from the Laplacian to be compared with the Fourier-transform result (the q_c = 0 end of the "snapshot" convergence profile).

At this point, run_optimize exits if only one projector is wanted. If a second projector is wanted, it repeats step 2 above, computing derivatives of the second all-electron wave function. The existing xi^B basis appears to work well for the second projector, so step 3 (choosing a set of q_i) is skipped. The constraint vector and matrix, Eqs.(6-7) is then incremented following the discussion surrounding Eq.(25), and steps 4-7 are completed to provide an optimized second projector.

run_optimize prints some additional diagnostic comparisons following several of the subroutine calls, and prints the plane-wave energy cutoffs corresponding to kinetic-energy-per-electron errors of 10^-2 to 10^-5 Ha.