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храму +храм:nom:pl храмови +храм:gen:pl храмова +храм:dat:pl храмовима +храм:acc:pl храмове +храм:voc:pl храмови +храм:ins:pl храмовима +храм:loc:pl храмовима +дворац:nom:sg дворац +дворац:gen:sg двораца +дворац:dat:sg дворцу +дворац:acc:sg дворац +дворац:voc:sg дворче +дворац:ins:sg дворцом +дворац:loc:sg дворцу +дворац:nom:pl дворци +дворац:gen:pl двораца +дворац:dat:pl дворцима +дворац:acc:pl дворце +дворац:voc:pl дворци +дворац:ins:pl дворцима +дворац:loc:pl дворцима +понедељак:nom:sg понедељак +понедељак:gen:sg понедељака +понедељак:dat:sg понедељку +понедељак:acc:sg понедељак +понедељак:voc:sg понедељче +понедељак:ins:sg понедељком +понедељак:loc:sg понедељку +понедељак:nom:pl понедељци +понедељак:gen:pl понедељака +понедељак:dat:pl понедељцима +понедељак:acc:pl понедељке +понедељак:voc:pl понедељци +понедељак:ins:pl понедељцима +понедељак:loc:pl понедељцима +уторак:nom:sg уторак +уторак:gen:sg уторака +уторак:dat:sg уторку +уторак:acc:sg уторак +уторак:voc:sg уторче +уторак:ins:sg уторком +уторак:loc:sg уторку +уторак:nom:pl уторци +уторак:gen:pl уторака +уторак:dat:pl уторцима +уторак:acc:pl уторке +уторак:voc:pl уторци +уторак:ins:pl уторцима +уторак:loc:pl уторцима +четвртак:nom:sg четвртак +четвртак:gen:sg четвртака +четвртак:dat:sg четвртку +четвртак:acc:sg четвртак +четвртак:voc:sg четвртче +четвртак:ins:sg четвртком +четвртак:loc:sg четвртку +четвртак:nom:pl четвртци +четвртак:gen:pl четвртака +четвртак:dat:pl четвртцима +четвртак:acc:pl четвртке +четвртак:voc:pl четвртци +четвртак:ins:pl четвртцима +четвртак:loc:pl четвртцима +петак:nom:sg петак +петак:gen:sg петака +петак:dat:sg петку +петак:acc:sg петак +петак:voc:sg петче +петак:ins:sg петком +петак:loc:sg петку +петак:nom:pl петци +петак:gen:pl петака +петак:dat:pl петцима +петак:acc:pl петке +петак:voc:pl петци +петак:ins:pl петцима +петак:loc:pl петцима +поток:nom:sg поток +поток:gen:sg потока +поток:dat:sg потоку +поток:acc:sg поток +поток:voc:sg поточе +поток:ins:sg потоком +поток:loc:sg потоку +поток:nom:pl потоци +поток:gen:pl потока +поток:dat:pl потоцима +поток:acc:pl потоке +поток:voc:pl потоци +поток:ins:pl потоцима +поток:loc:pl потоцима +септембар:nom:sg септембар +септембар:gen:sg септембра +септембар:dat:sg септембру +септембар:acc:sg септембра +септембар:voc:sg септембре +септембар:ins:sg септембром +септембар:loc:sg септембру +септембар:nom:pl септембри +септембар:gen:pl септембара +септембар:dat:pl септембрима +септембар:acc:pl септембре +септембар:voc:pl септембре +септембар:ins:pl септембрима +септембар:loc:pl септембрима +октобар:nom:sg октобар +октобар:gen:sg октобра +октобар:dat:sg октобру +октобар:acc:sg октобра +октобар:voc:sg октобре +октобар:ins:sg октобром +октобар:loc:sg октобру +октобар:nom:pl октобри +октобар:gen:pl октобара +октобар:dat:pl октобрима +октобар:acc:pl октобре +октобар:voc:pl октобре +октобар:ins:pl октобрима +октобар:loc:pl октобрима +новембар:nom:sg новембар +новембар:gen:sg новембра +новембар:dat:sg новембру 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"nom", "number": "pl"}, "gen:pl": {"noun": "шума", "case": "gen", "number": "pl"}, "dat:pl": {"noun": "шумама", "case": "dat", "number": "pl"}, "acc:pl": {"noun": "шуме", "case": "acc", "number": "pl"}, "voc:pl": {"noun": "шуме", "case": "voc", "number": "pl"}, "ins:pl": {"noun": "шумама", "case": "ins", "number": "pl"}, "loc:pl": {"noun": "шумама", "case": "loc", "number": "pl"}} diff --git a/fst/inflection_sr.py b/fst/inflection_sr.py index ace9fcf..ffa8b51 100644 --- a/fst/inflection_sr.py +++ b/fst/inflection_sr.py @@ -19,6 +19,19 @@ from utils import parse_lexicon_entry from utils import priority_union +# Keep stats on how many nouns per class. +stats = { +'Group1m': 0, +'Group1n': 0, +'Group1mi': 0, +'Group1mp': 0, +'Group2n': 0, +'Group2t': 0, +'Group3': 0, +'Group4': 0, +'Exception': 0 +} + _v = p.union('а', 'е', 'и', 'о', 'у') _v_up = p.union('А', 'Е', 'И', 'О', 'У') _c = p.union('б', 'в', 'г', 'д', 'ђ', 'ж', 'з', 'ј', 'к', 'л', 'љ', 'м', @@ -34,10 +47,12 @@ # - Masculine with nominative sg that ends with consonant, -о и -е. # - Masculine forms are affected by animate/inanimate forms # - Neuter with nominative sg that ends with -о и -е +# - Masculine names ending in consonant usually have -e in vocative (vs -o) # - Base form doesn't change in all cases _masc_coe = 'masculine:' + _sigma + p.union(_c, 'о', 'е') + pynutil.insert('|Group1m') _neut_coe = 'neuter:' + _sigma + p.union('о', 'е') + pynutil.insert('|Group1n') _masc_coe_inan = 'masculine:inanimate:' + _sigma + p.union(_c, 'о', 'е') + pynutil.insert('|Group1mi') +_masc_c_personal = 'masculine:person:' + p.union(_v_up, _c_up) + _sigma + _c + pynutil.insert('|Group1mp') # Group 2(n,t): # - Neuter with nominative sg that ends with -е @@ -47,13 +62,13 @@ # Group 3: # - All nouns with nominative sg that ends with -а. -_all_a = p.union('masculine:', 'feminine:', 'neuter:') + _sigma + p.union('а') + pynutil.insert('|Group3') +_all_a = p.union('masculine:', 'feminine:', 'neuter:', 'masculine:person:', 'feminine:person:', 'neuter:person:') + _sigma + p.union('а') + pynutil.insert('|Group3') # Group 4: # - Feminine with nominative sg that ends with consonant. -_fem_c = 'feminine:' + _sigma + _c + pynutil.insert('|Group4') +_fem_c = p.union('feminine:', 'feminine:personal:') + _sigma + _c + pynutil.insert('|Group4') -_classify = p.union(_masc_coe, _neut_coe, _masc_coe_inan, _neut_en, _neut_et, _all_a, _fem_c).optimize() +_classify = p.union(_masc_coe, _neut_coe, _masc_coe_inan, _masc_c_personal, _neut_en, _neut_et, _all_a, _fem_c).optimize() # Load exceptions from the file. _exceptions = p.string_file(os.path.normpath('data/sr/exceptions.tsv')) @@ -154,6 +169,30 @@ lemma_feature_vector=nomsg, stems=[_sigma]) +# Group 1mp rules (personal names) +_slot_cp = [ + (stem, nomsg), + (paradigms.suffix('+а', stem), gensg), + (paradigms.suffix('+у', stem), datsg), + (paradigms.suffix('+а', stem), accsg), + (paradigms.suffix('+е', stem), vocsg), + (paradigms.suffix('+ом', stem), inssg), + (paradigms.suffix('+у', stem), locsg), + (paradigms.suffix('+и', stem), nompl), + (paradigms.suffix('+а', stem), genpl), + (paradigms.suffix('+има', stem), datpl), + (paradigms.suffix('+е', stem), accpl), + (paradigms.suffix('+и', stem), vocpl), + (paradigms.suffix('+има', stem), inspl), + (paradigms.suffix('+има', stem), locpl), +] +_masc_cp_para = paradigms.Paradigm( + category=noun, + name='Group 1mp masculine', + slots=_slot_cp, + lemma_feature_vector=nomsg, + stems=[_sigma]) + # Group 2n rules _slot_neut_en = [ (stem, nomsg), @@ -285,7 +324,7 @@ def classify(singular: str, attributes: list[str]): We expect attributes for gender, anim/inanimate and n/t insertion. Attributes will be inserted before the noun, : delimited to aid classification. """ - reduced_attributes = [attrib for attrib in attributes if attrib in ['masculine', 'feminine', 'neuter', 'srinsertt', 'srinsertn', 'inanimate']] + reduced_attributes = [attrib for attrib in attributes if attrib in ['masculine', 'feminine', 'neuter', 'srinsertt', 'srinsertn', 'inanimate', 'person']] prefix = ':'.join(reduced_attributes) + ':' result = rewrite.one_top_rewrite(prefix + singular, _classify) return result.split('|')[1] @@ -302,8 +341,10 @@ def inflect(lexicon_entry: str, noun_case: str, number: str) -> str: # Check exceptions before doing heavy work. try: + stats['Exception'] += 1 return(rewrite.one_top_rewrite(':'.join([noun, noun_case, number]), _exceptions)) except rewrite.Error: + stats['Exception'] -= 1 pass # See which rule applies to the noun. @@ -320,66 +361,213 @@ def inflect(lexicon_entry: str, noun_case: str, number: str) -> str: # But it's ok for the first iteration. match group: case 'Group1m': + stats['Group1m'] += 1 return(_masc_coe_para.inflect(noun, feature_vector)[0]) case 'Group1n': + stats['Group1n'] += 1 return(_neut_oe_para.inflect(noun, feature_vector)[0]) case 'Group1mi': + stats['Group1mi'] += 1 return(_masc_coei_para.inflect(noun, feature_vector)[0]) + case 'Group1mp': + stats['Group1mp'] += 1 + return(_masc_cp_para.inflect(noun, feature_vector)[0]) case 'Group2n': + stats['Group2n'] += 1 return(_neut_en_para.inflect(noun, feature_vector)[0]) case 'Group2t': + stats['Group2t'] += 1 return(_neut_et_para.inflect(noun, feature_vector)[0]) case 'Group3': + stats['Group3'] += 1 return(_a_para.inflect(noun, feature_vector)[0]) case 'Group4': + stats['Group4'] += 1 return(_fem_c_para.inflect(noun, feature_vector)[0]) # Remove after generation. +import json import sys def main() -> int: """ Output data for training """ word_list = [ - ('име: noun neuter srinsertn', 'n'), - ('дугме: noun neuter srinsertt', 'n'), - ('ствар: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('пећ: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('љубав: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('младост: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('чађ: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('памет: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('кћи: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('мати: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('судија: noun masculine', 'm'), - ('владика: noun masculine', 'm'), - ('бурегџија: noun masculine', 'm'), - ('жена: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('учитељица: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('Небојша: noun masculine', 'm'), - ('Француска: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('Италија: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('Кина: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('претња: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('девојка: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('земља: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('овца: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('боца: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('коза: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('ташта: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('недеља: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('Ана: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('Италија: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('мама: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('рука: noun feminine', 'f'), - ('слуга: noun masculine', 'm'), - ('нога: noun feminine', 'f'), + ('август: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'August'), + ('авенија: noun feminine', 'f', 'Avenue'), + ('авион: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'aeroplane'), + ('Ана: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('Ангелина: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('април: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'April'), + ('ауто: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'car'), + ('аутобус: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'bus'), + ('бара: noun feminine', 'f', 'pond'), + ('бик: noun masculine', 'm', 'bull'), + ('Биљана: noun feminine', 'f', ''), + ('Бојана: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('боца: noun feminine', 'f', 'bottle'), + ('Бранимир: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('брдо: noun neuter', 'n', 'hill'), + ('брод: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'ship'), + ('булевар: noun masculine', 'm', 'boulevard'), + ('бурегџија: noun masculine', 'm', ''), + ('ваздух: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'air'), + ('ватра: noun feminine', 'f', 'fire'), + ('виме: noun neuter srinsertn', 'n', 'udder'), + ('владика: noun masculine', 'm', 'bishop'), + ('Владимир: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('време: noun neuter srinsertn', 'n', 'time'), + ('гадост: noun feminine', 'f', 'nastiness'), + ('Горан: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('Гордана: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('дворац: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'castle'), + ('дебло: noun neuter', 'n', 'tree trunk'), + ('девојка: noun feminine', 'f', 'girl'), + ('дете: noun neuter srinsertt', 'n', 'child'), + ('децембар: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'December'), + ('Драган: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('Драгана: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('Драгиша: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('дугме: noun neuter srinsertt', 'n', 'button'), + ('дупе: noun neuter srinsertt', 'n', 'butt'), + ('Душан: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('жена: noun feminine', 'f', 'woman'), + ('Загорка: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('запрега: noun feminine', 'f', 'ox cart'), + ('зграда: noun feminine', 'f', 'building'), + ('земља: noun feminine', 'f', 'soil'), + ('знак: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'sign'), + ('Зоран: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('Зорана: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('Ивана: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('име: noun neuter srinsertn', 'n', 'name'), + ('Италија: noun feminine', 'f', 'Italy'), + ('јануар: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'January'), + ('јарац: noun masculine', 'm', 'billy goat'), + ('једрилица: noun feminine', 'f', 'sailboat'), + ('једро: noun neuter', 'n', 'sail'), + ('језеро: noun neuter', 'n', 'lake'), + ('Јелена: noun feminine', 'f', ''), + ('јул: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'July'), + ('јун: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'June'), + ('јунак: noun masculine', 'm', 'heroe'), + ('камен: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'rock'), + ('камион: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'truck'), + ('кафана: noun feminine', 'f', 'restaurant'), + ('Кина: noun feminine', 'f', 'China'), + ('киша: noun feminine', 'f', 'rain'), + ('коза: noun feminine', 'f', 'goat'), + ('коноба: noun feminine', 'f', 'inn'), + ('крчма: noun feminine', 'f', 'pub'), + ('кћи: noun feminine', 'f', 'doughter'), + ('кућа: noun feminine', 'f', 'house'), + ('љубав: noun feminine', 'f', 'love'), + ('Љубица: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('Љубиша: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('мај: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'May'), + ('Маја: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('мама: noun feminine', 'f', 'mom'), + ('март: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'March'), + ('мати: noun feminine', 'f', 'mommy'), + ('Милена: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('Милица: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('Милка: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('Милош: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('Миљан: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('младост: noun feminine', 'f', 'youth'), + ('море: noun neuter', 'n', 'sea'), + ('мост: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'bridge'), + ('Нада: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('надвожњак: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'overpass'), + ('Небојша: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('недеља: noun feminine', 'f', 'Sunday'), + ('новембар: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'November'), + ('нога: noun feminine', 'f', 'leg'), + ('обала: noun feminine', 'f', 'shore'), + ('облак: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'cloud'), + ('ован: noun masculine', 'm', 'ram'), + ('овца: noun feminine', 'f', 'sheet'), + ('октобар: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'October'), + ('памет: noun feminine', 'f', 'intelligence'), + ('парк: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'park'), + ('петак: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'Friday'), + ('пећ: noun feminine', 'f', 'furnace'), + ('планина: noun feminine', 'f', 'mountain'), + ('племе: noun neuter srinsertn', 'n', 'tribe'), + ('пожар: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'wildfire'), + ('понедељак: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'Monday'), + ('поплава: noun feminine', 'f', 'flood'), + ('поток: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'creek'), + ('правац: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'direction'), + ('превоз: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'transport'), + ('претња: noun feminine', 'f', 'threat'), + ('пропланак: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'glade'), + ('пумпа: noun feminine', 'f', 'pump'), + ('путоказ: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'signpost'), + ('радост: noun feminine', 'f', 'happiness'), + ('раме: noun neuter srinsertn', 'n', 'shoulder'), + ('река: noun feminine', 'f', 'river'), + ('ресторан: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'restaurant'), + ('рука: noun feminine', 'f', 'hand'), + ('салаш: noun feminine', 'f', 'farm'), + ('септембар: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'September'), + ('Синиша: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('скретање: noun neuter', 'n', 'turn'), + ('слуга: noun masculine', 'm', 'servant'), + ('смер: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'direction'), + ('Соња: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('среда: noun feminine', 'f', 'Wednesday'), + ('старост: noun feminine', 'f', 'old age'), + ('ствар: noun feminine', 'f', 'thing'), + ('Стева: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('Стеван: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('стена: noun feminine', 'f', 'boulder'), + ('Стојан: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('субота: noun feminine', 'f', 'Saturday'), + ('судија: noun masculine', 'm', 'judge'), + ('Тамара: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('Тања: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('ташта: noun feminine', 'f', 'mother in law'), + ('теме: noun neuter srinsertn', 'n', 'back of the head'), + ('Тијана: noun feminine person', 'f', ''), + ('Угљеша: noun masculine person', 'm', ''), + ('уже: noun neuter srinsertt', 'n', 'rope'), + ('улица: noun feminine', 'f', 'street'), + ('уторак: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'Tuesday'), + ('учитељица: noun feminine', 'f', 'teacher'), + ('фебруар: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'February'), + ('Француска: noun feminine', 'f', 'France'), + ('херој: noun masculine', 'm', 'heroe'), + ('хотел: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'hotel'), + ('храм: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'temple'), + ('црква: noun feminine', 'f', 'church'), + ('чађ: noun feminine', 'f', 'tar'), + ('чамац: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'boat'), + ('четвртак: noun masculine inanimate', 'm', 'Thursday'), + ('шума: noun feminine', 'f', 'forest'), ] - with open("training_data.tsv", "w") as file: - for word, gender in word_list: - for case, num, enc in [('nom', 'sg', '11'), ('gen', 'sg', '21'), ('dat', 'sg', '31'), ('acc', 'sg', '41'), ('voc', 'sg', '51'), ('ins', 'sg', '61'), ('loc', 'sg', '71'), - ('nom', 'pl', '12'), ('gen', 'pl', '22'), ('dat', 'pl', '32'), ('acc', 'pl', '42'), ('voc', 'pl', '52'), ('ins', 'pl', '62'), ('loc', 'pl', '72')]: - stem = inflect(word, 'nom', 'sg') + with open("lexicon_data.json", "w", encoding='utf8') as file: + print("Processing total # words:", len(word_list)) + for word, gender, english in word_list: + # Build JSON representation for all forms + noun = {} + noun['lemma'] = word.split(':')[0] + noun['category'] = 'noun' + noun['language'] = 'sr' + noun['gender'] = gender + noun['English'] = english + if 'person' in word: + noun['person'] = True + if 'inanimate' in word: + noun['inanimate'] = True + for case, num in [('nom', 'sg'), ('gen', 'sg'), ('dat', 'sg'), ('acc', 'sg'), ('voc', 'sg'), ('ins', 'sg'), ('loc', 'sg'), + ('nom', 'pl'), ('gen', 'pl'), ('dat', 'pl'), ('acc', 'pl'), ('voc', 'pl'), ('ins', 'pl'), ('loc', 'pl')]: result = inflect(word, case, num) - file.write(stem + gender + enc + '\t' + result + '\n') + noun[case + ':' + num] = { 'noun': result, 'case': case, 'number': num} + file.write(json.dumps(noun, ensure_ascii=False) + '\n') + + for key, value in stats.items(): + # 14 cases per class, reduce to 1. + stats[key] = int(value / 14) + print(stats) return 0 diff --git a/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/dictionary/dictionary_sr.lst b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/dictionary/dictionary_sr.lst new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbebe14 --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/dictionary/dictionary_sr.lst @@ -0,0 +1,1039 @@ +Јелена: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Јеленама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Јелене: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Јелени: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Јеленом: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Јелену: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Љубица: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=8 +Љубицама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=8 +Љубице: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=8 +Љубици: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=8 +Љубицом: singular locative noun inflection=8 +Љубицу: singular accusative noun inflection=8 +Љубиша: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Љубишама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Љубише: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Љубиши: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Љубишом: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Љубишу: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Ана: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Анама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Ангелина: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Ангелинама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Ангелине: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Ангелини: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Ангелином: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Ангелину: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Ане: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Ани: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Аном: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Ану: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Биљана: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Биљанама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Биљане: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Биљани: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Биљаном: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Биљану: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Бојана: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Бојанама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Бојане: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Бојани: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Бојаном: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Бојану: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Бранимир: singular nominative noun inflection=4 +Бранимира: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=4 +Бранимире: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=4 +Бранимири: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=4 +Бранимирима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=4 +Бранимиром: singular locative noun inflection=4 +Бранимиру: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=4 +Владимир: singular nominative noun inflection=4 +Владимира: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=4 +Владимире: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=4 +Владимири: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=4 +Владимирима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=4 +Владимиром: singular locative noun inflection=4 +Владимиру: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=4 +Горан: singular nominative noun inflection=4 +Горана: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=4 +Горане: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=4 +Горани: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=4 +Горанима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=4 +Гораном: singular locative noun inflection=4 +Горану: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=4 +Гордана: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Горданама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Гордане: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Гордани: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Горданом: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Гордану: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Драган: singular nominative noun inflection=4 +Драгана: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 inflection=4 +Драганама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Драгане: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 inflection=4 +Драгани: singular plural dative instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=2 inflection=4 +Драганима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=4 +Драганом: singular locative noun inflection=2 inflection=4 +Драгану: singular accusative dative instrumental noun inflection=2 inflection=4 +Драгиша: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Драгишама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Драгише: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Драгиши: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Драгишом: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Драгишу: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Душан: singular nominative noun inflection=4 +Душана: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=4 +Душане: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=4 +Душани: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=4 +Душанима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=4 +Душаном: singular locative noun inflection=4 +Душану: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=4 +Загорка: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Загоркама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Загорке: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Загорки: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Загорком: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Загорку: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Зоран: singular nominative noun inflection=4 +Зорана: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 inflection=4 +Зоранама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Зоране: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 inflection=4 +Зорани: singular plural dative instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=2 inflection=4 +Зоранима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=4 +Зораном: singular locative noun inflection=2 inflection=4 +Зорану: singular accusative dative instrumental noun inflection=2 inflection=4 +Ивана: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Иванама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Иване: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Ивани: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Иваном: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Ивану: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Италија: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +Италијама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +Италије: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +Италији: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +Италијо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +Италијом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +Италију: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +Кина: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +Кинама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +Кине: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +Кини: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +Кино: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +Кином: singular locative noun inflection=1 +Кину: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +Маја: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +Мајама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +Маје: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +Маји: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +Мајо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +Мајом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +Мају: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +Милена: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Миленама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Милене: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Милени: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Миленом: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Милену: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Милица: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=8 +Милицама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=8 +Милице: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=8 +Милици: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=8 +Милицом: singular locative noun inflection=8 +Милицу: singular accusative noun inflection=8 +Милка: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Милкама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Милке: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Милки: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Милком: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Милку: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Милош: singular nominative noun inflection=4 +Милоша: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=4 +Милоше: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=4 +Милоши: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=4 +Милошима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=4 +Милошом: singular locative noun inflection=4 +Милошу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=4 +Миљан: singular nominative noun inflection=4 +Миљана: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=4 +Миљане: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=4 +Миљани: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=4 +Миљанима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=4 +Миљаном: singular locative noun inflection=4 +Миљану: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=4 +Нада: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +Надама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +Наде: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +Нади: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +Надо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +Надом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +Наду: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +Небојша: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Небојшама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Небојше: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Небојши: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Небојшом: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Небојшу: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Синиша: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Синишама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Синише: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Синиши: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Синишом: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Синишу: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Соња: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +Соњама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +Соње: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +Соњи: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +Соњо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +Соњом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +Соњу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +Стева: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +Стевама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +Стеван: singular nominative noun inflection=4 +Стевана: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=4 +Стеване: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=4 +Стевани: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=4 +Стеванима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=4 +Стеваном: singular locative noun inflection=4 +Стевану: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=4 +Стеве: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +Стеви: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +Стево: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +Стевом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +Стеву: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +Стојан: singular nominative noun inflection=4 +Стојана: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=4 +Стојане: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=4 +Стојани: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=4 +Стојанима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=4 +Стојаном: singular locative noun inflection=4 +Стојану: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=4 +Тамара: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Тамарама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Тамаре: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Тамари: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Тамаром: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Тамару: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Тања: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Тањама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Тање: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Тањи: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Тањом: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Тању: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Тијана: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Тијанама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Тијане: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Тијани: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Тијаном: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Тијану: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Угљеша: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Угљешама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Угљеше: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Угљеши: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Угљешом: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Угљешу: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +Француска: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Францускама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=2 +Француске: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=2 +Француски: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=2 +Француском: singular locative noun inflection=2 +Француску: singular accusative noun inflection=2 +август: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +августа: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +августе: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +августи: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +августима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +августом: singular locative noun inflection=3 +августу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +авенија: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +авенијама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +авеније: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +авенији: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +авенијо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +авенијом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +авенију: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +авион: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=e +авиона: singular plural genitive noun inflection=e +авионе: plural accusative noun inflection=e +авиони: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=e +авионима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=e +авионом: singular locative noun inflection=e +авиону: singular dative instrumental vocative noun inflection=e +април: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=e +априла: singular plural genitive noun inflection=e +априле: plural accusative noun inflection=e +априли: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=e +априлима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=e +априлом: singular locative noun inflection=e +априлу: singular dative instrumental vocative noun inflection=e +аута: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=25 +ауте: plural accusative noun inflection=25 +аути: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=25 +аутима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=25 +ауто: singular nominative vocative noun inflection=25 +аутобус: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +аутобуса: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +аутобусе: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +аутобуси: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +аутобусима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +аутобусом: singular locative noun inflection=3 +аутобусу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +аутом: singular locative noun inflection=25 +ауту: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=25 +бара: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +барама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +баре: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +бари: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +баро: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +баром: singular locative noun inflection=1 +бару: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +бик: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=14 +бика: singular genitive noun inflection=14 +бикова: plural genitive noun inflection=14 +бикове: plural accusative noun inflection=14 +бикови: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=14 +биковима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=14 +биком: singular locative noun inflection=14 +бику: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=14 +биче: singular vocative noun inflection=14 +боца: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +боцама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +боце: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +боци: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +боцо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +боцом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +боцу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +брда: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=a +брдима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=a +брдо: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=a +брдом: singular locative noun inflection=a +брду: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=a +брод: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=b +брода: singular genitive noun inflection=b +броде: singular vocative noun inflection=b +бродова: plural genitive noun inflection=b +бродове: plural accusative noun inflection=b +бродови: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=b +бродовима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=b +бродом: singular locative noun inflection=b +броду: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=b +булевар: singular nominative noun inflection=26 +булевара: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=26 +булеваре: plural accusative noun inflection=26 +булевари: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=26 +булеварима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=26 +булеваром: singular locative noun inflection=26 +булевару: singular dative instrumental vocative noun inflection=26 +бурегџија: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +бурегџијама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +бурегџије: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +бурегџији: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +бурегџијо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +бурегџијом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +бурегџију: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +ваздуси: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=27 +ваздусима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=27 +ваздух: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=27 +ваздуха: singular plural genitive noun inflection=27 +ваздухе: plural accusative noun inflection=27 +ваздухом: singular locative noun inflection=27 +ваздуху: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=27 +ваздуше: singular vocative noun inflection=27 +ватра: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +ватрама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +ватре: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +ватри: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +ватро: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +ватром: singular locative noun inflection=1 +ватру: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +виме: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +вимена: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +вименима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=5 +вименом: singular locative noun inflection=5 +вимену: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=5 +владика: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +владикама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +владике: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +владики: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +владико: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +владиком: singular locative noun inflection=1 +владику: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +време: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +времена: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +временима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=5 +временом: singular locative noun inflection=5 +времену: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=5 +гадост: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=c +гадости: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=c +гадостима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=c +гадошћу: singular locative noun inflection=c +дворац: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=15 +двораца: singular plural genitive noun inflection=15 +дворце: plural accusative noun inflection=15 +дворци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=15 +дворцима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=15 +дворцом: singular locative noun inflection=15 +дворцу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=15 +дворче: singular vocative noun inflection=15 +дебла: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=a +деблима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=a +дебло: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=a +деблом: singular locative noun inflection=a +деблу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=a +девојака: plural genitive noun inflection=28 +девојка: singular nominative noun inflection=28 +девојкама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=28 +девојке: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=28 +девојко: singular vocative noun inflection=28 +девојком: singular locative noun inflection=28 +девојку: singular accusative noun inflection=28 +девојци: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=28 +дете: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=16 +детета: singular genitive noun inflection=16 +дететом: singular locative noun inflection=16 +детету: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=16 +деца: plural nominative noun inflection=16 +деце: plural genitive noun inflection=16 +децембар: singular nominative noun inflection=7 +децембара: plural genitive noun inflection=7 +децембра: singular accusative genitive noun inflection=7 +децембре: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=7 +децембри: plural nominative noun inflection=7 +децембрима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=7 +децембром: singular locative noun inflection=7 +децембру: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=7 +деци: plural dative instrumental noun inflection=16 +децо: plural vocative noun inflection=16 +децома: plural locative noun inflection=16 +децу: plural accusative noun inflection=16 +дугме: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=d +дугмета: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=d +дугметима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=d +дугметом: singular locative noun inflection=d +дугмету: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=d +дупе: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=d +дупета: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=d +дупетима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=d +дупетом: singular locative noun inflection=d +дупету: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=d +жена: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +женама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +жене: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +жени: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +жено: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +женом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +жену: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +запрега: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +запрегама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +запреге: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +запреги: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +запрего: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +запрегом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +запрегу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +зграда: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +зградама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +зграде: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +згради: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +зградо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +зградом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +зграду: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +земаља: plural genitive noun inflection=17 +земља: singular nominative noun inflection=17 +земљама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=17 +земље: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=17 +земљи: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=17 +земљо: singular vocative noun inflection=17 +земљом: singular locative noun inflection=17 +земљу: singular accusative noun inflection=17 +знак: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=6 +знака: singular plural genitive noun inflection=6 +знаке: plural accusative noun inflection=6 +знаком: singular locative noun inflection=6 +знаку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=6 +знаци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=6 +знацима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=6 +значе: singular vocative noun inflection=6 +име: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +имена: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +именима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=5 +именом: singular locative noun inflection=5 +имену: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=5 +камен: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +камена: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +камене: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +камени: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +каменима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +каменом: singular locative noun inflection=3 +камену: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +камион: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=e +камиона: singular plural genitive noun inflection=e +камионе: plural accusative noun inflection=e +камиони: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=e +камионима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=e +камионом: singular locative noun inflection=e +камиону: singular dative instrumental vocative noun inflection=e +кафана: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +кафанама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +кафане: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +кафани: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +кафано: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +кафаном: singular locative noun inflection=1 +кафану: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +киша: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +кишама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +кише: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +киши: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +кишо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +кишом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +кишу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +коза: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +козама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +козе: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +кози: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +козо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +козом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +козу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +коноба: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +конобама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +конобе: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +коноби: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +конобо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +конобом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +конобу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +крчма: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +крчмама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +крчме: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +крчми: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +крчмо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +крчмом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +крчму: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +кућа: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +кућама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +куће: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +кући: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +кућо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +кућом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +кућу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +кћер: singular accusative noun inflection=18 +кћери: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental locative nominative vocative noun inflection=18 +кћерима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=18 +кћи: singular nominative noun inflection=18 +мама: singular plural genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1a +мамама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1a +маме: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1a +мами: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1a +мамом: singular locative noun inflection=1a +маму: singular accusative noun inflection=1a +март: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=b +марта: singular genitive noun inflection=b +марте: singular vocative noun inflection=b +мартова: plural genitive noun inflection=b +мартове: plural accusative noun inflection=b +мартови: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=b +мартовима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=b +мартом: singular locative noun inflection=b +марту: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=b +матер: singular accusative noun inflection=1b +матера: plural genitive noun inflection=1b +матерама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1b +матере: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1b +матери: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1b +матером: singular locative noun inflection=1b +мати: singular nominative vocative noun inflection=1b +мај: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +маја: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +маје: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +маји: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +мајима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +мајом: singular locative noun inflection=3 +мају: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +младост: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=c +младости: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=c +младостима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=c +младошћу: singular locative noun inflection=c +мора: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=10 +море: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=10 +морима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=10 +мором: singular locative noun inflection=10 +мору: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=10 +мост: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=b +моста: singular genitive noun inflection=b +мосте: singular vocative noun inflection=b +мостова: plural genitive noun inflection=b +мостове: plural accusative noun inflection=b +мостови: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=b +мостовима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=b +мостом: singular locative noun inflection=b +мосту: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=b +надвожњак: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=6 +надвожњака: singular plural genitive noun inflection=6 +надвожњаке: plural accusative noun inflection=6 +надвожњаком: singular locative noun inflection=6 +надвожњаку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=6 +надвожњаци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=6 +надвожњацима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=6 +надвожњаче: singular vocative noun inflection=6 +недеља: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +недељама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +недеље: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +недељи: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +недељо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +недељом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +недељу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +новембар: singular nominative noun inflection=7 +новембара: plural genitive noun inflection=7 +новембра: singular accusative genitive noun inflection=7 +новембре: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=7 +новембри: plural nominative noun inflection=7 +новембрима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=7 +новембром: singular locative noun inflection=7 +новембру: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=7 +нога: singular nominative noun inflection=11 +ногама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=11 +ноге: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=11 +ноги: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=11 +ного: singular vocative noun inflection=11 +ногом: singular locative noun inflection=11 +ногу: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=11 +обала: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +обалама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +обале: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +обали: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +обало: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +обалом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +обалу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +облак: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=6 +облака: singular plural genitive noun inflection=6 +облаке: plural accusative noun inflection=6 +облаком: singular locative noun inflection=6 +облаку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=6 +облаци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=6 +облацима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=6 +облаче: singular vocative noun inflection=6 +ован: singular nominative noun inflection=1c +ована: singular genitive noun inflection=1c +оваца: plural genitive noun inflection=1d +овна: singular accusative noun inflection=1c +овне: singular vocative noun inflection=1c +овнова: plural genitive noun inflection=1c +овнове: plural accusative noun inflection=1c +овнови: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=1c +овновима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1c +овном: singular locative noun inflection=1c +овну: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1c +овца: singular nominative noun inflection=1d +овцама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1d +овце: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1d +овци: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1d +овцо: singular vocative noun inflection=1d +овцом: singular locative noun inflection=1d +овцу: singular accusative noun inflection=1d +октобар: singular nominative noun inflection=7 +октобара: plural genitive noun inflection=7 +октобра: singular accusative genitive noun inflection=7 +октобре: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=7 +октобри: plural nominative noun inflection=7 +октобрима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=7 +октобром: singular locative noun inflection=7 +октобру: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=7 +памет: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=1e +памети: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=1e +паметима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1e +памећу: singular locative noun inflection=1e +парк: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=14 +парка: singular genitive noun inflection=14 +паркова: plural genitive noun inflection=14 +паркове: plural accusative noun inflection=14 +паркови: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=14 +парковима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=14 +парком: singular locative noun inflection=14 +парку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=14 +парче: singular vocative noun inflection=14 +петак: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=9 +петака: singular plural genitive noun inflection=9 +петке: plural accusative noun inflection=9 +петком: singular locative noun inflection=9 +петку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=9 +петци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=9 +петцима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=9 +петче: singular vocative noun inflection=9 +пећ: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=12 +пећи: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=12 +пећима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=12 +пећу: singular locative noun inflection=12 +планина: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +планинама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +планине: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +планини: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +планино: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +планином: singular locative noun inflection=1 +планину: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +племе: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +племена: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +племенима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=5 +племеном: singular locative noun inflection=5 +племену: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=5 +пожар: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +пожара: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +пожаре: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +пожари: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +пожарима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +пожаром: singular locative noun inflection=3 +пожару: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +понедељак: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=9 +понедељака: singular plural genitive noun inflection=9 +понедељке: plural accusative noun inflection=9 +понедељком: singular locative noun inflection=9 +понедељку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=9 +понедељци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=9 +понедељцима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=9 +понедељче: singular vocative noun inflection=9 +поплава: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +поплавама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +поплаве: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +поплави: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +поплаво: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +поплавом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +поплаву: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +поток: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=6 +потока: singular plural genitive noun inflection=6 +потоке: plural accusative noun inflection=6 +потоком: singular locative noun inflection=6 +потоку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=6 +потоци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=6 +потоцима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=6 +поточе: singular vocative noun inflection=6 +правац: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=f +праваца: plural genitive noun inflection=f +правца: singular genitive noun inflection=f +правце: plural accusative noun inflection=f +правци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=f +правцима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=f +правцом: singular locative noun inflection=f +правцу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=f +правче: singular vocative noun inflection=f +превоз: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +превоза: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +превозе: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +превози: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +превозима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +превозом: singular locative noun inflection=3 +превозу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +претња: singular nominative noun inflection=1f +претњама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1f +претње: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1f +претњи: singular plural dative genitive instrumental noun inflection=1f +претњо: singular vocative noun inflection=1f +претњом: singular locative noun inflection=1f +претњу: singular accusative noun inflection=1f +пропланак: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=20 +пропланака: plural genitive noun inflection=20 +пропланка: singular genitive noun inflection=20 +пропланке: plural accusative noun inflection=20 +пропланком: singular locative noun inflection=20 +пропланку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=20 +пропланци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=20 +пропланцима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=20 +пропланче: singular vocative noun inflection=20 +пумпа: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +пумпама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +пумпе: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +пумпи: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +пумпо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +пумпом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +пумпу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +путокаже: singular vocative noun inflection=21 +путоказ: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=21 +путоказа: singular plural genitive noun inflection=21 +путоказе: plural accusative noun inflection=21 +путокази: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=21 +путоказима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=21 +путоказом: singular locative noun inflection=21 +путоказу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=21 +радост: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=c +радости: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=c +радостима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=c +радошћу: singular locative noun inflection=c +раме: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +рамена: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +раменима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=5 +раменом: singular locative noun inflection=5 +рамену: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=5 +река: singular nominative noun inflection=13 +рекама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=13 +реке: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=13 +реко: singular vocative noun inflection=13 +реком: singular locative noun inflection=13 +реку: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=13 +ресторан: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +ресторана: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +ресторане: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +ресторани: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +ресторанима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +рестораном: singular locative noun inflection=3 +ресторану: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +реци: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=13 +рука: singular nominative noun inflection=13 +рукама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=13 +руке: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=13 +руко: singular vocative noun inflection=13 +руком: singular locative noun inflection=13 +руку: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=13 +руци: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=13 +салаш: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=22 +салаши: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=22 +салашима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=22 +салашу: singular locative vocative noun inflection=22 +септембар: singular nominative noun inflection=7 +септембара: plural genitive noun inflection=7 +септембра: singular accusative genitive noun inflection=7 +септембре: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=7 +септембри: plural nominative noun inflection=7 +септембрима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=7 +септембром: singular locative noun inflection=7 +септембру: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=7 +скретања: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=10 +скретање: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=10 +скретањима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=10 +скретањом: singular locative noun inflection=10 +скретању: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=10 +слуга: singular nominative noun inflection=11 +слугама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=11 +слуге: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=11 +слуги: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=11 +слуго: singular vocative noun inflection=11 +слугом: singular locative noun inflection=11 +слугу: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=11 +смер: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +смера: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +смере: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +смери: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +смерима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +смером: singular locative noun inflection=3 +смеру: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +среда: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +средама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +среде: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +среди: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +средо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +средом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +среду: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +старост: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=c +старости: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=c +старостима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=c +старошћу: singular locative noun inflection=c +ствар: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=23 +ствари: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=23 +стварима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=23 +стварју: singular locative noun inflection=23 +стена: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +стенама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +стене: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +стени: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +стено: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +стеном: singular locative noun inflection=1 +стену: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +субота: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +суботама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +суботе: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +суботи: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +субото: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +суботом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +суботу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +судија: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +судијама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +судије: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +судији: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +судијо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +судијом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +судију: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +ташта: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +таштама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +таште: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +ташти: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +ташто: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +таштом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +ташту: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +теме: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +темена: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=5 +теменима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=5 +теменом: singular locative noun inflection=5 +темену: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=5 +уже: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=d +ужета: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=d +ужетима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=d +ужетом: singular locative noun inflection=d +ужету: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=d +улица: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +улицама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +улице: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +улици: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +улицо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +улицом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +улицу: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +уторак: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=9 +уторака: singular plural genitive noun inflection=9 +уторке: plural accusative noun inflection=9 +уторком: singular locative noun inflection=9 +уторку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=9 +уторци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=9 +уторцима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=9 +уторче: singular vocative noun inflection=9 +учитељица: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=8 +учитељицама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=8 +учитељице: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=8 +учитељици: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=8 +учитељицом: singular locative noun inflection=8 +учитељицу: singular accusative noun inflection=8 +фебруар: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +фебруара: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +фебруаре: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +фебруари: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +фебруарима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +фебруаром: singular locative noun inflection=3 +фебруару: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +херој: singular nominative noun inflection=24 +хероја: singular plural accusative genitive noun inflection=24 +хероје: plural accusative noun inflection=24 +херојем: singular locative noun inflection=24 +хероји: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=24 +херојима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=24 +хероју: singular dative instrumental vocative noun inflection=24 +хотел: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +хотела: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +хотеле: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +хотели: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +хотелима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +хотелом: singular locative noun inflection=3 +хотелу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +храм: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=b +храма: singular genitive noun inflection=b +храме: singular vocative noun inflection=b +храмова: plural genitive noun inflection=b +храмове: plural accusative noun inflection=b +храмови: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=b +храмовима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=b +храмом: singular locative noun inflection=b +храму: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=b +црква: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +црквама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +цркве: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +цркви: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +цркво: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +црквом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +цркву: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +чамац: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=15 +чамаца: singular plural genitive noun inflection=15 +чамце: plural accusative noun inflection=15 +чамци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=15 +чамцима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=15 +чамцом: singular locative noun inflection=15 +чамцу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=15 +чамче: singular vocative noun inflection=15 +чађ: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=12 +чађи: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=12 +чађима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=12 +чађу: singular locative noun inflection=12 +четвртак: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=9 +четвртака: singular plural genitive noun inflection=9 +четвртке: plural accusative noun inflection=9 +четвртком: singular locative noun inflection=9 +четвртку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=9 +четвртци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=9 +четвртцима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=9 +четвртче: singular vocative noun inflection=9 +шума: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=1 +шумама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=1 +шуме: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=1 +шуми: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=1 +шумо: singular vocative noun inflection=1 +шумом: singular locative noun inflection=1 +шуму: singular accusative noun inflection=1 +јануар: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +јануара: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +јануаре: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +јануари: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +јануарима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +јануаром: singular locative noun inflection=3 +јануару: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +јарац: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=f +јараца: plural genitive noun inflection=f +јарца: singular genitive noun inflection=f +јарце: plural accusative noun inflection=f +јарци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=f +јарцима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=f +јарцом: singular locative noun inflection=f +јарцу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=f +јарче: singular vocative noun inflection=f +једра: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=a +једрилица: singular plural genitive nominative noun inflection=8 +једрилицама: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=8 +једрилице: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=8 +једрилици: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=8 +једрилицом: singular locative noun inflection=8 +једрилицу: singular accusative noun inflection=8 +једрима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=a +једро: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=a +једром: singular locative noun inflection=a +једру: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=a +језера: singular plural accusative genitive nominative vocative noun inflection=a +језерима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=a +језеро: singular accusative nominative vocative noun inflection=a +језером: singular locative noun inflection=a +језеру: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=a +јул: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +јула: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +јуле: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +јули: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +јулима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +јулом: singular locative noun inflection=3 +јулу: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +јун: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=3 +јуна: singular plural genitive noun inflection=3 +јунак: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=6 +јунака: singular plural genitive noun inflection=6 +јунаке: plural accusative noun inflection=6 +јунаком: singular locative noun inflection=6 +јунаку: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=6 +јунаци: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=6 +јунацима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=6 +јуначе: singular vocative noun inflection=6 +јуне: singular plural accusative vocative noun inflection=3 +јуни: plural nominative vocative noun inflection=3 +јунима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=3 +јуном: singular locative noun inflection=3 +јуну: singular dative instrumental noun inflection=3 +љубав: singular accusative nominative noun inflection=19 +љубави: singular plural accusative dative genitive instrumental nominative vocative noun inflection=19 +љубавима: plural dative instrumental locative noun inflection=19 +љубављу: singular locative noun inflection=19 +============================================== + Source: sr_wikidata.json + Lemma terms: 152 + Unusable lemma terms: 0 + Incoming surface forms: 2128 + Surface forms: 1009 + Collapsed surface forms: 1119 (52.6%) + Unusable surface forms: 0 + Usable terms: 1009 (100%) + Unclassified terms: 0 (0%) +============================================== +Case: + nominative: 304 (30.1%) + instrumental: 304 (30.1%) + dative: 304 (30.1%) + locative: 302 (29.9%) + accusative: 302 (29.9%) + vocative: 284 (28.1%) + genitive: 234 (23.2%) + +Number: + singular: 751 (74.4%) + plural: 485 (48.1%) + +PartOfSpeech: + noun: 1009 (100%) + +processed in 0.240 seconds +License: Creative Commons CC0 License (https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) +generated with options: --locale sr diff --git a/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/dictionary/inflectional_sr.xml b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/dictionary/inflectional_sr.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e86add9 --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/dictionary/inflectional_sr.xml @@ -0,0 +1,803 @@ + + + + noun + а + + у + и + е + и + ом + а + о + е + ама + а + ама + ама + е + е + + + + noun + а + + у + и + е + и + ом + а + а + е + ама + а + ама + ама + е + е + + + + noun + + + + у + а + у + ом + + е + е + има + а + има + има + и + и + + + + noun + + + а + у + а + у + ом + + е + е + има + а + има + има + и + и + + + + noun + + + + ну + на + ну + ном + + + на + нима + на + нима + нима + на + на + + + + noun + к + + к + ку + ка + ку + ком + к + че + ке + цима + ка + цима + цима + ци + ци + + + + noun + ар + + ра + ру + ра + ру + ром + ар + ре + ре + рима + ара + рима + рима + ри + ре + + + + noun + а + + у + и + е + и + ом + а + е + е + ама + а + ама + ама + е + е + + + + noun + ак + + ак + ку + ака + ку + ком + ак + че + ке + цима + ака + цима + цима + ци + ци + + + + noun + о + + о + у + а + у + ом + о + о + а + има + а + има + има + а + а + + + + noun + + + + у + а + у + ом + + е + ове + овима + ова + овима + овима + ови + ови + + + + noun + ст + + ст + сти + сти + сти + шћу + ст + сти + сти + стима + сти + стима + стима + сти + сти + + + + noun + + + + ту + та + ту + том + + + та + тима + та + тима + тима + та + та + + + + noun + + + + у + а + у + ом + + у + е + има + а + има + има + и + и + + + + noun + ац + + ац + цу + ца + цу + цом + ац + че + це + цима + аца + цима + цима + ци + ци + + + + noun + е + + е + у + а + у + ом + е + е + а + има + а + има + има + а + а + + + + noun + а + + у + и + е + и + ом + а + о + е + ама + у + ама + ама + е + е + + + + noun + + + + и + и + и + у + + и + и + има + и + има + има + и + и + + + + noun + ка + + ку + ци + ке + ци + ком + ка + ко + ке + кама + ку + кама + кама + ке + ке + + + + noun + к + + к + ку + ка + ку + ком + к + че + кове + ковима + кова + ковима + ковима + кови + кови + + + + noun + ац + + ац + цу + аца + цу + цом + ац + че + це + цима + аца + цима + цима + ци + ци + + + + noun + те + + те + тету + тета + тету + тетом + те + те + цу + ци + це + ци + цома + ца + цо + + + + noun + ља + + љу + љи + ље + љи + љом + ља + љо + ље + љама + аља + љама + љама + ље + ље + + + + noun + и + + ер + ери + ери + ери + ери + и + ери + ери + ерима + ери + ерима + ерима + ери + ери + + + + noun + + + + и + и + и + љу + + и + и + има + и + има + има + и + и + + + + noun + ама + + аму + ами + аме + ами + амом + ама + ама + аме + амама + ама + амама + амама + аме + аме + + + + noun + и + + ер + ери + ере + ери + ером + и + и + ере + ерама + ера + ерама + ерама + ере + ере + + + + noun + ан + + на + ну + ана + ну + ном + ан + не + нове + новима + нова + новима + новима + нови + нови + + + + noun + ца + + цу + ци + це + ци + цом + ца + цо + це + цама + аца + цама + цама + це + це + + + + noun + т + + т + ти + ти + ти + ћу + т + ти + ти + тима + ти + тима + тима + ти + ти + + + + noun + а + + у + и + е + и + ом + а + о + е + ама + и + ама + ама + е + е + + + + noun + ак + + ак + ку + ка + ку + ком + ак + че + ке + цима + ака + цима + цима + ци + ци + + + + noun + з + + з + зу + за + зу + зом + з + же + зе + зима + за + зима + зима + зи + зи + + + + noun + + + + и + и + и + у + + у + и + има + и + има + има + и + и + + + + noun + + + + и + и + и + ју + + и + и + има + и + има + има + и + и + + + + noun + + + а + у + а + у + ем + + у + е + има + а + има + има + и + и + + + + noun + о + + а + у + а + у + ом + о + о + е + има + а + има + има + и + и + + + + noun + + + а + у + а + у + ом + + у + е + има + а + има + има + и + и + + + + noun + х + + х + ху + ха + ху + хом + х + ше + хе + сима + ха + сима + сима + си + си + + + + noun + ка + + ку + ци + ке + ци + ком + ка + ко + ке + кама + ака + кама + кама + ке + ке + + + diff --git a/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/features/grammar.xml b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/features/grammar.xml index 5855f05..2a26db2 100644 --- a/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/features/grammar.xml +++ b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/features/grammar.xml @@ -2315,6 +2315,51 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/inflection/pronoun_sr.csv b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/inflection/pronoun_sr.csv new file mode 100644 index 0000000..28a8088 --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/inflection/pronoun_sr.csv @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +оно,third,singular,nominative,neuter +он,third,singular,nominative,masculine +она,third,singular,nominative,feminine +она,third,plural,nominative,neuter +они,third,plural,nominative,masculine +оне,third,plural,nominative,feminine +ти,second,singular,nominative +ви,second,plural,nominative +ја,first,singular,nominative +ми,first,plural,nominative +њега,third,singular,accusative,neuter,stressed +га,third,singular,accusative,neuter,unstressed +њега,third,singular,accusative,masculine,stressed +га,third,singular,accusative,masculine,unstressed +њу,third,singular,accusative,feminine,stressed +ју,third,singular,accusative,feminine,unstressed +њих,third,plural,accusative,gender,stressed +их,third,plural,accusative,gender,unstressed +тебе,second,singular,accusative,stressed +те,second,singular,accusative,unstressed +вас,second,plural,accusative +мене,first,singular,accusative,stressed +ме,first,singular,accusative,unstressed +нас,first,plural,accusative +њему,third,singular,dative,neuter,stressed +му,third,singular,dative,neuter,unstressed +њему,third,singular,dative,masculine,stressed +му,third,singular,dative,masculine,unstressed +њој,third,singular,dative,feminine,stressed +јој,third,singular,dative,feminine,unstressed +њима,third,plural,dative,gender,stressed +им,third,plural,dative,gender,unstressed +теби,second,singular,dative,stressed +ти,second,singular,dative,unstressed +вама,second,plural,dative,stressed +вам,second,plural,dative,unstressed +мени,first,singular,dative,stressed +ми,first,singular,dative,unstressed +нама,first,plural,dative,stressed +нам,first,plural,dative,unstressed +њему,third,singular,locative,neuter +њему,third,singular,locative,masculine +њој,third,singular,locative,feminine +њима,third,plural,locative,gender +теби,second,singular,locative +вама,second,plural,locative +мени,first,singular,locative +нама,first,plural,locative +њим,third,singular,instrumental,neuter +њим,third,singular,instrumental,masculine +њом,third,singular,instrumental,feminine +њима,third,plural,instrumental,gender +тобом,second,singular,instrumental +вама,second,plural,instrumental +мном,first,singular,instrumental +нама,first,plural,instrumental +њега,third,singular,genitive,neuter,stressed +га,third,singular,genitive,neuter,unstressed +њега,third,singular,genitive,masculine,stressed +га,third,singular,genitive,masculine,unstressed +ње,third,singular,genitive,feminine,stressed +је,third,singular,genitive,feminine,unstressed +њих,third,plural,genitive,gender,stressed +их,third,plural,genitive,gender,unstressed +тебе,second,singular,genitive,stressed +те,second,singular,genitive,unstressed +вас,second,plural,genitive +мене,first,singular,genitive,stressed +ме,first,singular,genitive,unstressed +нас,first,plural,genitive +себе,person,number,gender,accusative,reflexive,stressed +се,person,number,gender,accusative,reflexive,unstressed +себи,person,number,gender,dative,reflexive,stressed +си,person,number,gender,dative,reflexive,unstressed +себе,person,number,gender,locative,reflexive +собом,person,number,gender,instrumental,reflexive +себи,person,number,gender,genitive,reflexive,stressed +се,person,number,gender,genitive,reflexive,unstressed diff --git a/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/locale/supported-locales.properties b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/locale/supported-locales.properties index 9cb5ae2..7bddb43 100644 --- a/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/locale/supported-locales.properties +++ b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/locale/supported-locales.properties @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ # Copyright 2024-2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # # The first in each group is the primary language and is loaded first. -# These are languages that are advertised. Don't list a language if you want it to be a secret. locale.group.ar=ar_SA locale.group.da=da_DK locale.group.de=de_DE,de_AT,de_CH @@ -20,6 +19,7 @@ locale.group.nb=nb_NO locale.group.nl=nl_NL,nl_BE locale.group.pt=pt_BR,pt_PT locale.group.ru=ru_RU +locale.group.sr=sr_RS locale.group.sv=sv_SE locale.group.th=th_TH locale.group.tr=tr_TR diff --git a/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/tokenizer/config_sr.properties b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/tokenizer/config_sr.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f319bfd --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/resources/org/unicode/inflection/tokenizer/config_sr.properties @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +# +# Copyright 2024 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. +# License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html +# +tokenizer.implementation.class=DefaultTokenizer diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/LocalizedCommonConceptFactoryProvider.cpp b/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/LocalizedCommonConceptFactoryProvider.cpp index 9834dd8..7933347 100644 --- a/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/LocalizedCommonConceptFactoryProvider.cpp +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/LocalizedCommonConceptFactoryProvider.cpp @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -81,6 +82,7 @@ static CommonConceptFactory* constructCommonConceptFactory(const ::inflection::u {"nl", &constructor}, {"pt", &constructor}, {"ru", &constructor}, + {"sr", &constructor}, {"sv", &constructor}, {"th", &constructor}, {"tr", &constructor}, diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/language/SrCommonConceptFactory.cpp b/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/language/SrCommonConceptFactory.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..da696c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/language/SrCommonConceptFactory.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2024 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. + * License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html + */ +#include + +#include +#include +#include + +using inflection::grammar::synthesis::GrammemeConstants; + +namespace inflection::dialog::language { + +SrCommonConceptFactory::SrCommonConceptFactory(const ::inflection::util::ULocale &language) + : super(language, ::inflection::grammar::synthesis::GrammemeConstants::GENDER, { + {::inflection::grammar::synthesis::GrammemeConstants::GENDER_MASCULINE(), u"cardinal-masculine"}, + {::inflection::grammar::synthesis::GrammemeConstants::GENDER_FEMININE(), u"cardinal-feminine"}, + {::inflection::grammar::synthesis::GrammemeConstants::GENDER_NEUTER(), u"cardinal-neuter"}}) +{ +} + +SrCommonConceptFactory::~SrCommonConceptFactory() +{ +} + +} // namespace inflection::dialog::language diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/language/SrCommonConceptFactory.hpp b/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/language/SrCommonConceptFactory.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8b545af --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/language/SrCommonConceptFactory.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2024 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. + * License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html + */ +#pragma once + +#include +#include + +class inflection::dialog::language::SrCommonConceptFactory + : public CommonConceptFactoryImpl +{ +public: + typedef CommonConceptFactoryImpl super; + +private: + +public: + explicit SrCommonConceptFactory(const ::inflection::util::ULocale& language); + ~SrCommonConceptFactory() override; +}; diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/language/fwd.hpp b/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/language/fwd.hpp index 08fe20f..50c4a3d 100644 --- a/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/language/fwd.hpp +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/dialog/language/fwd.hpp @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ namespace inflection class NlCommonConceptFactory; class PtCommonConceptFactory; class RuCommonConceptFactory; + class SrCommonConceptFactory; class SvCommonConceptFactory; class ThCommonConceptFactory; class TrCommonConceptFactory; diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/GrammarSynthesizerFactory.cpp b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/GrammarSynthesizerFactory.cpp index 5b1f6e9..ecb3130 100644 --- a/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/GrammarSynthesizerFactory.cpp +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/GrammarSynthesizerFactory.cpp @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ static const ::std::map<::inflection::util::ULocale, addSemanticFeatures>& GRAMM {::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::DUTCH(), &NlGrammarSynthesizer::addSemanticFeatures}, {::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::PORTUGUESE(), &PtGrammarSynthesizer::addSemanticFeatures}, {::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::RUSSIAN(), &RuGrammarSynthesizer::addSemanticFeatures}, + {::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SERBIAN(), &SrGrammarSynthesizer::addSemanticFeatures}, {::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SWEDISH(), &SvGrammarSynthesizer::addSemanticFeatures}, {::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::TURKISH(), &TrGrammarSynthesizer::addSemanticFeatures}, }); diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer.cpp b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b56f917 --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2024 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. + * License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html + */ +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace inflection::grammar::synthesis { + +void SrGrammarSynthesizer::addSemanticFeatures(::inflection::dialog::SemanticFeatureModel& featureModel) +{ + featureModel.putDefaultFeatureFunctionByName(GrammemeConstants::GENDER, new ::inflection::dialog::DictionaryLookupFunction(::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SERBIAN(), {GrammemeConstants::GENDER_MASCULINE(), GrammemeConstants::GENDER_FEMININE(), GrammemeConstants::GENDER_NEUTER()})); + featureModel.putDefaultFeatureFunctionByName(GrammemeConstants::NUMBER, new ::inflection::dialog::DictionaryLookupFunction(::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SERBIAN(), {GrammemeConstants::NUMBER_SINGULAR(), GrammemeConstants::NUMBER_PLURAL()})); + + featureModel.setDefaultDisplayFunction(new SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction(featureModel)); +} + +} // namespace inflection::grammar::synthesis diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer.hpp b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce55367 --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2024 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. + * License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html + */ +#pragma once + +#include +#include +#include +#include + +class inflection::grammar::synthesis::SrGrammarSynthesizer final +{ +public: + static void addSemanticFeatures(::inflection::dialog::SemanticFeatureModel& featureModel); + +private: + SrGrammarSynthesizer() = delete; +}; diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction.cpp b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..528400f --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2024 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. + * License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html + */ +#include + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +namespace inflection::grammar::synthesis { + +SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction::SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction(const ::inflection::dialog::SemanticFeatureModel& model) + : super() + , dictionary(*npc(::inflection::dictionary::DictionaryMetaData::createDictionary(::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SERBIAN()))) + , countFeature(model.getFeature(GrammemeConstants::NUMBER)) + , genderFeature(model.getFeature(GrammemeConstants::GENDER)) + , partOfSpeechFeature(model.getFeature(GrammemeConstants::POS)) + , tokenizer(::inflection::tokenizer::TokenizerFactory::createTokenizer(::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SERBIAN())) + , dictionaryInflector(::inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SERBIAN(),{ + {GrammemeConstants::POS_NOUN(), GrammemeConstants::POS_ADJECTIVE(), GrammemeConstants::POS_VERB()}, + {GrammemeConstants::PERSON_THIRD(), GrammemeConstants::PERSON_FIRST(), GrammemeConstants::PERSON_SECOND()}, + {GrammemeConstants::NUMBER_SINGULAR(), GrammemeConstants::NUMBER_PLURAL()}, + {GrammemeConstants::GENDER_MASCULINE(), GrammemeConstants::GENDER_FEMININE(), GrammemeConstants::GENDER_NEUTER()} + }, {}, true) +{ +} + +SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction::~SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction() +{ +} + +::inflection::dialog::DisplayValue * SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction::getDisplayValue(const dialog::SemanticFeatureModel_DisplayData &displayData, const ::std::map<::inflection::dialog::SemanticFeature, ::std::u16string> &constraints, bool enableInflectionGuess) const +{ + const auto displayValue = GrammarSynthesizerUtil::getTheBestDisplayValue(displayData, constraints); + if (displayValue == nullptr) { + return nullptr; + } + ::std::u16string displayString = displayValue->getDisplayString(); + if (displayString.empty()) { + return nullptr; + } + + // To make compiler quiet about unused variable. + if (enableInflectionGuess) + return nullptr; + + // TODO Implement the rest + return nullptr; +} + +} // namespace inflection::grammar::synthesis diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction.hpp b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a45b16e --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2024 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. + * License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html + */ +#pragma once + +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include + +class inflection::grammar::synthesis::SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction + : public virtual ::inflection::dialog::DefaultDisplayFunction +{ + +public: + typedef ::inflection::dialog::DefaultDisplayFunction super; + +private: + const ::inflection::dictionary::DictionaryMetaData& dictionary; + const ::inflection::dialog::SemanticFeature* countFeature { }; + const ::inflection::dialog::SemanticFeature* genderFeature { }; + const ::inflection::dialog::SemanticFeature* partOfSpeechFeature { }; + const ::std::unique_ptr<::inflection::tokenizer::Tokenizer> tokenizer; + const ::inflection::dialog::DictionaryLookupInflector dictionaryInflector; + +public: + ::inflection::dialog::DisplayValue * getDisplayValue(const dialog::SemanticFeatureModel_DisplayData &displayData, const ::std::map<::inflection::dialog::SemanticFeature, ::std::u16string> &constraints, bool enableInflectionGuess) const override; + +public: + explicit SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction(const ::inflection::dialog::SemanticFeatureModel& model); + ~SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction() override; + +public: + SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction(SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction&) = delete; + SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction& operator=(const SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction&) = delete; +}; diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/fwd.hpp b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/fwd.hpp index 6936a38..67f116f 100644 --- a/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/fwd.hpp +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/grammar/synthesis/fwd.hpp @@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ namespace inflection class RuGrammarSynthesizer_RuDisplayFunction; class RuGrammarSynthesizer_ToPrepositionLookupFunction; class RuGrammarSynthesizer_WithPrepositionLookupFunction; + class SrGrammarSynthesizer; + class SrGrammarSynthesizer_SrDisplayFunction; class SvGrammarSynthesizer; class SvGrammarSynthesizer_ArticleLookupFunction; class SvGrammarSynthesizer_GenderLookupFunction; diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtils.cpp b/inflection/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtils.cpp index 037d12d..a9ea3f9 100644 --- a/inflection/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtils.cpp +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtils.cpp @@ -503,6 +503,18 @@ const ULocale& LocaleUtils::SLOVAKIA() return *npc(SLOVAKIA_); } +const ULocale& LocaleUtils::SERBIAN() +{ + static auto SERBIAN_ = new ULocale("sr"); + return *npc(SERBIAN_); +} + +const ULocale& LocaleUtils::SERBIA() +{ + static auto SERBIA_ = new ULocale("sr", "RS"); + return *npc(SERBIA_); +} + const ULocale& LocaleUtils::SWEDISH() { static auto SWEDISH_ = new ULocale("sv"); diff --git a/inflection/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtils.hpp b/inflection/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtils.hpp index 883ac35..6a24be6 100644 --- a/inflection/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtils.hpp +++ b/inflection/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtils.hpp @@ -440,6 +440,14 @@ class INFLECTION_CLASS_API inflection::util::LocaleUtils final * sk_SK: Slovak (Slovakia) */ static const ::inflection::util::ULocale& SLOVAKIA(); + /** + * sr: Serbian + */ + static const ::inflection::util::ULocale& SERBIAN(); + /** + * sr_RS: Serbian (Serbia) + */ + static const ::inflection::util::ULocale& SERBIA(); /** * sv: Swedish */ diff --git a/inflection/test/resources/inflection/dialog/inflection/sr.xml b/inflection/test/resources/inflection/dialog/inflection/sr.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ca2c43 --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/test/resources/inflection/dialog/inflection/sr.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + једроједро + женажена + каменкамен + ПетарПетар + diff --git a/inflection/test/resources/inflection/dialog/pronoun/sr.xml b/inflection/test/resources/inflection/dialog/pronoun/sr.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0e832c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/inflection/test/resources/inflection/dialog/pronoun/sr.xml @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ + + + + + ми + ми + ја + ја + ја + ви + ти + она + оне + они + она + оно + оно + она + он + оно + оно + diff --git a/inflection/test/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtilsTest.cpp b/inflection/test/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtilsTest.cpp index 24ec8aa..27c0f2c 100644 --- a/inflection/test/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtilsTest.cpp +++ b/inflection/test/src/inflection/util/LocaleUtilsTest.cpp @@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ TEST_CASE("LocaleUtilsTest#testCoverage") inflection::util::LocaleUtils::PORTUGUESE(), inflection::util::LocaleUtils::ROMANIAN(), inflection::util::LocaleUtils::RUSSIAN(), + inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SERBIAN(), inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SLOVAK(), inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SWEDISH(), inflection::util::LocaleUtils::THAI(), @@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ TEST_CASE("LocaleUtilsTest#testCoverage") inflection::util::LocaleUtils::PORTUGAL(), inflection::util::LocaleUtils::ROMANIA(), inflection::util::LocaleUtils::RUSSIA(), + inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SERBIA(), inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SLOVAKIA(), inflection::util::LocaleUtils::SWEDEN(), inflection::util::LocaleUtils::THAILAND(),