These tutorials work with code at HEAD
, which is not semver compatible with the current published release. Refer to the tutorials in the release/1.5
branch instead.
Welcome! We're glad you want to try out ICU4X! This page serves as a landing page for people looking to perform various tasks with ICU4X.
If new to ICU4X, we recommend reading through the introduction tutorial: it walks through the process of using ICU4X as a Rust dependency, and some of the basics common to most ICU4X components.
It leads in to the Data management tutorial, which covers how internationalization data can be generated and loaded into ICU4X. Users needing more control over their flow of locale data can then read the data provider tutorial.
After going through that, you can take a look at the ICU4X root docs and check out the various components, each of which covers some area of internationalization and has usage docs for doing so.
For help setting up your Cargo.toml file to pull in everything you need, see the ICU4X Cargo tutorial.
If you intend to use ICU4X from other languages, check out our tutorials for C++ and JS. It is recommended one read through the main tutorial first to understand the core concepts; the C++ and JS APIs are rather similar to the Rust ones.
We're happy to answer any questions on our discussions forum!
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