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10.1.1. Integrations - Queues -

File metadata and controls

99 lines (85 loc) · 5.28 KB

Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service)

  • Fully managed queue service
  • 🤗 Oldest offering (over 10 years)
  • Message retention period - between 1 minute to 14 days - default: 4 days
  • No limit to how many messages can be in the queue
    • ❗ You need to process those within the time limit
  • Flow
    • One or many Producers send messages to SQS Queue
    • One or many Consumers poll messages from SQS Queue
  • Scaling
    • Scales automatically to 10.000 messages per second.
    • Horizontal scaling in terms of number of consumers.
  • Security: You can use Server-Side Encryption using KMS.
  • You can send messages & simulate a consumer with polling on the console.

Producing messages

  • ❗ Maximum message size - between 1 and 256 KB - default: 256 KB
  • (Optional) Add message attributes (key & value metadata)
  • (Optional) Provide delay delivery
    • Delay Queue
      • Delay a message up to 15 minutes e.g. consumers don't see it immediately.
      • At queue level: Can set a default (default is 0 seconds -> visible right away)
      • At message level: Can override the default using the DelaySeconds parameter.
  • Get back:
    • Message identifier
    • MD5 hash of the body

Consuming messages

  • Polls SQS for messages
    • ❗ Up to 10 messages at a time
  • Consumer needs to delete messages from queue to prevent the message from being received.
    • Use API DeleteMessage using the message ID & receipt handle after successful processing.
  • Receive message wait time - between 0 and 20 seconds - default: 0 seconds

Visibility Timeout

  • When a consumer polls a message from a queue, the message is "invisible" to other consumers for a defined period, the VisibilityTimeout
    • Messages remain in queue while being processed i.e. they're not returned to subsequent receive requests for duration of visibility timeout
  • Set between 0 seconds and 12 hours (default: 30 seconds)
    • If too high (e.g. 15 min): If consumer fails you must wait a long time before processing again.
    • If too low (e.g. 30 seconds): Message can be processed more than once before one consumer is done.
  • 📝 Use API ChangeMessageVisibility: to change the visibility while processing a message.

Dead Latter Queue (DLQ)

  • If consumer cannot handle the message, the message goes back to the queue after visibility timeout.
  • If it happens many time then the message can be put into dead letter queue.
    • Threshold of how many times is called redrive policy.
  • DLQ is another SQS queue.
    • Create a DLQ first then designate it dead letter queue
    • 💡 Make sure to process the messages in the DLQ before they expire

Pulling types

  • Short Pulling: Queue responds right away to "Do you have messages?"
  • Long pulling
    • Eliminate empty responses by allowing SQS to wait until a message is available in a queue before sending a response.
      • The response to the ReceiveMessage request contains at least one of the available messages or unless the connection times out.
        • ❗ Up to the maximum number of messages specified in the ReceiveMessage action.
    • Recommended as it decreases the number of API calls
      • Increases latency and efficiency of your application.
    • The wait time can be between 1 sec to 20 sec (20 sec preferable)
    • Can be enabled at the queue level or at the message level using WaitTimeSeconds API.

Queue types

  • Standard Queue

    • At least once delivery is guaranteed
      • 📝Can have duplicate messages occasionally
    • By design as it' very high throughput, AWS calls it unlimited throughput.
    • Best effort ordering: 📝Can have out of order messages
    • Usually integrated with S3, CloudWatch Events, SNS, Auto Scaling Hooks, IoT rule, lambda DLQs..
    • ❗ Limitation of 256KB per message sent
  • FIFO Queues

    • Extends standard queue: have all capabilities.
    • Lower throughput: ❗ Up to 300 messages per seconds (for receive, delete & send)
      • If you batch messages to 10 then it'll be 3000 per second
      • Soft limit, you can request for higher limits
    • Ensures ordering and exactly-once processing.
    • ❗ No per message delay (only per queue delay)
    • Ability to do content based de-duplication
      • Avoid duplicate messages during the deduplication interval
      • Can be
        • Content based: Uses hash of the message
        • Deduplication ID: 5-minute interval de-duplication using "Deduplication ID"
          • Messages with same deduplication ID are accepted but only one is delivered during 5-minute.
    • Name of the queue must end with .fifo
    • Message Groups
      • Possibility to group messages for FIFO ordering using Message GroupID tag on message.
      • Only one worker can be assigned per message group, so that messages are processed in order.
  • Differences

    Queue type Delivery type Ordering Delay Deduplication Latency AWS integrations
    Standard At least once Best effort Per message and queue NaN <10 ms Many
    FIFO Exactly-once FIFO, can also use custom GroupID tag to ensure one worker per group in order Only per queue Content (hash) or custom ID based <100 ms Less, missing e.g. S3/CloudWatch/SNS/Lambda DLQ...