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jamescoxon edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the dl-fldigi wiki!


To compile from git source : autoreconf -vfi

On Mac OS X using Macports you get the classic pkg-config errors:

ln -s /opt/local/share/aclocal/pkg.m4 /Users/jamescoxon/Development/fldigi/m4/

Finish DL Config + XML parsing, add option to change servers to allow for future changes.
Actual GPS parsing
Remote control of fldigi – using xml-rpc – perhaps add xml-rpc function to grab the waterfall png
Add HAB interface, parsed details, flight details, compass to show bearing + angle
Debate whether to completely isolate the hab changes to the —hab command or to allow it to all run with the normal fldigi setup as well (as it does currently) – perhaps the bare minimum on normal fldigi

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