Clone repository and change directory:
git clone https://github.com/ministryofjustice/hmpps-book-secure-move-frontend && cd hmpps-book-secure-move-frontend
Install node dependencies:
npm install
Build the assets
npm run build
Create a copy of the example environment variable file and add values for the keys:
cp .env.example .env
Set the environment variables accordingly.
NODE_ENV=production npm start
The app will run on port 3000 by default and be available at http://localhost:3000.
Ensure Redis is installed and running.
npm run develop
The app will be running at:
- http://localhost:3000 in normal webserving mode
- http://localhost:3001 with browsersync
- ws://localhost:9299 with node debugger support
Some extra levels of debugging have been added to aid development.
To see app level debug logs run:
DEBUG=app:* npm run develop
To see all axios requests/responses run:
DEBUG=axios npm run develop
To see form wizard debug logs run:
DEBUG=hmpo:controller* npm run develop
You can combine and filter out namespaces, for example:
DEBUG=axios,app:*,-app:api-client:axois* npm run develop
In development mode, node debugger support is enabled. Various IDEs and standalone applications are available to step through running code.
The frontend uses the Book a secure move frameworks repo to build and maintain certain features like the Person Escort Record.
The frontend maintains a list of versions of the framework that are supported in the package.json manifest under a scope of @hmpps-book-secure-move-frameworks
. Each version is then maintained as a folder underneath that scope, for example @hmpps-book-secure-move-frameworks/0.1.0
The frontend needs to maintain separate versions so that it can render any previous records created using the framework or allow users to continue to edit existing records that have been created using specific versions.
Add a new item under the framework scope to the package manifest:
"@hmpps-book-secure-move-frameworks/{semanticVersion}": "github:ministryofjustice/hmpps-book-secure-move-frameworks#v{semanticVersion}"
The current version is used when creating new framework resources. It can be overridden using an environment variable (FRAMEWORKS_VERSION
for example when adding support for a new version but we want to still create records using an older version.