All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
2.75.2 (2021-04-19)
2.75.1 (2021-04-16)
- Don't cache failed authentication (1e0edb2)
2.75.0 (2021-04-13)
- Display multiple journey paths on map (c8fafd4)
2.74.2 (2021-03-17)
- Hide create move button if disabled location and add error handling (88b4229)
2.74.1 (2021-03-17)
- Remove sensitive data from errors (90e879e)
2.74.0 (2021-03-09)
- Add map as included template (f6cbda2)
- Fix reference to template path for assign journeys (6c42fa6)
2.73.4 (2021-03-09)
- Don't assume property exists when logging profile error (757016a)
- Sort locations list by ignoring case (1f8f632)
- Update content in assing journey inline with GOV.UK Style guide (d270208)
2.73.3 (2021-03-04)
2.73.2 (2021-03-04)
- Remove duplicates from CDM locations list (cc3ab0c)
2.73.1 (2021-03-02)
- Allow multiple allocations to be created in new tabs (9d7dd63)
- Allow multiple moves to be created in new tabs (52b77c5)
- Improve missing person ID error when creating a move (4a0fa19)
- Reduce Sentry warnings for missing resources to correct instances (90b5e9a)
2.73.0 (2021-02-25)
- Add accessibility statement (4978f63)
- Update feedback link position to banner above footer (f80ad5c)
- De-duplicate list of locations for Contract Delivery Managers (46b0ba0)
- Ensure uneditable PER message is correct for cancelled moves (02201d4)
2.72.0 (2021-02-18)
- pmu: Add links to population transfers (9d10ae0)
- pmu: Restore usable capacity label (6ac2dc2)
- pmu: Use not req.locationId (5cab42c)
- Use location from params on all specified routes (40bee13)
2.71.0 (2021-02-17)
- [WIP] CDM role permissions (fe2800a)
- Add test for contract delivery manager locations (beadb5f)
- Allow contract delivery managers to see a combined list of all supplier locations (0952178)
- Rename CDM permission (eca9d15)
2.70.1 (2021-02-15)
- Use correct action content for digital handover in banner (a26a1cf)
- Validate times in past (aa7a0ca)
2.70.0 (2021-02-15)
- Capture handover details when confirming Person Escort Record (76fcafd)
- Show handover details in move message banner (66d53ac)
- Add "Back to move" link back to assessments (43da112)
- Ensure names with special characters are displayed correctly (af7b115)
- Prevent special characters being escaped in the breadcrumb (6f19c96)
- Remove async from timeline function (7cb24d0)
2.69.2 (2021-02-03)
- Prevent loop when accessing the timeline (d4de672)
- Prevent right hand panel overlapping footer content (adb2775)
2.69.1 (2021-02-01)
- pmu: Render missing values as empty string (c627fe0)
2.69.0 (2021-02-01)
- pmu: Correctly filter by regions (8c7f693)
- pmu: Show 0 values in numeric fields (118082b)
- pmu: Use correct font sizing for transfers in/out (69e98e7)
- pmu: Use link to daily page for breadcrumb (cacd079)
- Ensure review URL is consistent across tabs (919a09a)
2.68.0 (2021-01-25)
- Single requests filter should not return allocations (4fbfadd)
2.67.1 (2021-01-20)
2.67.0 (2021-01-18)
- Use HMPPS orb deployment command to leverage helm (44dfb92)
- Change HMPPS Orb version (77eca23)
- Custom k8s setup (5f6f2e4)
- Fix helm lint config (0e39af1)
- Fix secrets (205e40c)
- Fix session secret name (e9a9581)
- Point to correct secrets space (8ebe01e)
- Readiness probe url type 🤦 (01cb6b9)
- Remove broken parameters (53333b8)
- Remove unneeded files (1bfef4d)
- Update all secret names (af71321)
- Use correct healthcheck path (22ec025)
- Use proper secrets names (abd958d)
2.66.0 (2021-01-13)
- Group moves by vehicle on incoming and outgoing dashboards (88ffe3d)
- pmu: Add weekly link on allocations confirm (7ba8525)
- pmu: Show transfers in/out on edit page (dcfbef6)
- Ensure the form wizard uses the default controller (397d7e2)
- Handling of API auth errors (48e49f3)
- Moves redirect when no current location is set (33b3952)
2.65.0 (2021-01-11)
- Allow time component to be rendered as a tag and show as relative (689492d)
- pmu: Add weekly location page (cf120e9)
- Add missing PER confirmed event description (3204a08)
- Ensure framework is only retrieved when available (695f57d)
- Ensure services are called with correct context (6807a71)
- Use the correct location for redirect events (73a6413)
- pmu: Remove links to population transfers (a594e5a)
- pmu: Rename pagination to datePagination (c0b83f2)
- pmu: Use correct breadcrumbs on all pages (474df7f)
2.64.0 (2021-01-05)
- Add filter to incoming and outgoing dashboards (f4f752e)
- Prevent users from submitting information more than once (3d2aed3)
- Prevent validation errors when users double click to confirm (eacd7c1)
- Restore date pagination on population pages (fe54275)
- Use youth risk assessment for hospital moves (6cf4c74)
2.63.1 (2020-12-29)
- Make sure error response exists first before using in debugging (7bec126)
2.63.0 (2020-12-29)
- Add breadcrumbs to PER and youth risk assessment (ed5484d)
- Add step to check if person is serving a youth sentence (ea9138d)
- Show created by for move events (c04a955)
- move: Display the person's category on the move profile record (5ae00b5)
- Check for profile in base create controller (1aa4e95)
- Check move status earlier in review to prevent journey error (6fe63c9)
- Prevent journey error on assessment confirmation (ae6d1f6)
- Prevent journey error when cancelled moves (92de760)
- Prevent metrics error from recent dep upgrade (703d5cf)
- Prevent multiple simultaneous API token refresh calls (1a9cecf)
- Prevent stray banner when move is cancelled without PER (fd59634)
- Set current user header only when the username is present (d95765e)
2.62.0 (2020-12-18)
- Add population grouping by category (ef770fc)
- Add support for prefix and suffix from framework (eec2b24)
- Add styling for caption and table borders (0a8c4ef)
- Ensure radio/checkboxes within add another keep same name (28b95ed)
- Quick fix for broken population adding (b4e7dc9)
- Use appMessage styling for no population (7790f2e)
- Use category key to select freespace to edit (78dd012)
- Use correct link to population edit page (388b655)
2.61.0 (2020-12-15)
- Add breadcrumb to population pages (431204c)
- move: Show medical and serious incidents on profile and dashboard (b5755bf)
- Add support for development tools (cbfb4f4)
- Cater for existing Person Escort Record during youth risk journey (0a6ac5b)
- Make filter remove icons show up properly (16c7c35)
- Return empty breadcrumbs if not init correctly (5336618)
- Update incorrect reference to template when move is not supported (9983c1e)
- Update reference to tools template (9cc891d)
2.60.1 (2020-12-08)
- Ensure Person Escort Record is displayed without feature flag (d50ce9c)
- Use approval endpoint for approving single requests (be475e3)
2.60.0 (2020-12-08)
- Add incoming dashboard permission to PER Auther role (7ca3431)
- Add youth risk assessment permission to STC and SCH roles (73cc2e4)
- Render youth risk assessment on move detail page (ea6ff07)
- Ensure next move is set dynamically for allocations (ec5b30a)
- Ensure profile is checked before assigning a person to a move (c8242b5)
- Update edit population heading and button (e5a5e3e)
- Update fallback text for framework responses (a5fdbb8)
- Use correct content for prison recall conflicts (8b8ec7b)
- Use session.user.fullname for updated_by (3d21938)
2.59.1 (2020-12-03)
2.59.0 (2020-12-03)
- Add ability to navigate to specific date in dashboard (3992514)
- Add component library explorer (684dd71)
- Add population create/edit wizard (75f7721)
- Add population link to dashboard (a09ba67)
- Don't store any falsy values in API cache key (58ced60)
- Mutate instead of return API responses when transforming (cda21cf)
- Prevent error when approving a move when another already exists (492b3bd)
- Prevent error when editing to a conflicting move (84fc6e3)
- Update edit population action text (8889e9b)
- Update edit population cancel link (92bc985)
- Use consistent heading style for population (a99636c)
2.58.2 (2020-11-25)
- Missing template in removing a move from an allocation (5854c9e)
- Prevent transformer looping (85ba46e)
2.58.1 (2020-11-25)
- Ensure custom deserializer is removed before calling parent (f3e7f7e)
2.58.0 (2020-11-24)
- single-request: Add rejection info to banner [P4-2414] (4dae7a9)
- Apply transformer to duplicate resources correctly (fe1b203)
- single-request: Ensure additional info about rejection gets saved (e2ccca7)
2.57.0 (2020-11-24)
- per: Use person image in print out (f95b07a)
- per: Display sections correctly in print layout (82b07e4)
2.56.0 (2020-11-23)
- move: Check prisoner category before creating move [P4-2310] (2ad4733)
- move: Show all hospitals in hospital location typeahead [P4-2408] (1319aeb)
- Add daily free spaces page (cea693a)
- Add population and date heading to daily population page (fb09c3f)
- Add support to create, edit and confirm youth risk assessments (52e92f2)
- Show transfers count on daily population page (1230f51)
- move: Add medical and red flags to timeline events (abffdbf)
- Adjust size and formatting of change numbers link (5fbe7ff)
- Improve layout of daily free spaces page (deee073)
- Use unique form wizard for individual resources (1452d30)
2.55.1 (2020-11-18)
2.55.0 (2020-11-18)
- move: Create events timeline for moves (00327e6)
2.54.2 (2020-11-13)
- form wizard: Use consistent CSRF secret across the session (5643385)
2.54.1 (2020-11-12)
- per: Use separate form wizard for each section (26d66c4)
2.54.0 (2020-11-12)
- allocation: Ensure allocation service resource always has moves (db7a78e)
2.53.0 (2020-11-06)
- Add getPrisonFreeSpaces helper (57264b1)
- Add location-free-spaces service (7ffaa69)
- Add locations_free_spaces model and fixture (7253afd)
- Add population dashboard (0655316)
- Use getPrisonFreeSpaces (a7d33a5)
- Use serverside sorting (b484205)
- Handle missing data from BE service correctly (5d809f8)
- Trim whitespace from person search inputs (b94c0f5)
- Use filters with getPrisonFreeSpaces (17db94f)
2.52.0 (2020-11-02)
- Add new dashboard permission for PMU role (880b3d3)
2.51.1 (2020-10-30)
- per: Ensure add another responses are rendered correctly (8d5794e)
- Add link to hard reload a form that has been tampered with (4dbcca7)
- per: Ensure form-wizard journey is unique for each PER (0dca482)
2.51.0 (2020-10-29)
- allocation: Improve allocations listing performance (67d6ec0)
- Add PMU population table component (46f5469)
2.50.1 (2020-10-28)
- per: Correct styling used to indicate when a question is prefilled (b3f4c1b)
- per: Ensure responses are displayed correctly on profile page (5576c53)
2.50.0 (2020-10-27)
- per: Prefill question with previous answer (c8b1905)
- package.json & package-lock.json to reduce vulnerabilities (d44e63a)
2.49.1 (2020-10-21)
- allocation: Stop person removal from an active or completed move (fd92181)
2.49.0 (2020-10-15)
- allocations: Move cancelled items to filter component (477b3cb)
- single requests: Move cancelled items to filter component (a0b1703)
2.48.0 (2020-10-15)
- per: Display banner when NOMIS sync fails (5f3f5f8)
- per: Display NOMIS information on section overview (3efcb5e)
- per: Only validate follow up comments when no NOMIS information (a6ce0b9)
- per: Render a feedback banner on section overview step (c95ed75)
- per: Render NOMIS information against questions (6afa48c)
- per: Handle when followup comments does not have any validations (64e051b)
- Add actual move dates to single-request getCancelled method (3d127df)
- upgrade debug from 4.2.0 to 4.3.0 (59d043d)
2.47.0 (2020-10-09)
- per: Display NOMIS information on section overview (3efcb5e)
- per: Render NOMIS information against questions (6afa48c)
- Add actual move dates to single-request getCancelled method (3d127df)
2.46.1 (2020-10-08)
- Add prison number hint (b281909)
- Add prison number validation message (40d8b52)
- Add validation to prison number field (a27b654)
- Allow prison number to be case insensitive (b1977dd)
- Use 4 digits in police number (d3a4046)
2.46.0 (2020-10-01)
- move: Grant OCA user ability to move from prison to SCH and STC (c7a0a92)
- Restore cancel moves and proposed moves for STC & SCH roles (22df00d)
2.45.1 (2020-09-24)
2.45.0 (2020-09-24)
- Add Cancelled by PMU (a04c1b0)
- Add sorting for single requests table (620332f)
- Make 'cancelled by pmu comment' optional (fd517ce)
- per: Update content and handover label for handover sheet (193a1e1)
- Allow users with PER editor role to see moves (862a301)
- Show origin on incoming dashboard (efe261c)
2.44.4 (2020-09-21)
- per: Correctly show banners/edit states with different move states (69aed12)
2.44.3 (2020-09-20)
- Remove circular structure when rendering components (dc350c2)
2.44.2 (2020-09-20)
2.44.1 (2020-09-18)
2.44.0 (2020-09-17)
- per: Show warning badges on print overview sheet (1bbd37b)
- framework: Don't remove emdash or endash from values (2dfe22b)
- per: Ensure nested fields are populated with initial values (f077010)
- Adjust casing of young offender instutition (5e4d241)
- Amend Prison labelling (72b5d75)
2.43.1 (2020-09-10)
2.43.0 (2020-09-10)
- Display approved single moves by 'Date of travel' (9e12beb)
- Displaying an allocation as already filled (b1e5dd0)
- per: Prevent last property bag from being removed [P4-2071] (b5bf93b)
- framework: Handle empty multiple items response types (8a0583f)
2.42.0 (2020-09-07)
- Enabled dashboard for STC/SHC users (67b4bc8)
- Included cancelled moves in singleton dashboard (6e704fb)
- Upgrade govuk-frontend to 3.8.1 (b5e94a8)
- per: Prevent error when record already exists (1a79c10)
- Inherit from correct template on special vehicle message step (cf4e33a)
2.41.1 (2020-09-01)
- framework: Add support for remaining nested response types (03240b0)
2.41.0 (2020-08-28)
- moves: Disable prison transfer move creation for SCH and STC user (cc5bca5)
2.40.0 (2020-08-28)
- Added STC/SHC/YOI move permissions to STC and SHC roles (cc49117)
- Enable user to select moves from YOI/SCH/STC to YOI/SCH/STC (d303e0c)
- per: Show section warnings once a section is complete (bdfa562)
- single-requests: Make single request download work again (994f988)
2.39.0 (2020-08-26)
- moves: Add age group and filter to single requests [P4-1940] (605aebb)
- moves: Filter moves by supplier id [P4-1882] (940afb5)
- moves: Show supplier locations based on moves they own [P4-2044] (d8419b6)
- Decorated the user with a supplier id (where applicable) (8cd3493)
- Displayed the current week in the dashboard (f33de8d)
2.38.0 (2020-08-19)
- formwizard: Add support for "Add another" style fields (b9ff6c5)
- frameworks: Add support for "Add multiple" questions (e749d22)
- frameworks: Load framework on runtime so support multiple verisons (1907887)
- move: Enable hospital move type for police user [P4-1833] (073e68f)
- move: Enable hospital move type for prison user [P4-1829] (afcb9c2)
- move: Enable hospital move type for sch user [P4-1838] (5318966)
- move: Enable hospital move type for stc user [P4-1837] (3991db0)
- per: Add handover section to print version (31fabd9)
- framework: Change condition to cater for conditional last steps (085cc3f)
- Fix spacing of nested conditional form elements from Design System (e99170b)
- move: Prevent undefined additional_info being sent to patch move (ab06a87)
2.37.4 (2020-08-07)
- Remove circular dependency when loading routers (d62766a)
- per: Group responses correctly under flag summary (8744cce)
2.37.3 (2020-08-05)
- allocations: Add missing include to listing call (d13cb32)
2.37.2 (2020-08-04)
- framework: Don't use session values in form steps (69c21c5)
2.37.1 (2020-08-03)
- framework: Call correct parent method when setting locals (aa5483e)
2.37.0 (2020-08-03)
- move: [P4-1780] Support police custody transfer move (8366fb8)
- moves: Add booked and in transit moves to list of active moves (a349c88)
- per: Add journey to print the record once it is confirmed (d42dfe2)
- per: Add more complex elements to print view (e7e4f85)
- per: Display card tags from Person Escort Record (43fd58b)
- per: Display flags from Person Escort Record on move detail (0097c62)
- per: Enable permissions for Person Escort Record (151d35f)
- per: Render flags from a Person Escort Record on move detail (1ccfb75)
- Upgrade govuk-frontend to v3.8.0 (dd4d976)
- framework: Remove indent from followup questions (8a9186e)
- per: Allow Person Escort Records starts/updates in booked state (9bbcc2e)
- per: Amend card tag display logic in allocations to use permissions (3bb4815)
- per: Amend card tag display logic in allocations to use permissions (4269aa6)
- per: Ensure missing PERs 404 instead of rending routes (db1f25a)
- per: Ensure move detail logic uses permissions too (2d85c39)
- per: Ensure steps can't be accessed once reocrd is confirmed (a190a69)
- per: Only use the set PER middleware for routes that require it (70aa618)
- Ensure assessment answers are rendered correctly (6a1f8b6)
2.36.0 (2020-07-28)
- allocations: Included estate for allocations (d26d2dc)
- allocations: Included sentence length comment (c202926)
- framework: Add support for markdown in hint text (95a36d3)
- move: Add video remand as move type option for police user (844c4a1)
- move: Enable move updating for SCH users (7a7decf)
- per: Add ability to confirm a Person Escort Record (64de055)
- per: Support ordering of framework sections (500c741)
- Fixed allocations for young offenders (a69ca7b)
- Return combined total rather than array when moves request batched (af2f949)
- frameworks: Ensure filter dependent responses correctly (a3f6f2a)
- Amended wording for complex cases (697b3e3)
- Ensure button styles aren't affected by banner link override (1f6f331)
- per: Add hint text for options when importing (b0a75e2)
- per: Remove before you start page when creating a new PER (960df2b)
- Correct the contrast of links on light blue banner (7692e8c)
2.35.1 (2020-07-16)
- allocations: Fix permissions check for allocations app (37231e7)
2.35.0 (2020-07-15)
- per: Create overview controller to show status of PER (ec45fdc)
2.34.0 (2020-07-13)
- allocations: Display locations and regions (07a6c64)
- allocations: Filter allocations by region (6765025)
- per: Add application to handle creating a new person escort record (6a9c1d4)
- per: Add start/progress banner to move detail (33c7825)
- per: Render different field types from framework on overview (01317de)
- per: Replay responses from API in form step (635bba2)
- per: Save Person Escort Record response (1beb1d4)
- per: Support display of followup questions (a8f0bbe)
- Add support for Court users to access the service (921b26b)
- allocations: Assigned regions only to selected users (3b3053f)
- allocations: Fetch a single region (7fcb90f)
- allocations: Fetching paginated regions (d33d204)
- allocations: Simplified route for regions (3fe3e7f)
- e2e: Fix allocation validation checks (40f5ca5)
- e2e: Prevent allocation tests only running Monday to Friday (0e330ad)
- frameworks: Add multiple flag to checkbox fields from framework (062c2bd)
- per: Handle case where question is not present on response (fa7e17d)
- Adjust spacing of list from GOV.UK Design System (f347e4f)
2.33.0 (2020-07-07)
- per: Add check your answers style overview page (a348b67)
- per: Add support for interruption card step type (d88d916)
- per: Add support to import follow up comment fields (a1c0ff4)
- per: Render before and after content from framework (46026d3)
2.32.0 (2020-06-30)
- formwizard: Support custom validation messages (0466993)
- per: Add save and return support to step forms (50331e2)
- Add importer for Book a secure move frameworks P4-1734 (7b6f480)
- Add route handler to show framework steps (9ba67d9)
- Set app timezone to be Europe/London explicitly (c6a9a4e)
- upgrade govuk-frontend from 3.6.0 to 3.7.0 (2d09406)
- Use correct copy for cancelling an allocation (b7a12fe)
2.31.0 (2020-06-18)
- allocations: Record & display the user who requests the allocation (56e2afa)
- moves: Give OCA users ability to cancel proposed moves (2f7e4bd)
- moves: Supply reason for rejection (ac5395e)
- moves: Display the reasons for rejection in the move view (2764e41)
- Ensure selected person shown in sidebar when creating move (4a7f2e8)
2.30.0 (2020-06-15)
- allocations: Remove single move from allocation (7e24067)
- Prevent infinite calls to moves endpoint (d12781e)
- allocations: Fix the cancel allocation e2e tests (40c71c5)
- Add python to image so node-sass can be built from source (29f700d)
- upgrade @sentry/node from 5.15.4 to 5.15.5 (1f0ff28)
- upgrade chrono-node from 1.4.5 to 1.4.6 (7a35f79)
- upgrade date-fns from 2.12.0 to 2.14.0 (1ff33de)
- upgrade debug from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 (0c2e55d)
- upgrade grant-express from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 (0929b64)
- upgrade hmpo-form-wizard from 11.6.0 to 11.6.1 (d0f55d1)
- upgrade i18next from 19.4.3 to 19.4.4 (81e0665)
- upgrade json2csv from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1 (afeb144)
- allocations: Remove link from card with unallocated slot (7e0b856)
2.29.0 (2020-06-11)
- allocations: Add reason for cancellation (0030b05)
- allocations: Added sorting to allocation tables (1624cf9)
- allocations: Provide filtering for allocations listings (f57ff81)
- moves: Add incoming and outgoing panels to the dashboard (1cf658e)
- moves: Add list for incoming moves (698f403)
- Ensure end-to-end test assertions are called with a promise (c837e75)
- Ensure end-to-end tests run against correct deployment (ebd0321)
- Only filter undefined values from move create/updates (62c2120)
- Remove
filter from allocation assign (148e861) - Remove case transformation on locations page (557efaf)
- Update button text for assigning a person (45fc3ce)
- allocations: Change label of sentence length (be77e71)
- allocations: Label for date field error (780b089)
- allocations: Removed spurious apostrophe from page title (5b4d2a5)
- allocations: Validation of prisoners num to allow only numbers (230701d)
- moves: Remove ability of OCA users to create court transfer moves (dd79200)
2.28.0 (2020-06-02)
- allocations: Display info when no agreement for allocation move (e779728)
- downloads: Add prison number column to csv downloads (214e91c)
- Update logo fallback image to use revisioned asset (e0d2f2f)
- allocations: Added sidebar to assign journey, plus minor tweaks (acf0891)
2.27.0 (2020-05-28)
- allocations: Display warning that move needs to be added to NOMIS (ffe23e8)
- allocations: Remove person from an allocation (43246a1)
- allocations: Ensure cancelled moves are returned correctly (cdac308)
2.26.0 (2020-05-28)
- allocations: Add progress column to table display (091a5ad)
- Add banner to show status of move without a person (d63b028)
- allocations: Display cancelled allocations (c2dd836)
- Ensure card without image doesn't have left margin (65ee65f)
- allocations: Ensure person is formatted correctly in allocations (22b118b)
- allocations: Prevent allocation moves being cancelled from the move (301b754)
- allocations: Unescape the heading of allocation view (83c9528)
- components: Fix image size in card component (03ac9a7)
- moves: Show placeholder card for moves without a person (507dfd7)
2.25.0 (2020-05-21)
- Assign person to move (33827e3)
2.24.1 (2020-05-20)
- single requests: Remove allocations from single requests results (f5e8a6e)
2.24.0 (2020-05-20)
- allocations: Add allocation to primary navigation (38f346e)
- allocations: Add allocations panel to dashboard (e8216a9)
- allocations: Update content around allocation dashboards (6d3382e)
2.23.1 (2020-05-19)
- allocations: Allow the user to call off the cancellation (9c0dc6d)
- moves: Cater for moves without a person in CSV download (1d1cd43)
2.23.0 (2020-05-19)
- allocations: Display status of allocation in view (dcfa7a5)
- allocations: Journey to cancel an allocation and related moves (9e3ce5d)
- allocations: Avoid formatting a person if move has none associated (66c8d7c)
- allocations: Display correct links in the confirmation page (0254270)
2.22.0 (2020-05-18)
- allocations: New feature: screen for single allocation view (2c95a3d)
- Create new unified dashboard (74796f5)
- update move: Provide ability for STC user to update move documents (6811f27)
2.21.1 (2020-05-13)
- single requests: Update submit button text (c593e6c)
- Only display move agreed status for single requests (8f737e1)
2.21.0 (2020-05-12)
- single requests: Add approval and rejection workflows (d7a88d9)
- single requests: Link dashboard to review page (316380b)
- single requests: Show banner for pending reviews on move page (5c93506)
- Create allocation details and criteria (6292ebe)
- Provide ability to update to location [P4-1440] (3d3deb7)
- edit: Correct the reference to update fields (8d23cae)
- single requests: Allow moves to be downloaded (12b97b2)
- single requests: Fix default sort direction of single requests (5c9bd19)
- single requests: Fix filtering of approved requests (e196211)
- single requests: Fix single request filtering (54c0e3c)
- single requests: Send correct move agreed value to API (c90cd4a)
- single requests: Show agreement status with receiving prison (47d50b5)
- single requests: Update column widths of table (e6ea854)
- Ensure fillinAutocomplete e2e helper can change its value (6344f42)
- Prevent setting of unnecessary properties on person fixture (a2f71ca)
- Prevent update court link when move not to court (52d5110)
2.20.1 (2020-05-06)
- Ensure move date is valid before processing (4546a7b), closes #BOOK-A-SECURE-MOVE-FRONTEND-1
- Handle how CSRF errors are dealt with (abeaa89), closes #BOOK-A-SECURE-MOVE-FRONTEND-10
2.20.0 (2020-05-05)
- validation: Add support for custom error messages (cf05de7)
- Add image to move detail and create summary (44030a0)
- Show confirmation message after updating move [P4-1353] (783f21d)
- single requests: Display transfer reason in summary panel (4286762)
- Add step to check NOMIS timetable before adding court dates (1cec059)
- Add support for all previous NOMIS information (e281151)
- Display proposed moves as a table (a53b1ab)
- List view by status and period for allocations (c3cf6a8)
- Add spacing between columns when they are stacked (d0d74b0)
- Ensure court hearing start time is in the future (2ac6982)
- Update support for user deciding to save to NOMIS (eabdc40)
- single requests: Ensure filter is only hidden when no total moves (6fe4584)
- Add prison_transfer_reason to move attributes (b7fe108)
- Ensure flash banners get focus on page load (763f47c)
- Ensure readOnly fields remain editable until value saved (0221bfb)
- Ensure that radios and checkboxes are selected when clicked (784d2b6)
- Ensure the status badge isn't shown for cancelled moves (26a17e9)
- Format prison transfer relationships (a77a442)
- Make the date range filter accept a null second date (da94c91)
- Move "flash" messages to below page actions (9098af6)
- Sort moves in table by created at, descending (da64841)
- Split date range filters so current week is shown correctly (94bd7c0)
- Update banner selector for end-to-end tests (5700ac2)
- Update end-to-end tests to support new "home" dashboard (264d389)
- Update how from and to dates are handled in the summary panel (1776277)
- Update selectors in end-to-end tests (b60a333)
- filter cmpt: Update filter component to show correct styles (923cf73)
- filters: Use consistent format for date range filter (a50bcff)
- moves: Don't show image for cancelled moves (ebb4e81)
- single requests: Add header links for single requests (6a6b52a)
- single requests: Ensure page titles are present and consistent (5f484af)
- single requests: Ensure prison transfer reason is being displayed (97e8200)
- single requests: Ensure transfer reason and comments are saved (1bc3f79)
- Update court cases endpoint to only return active cases (32e6707)
- Use correct variable for person image during creation journey (527ca7c)
2.19.1 (2020-04-22)
- Provide better user feedback when a move conflict occurs (4f0a7cd)
- e2e: Update selector used in end-to-end tests (223083b)
2.19.0 (2020-04-21)
- Allow API cache to be controlled by environment variables (9b7b55a)
- Allow message component to be focusable (fb13e84)
- Update consistency of "requested" language (79336c9)
- Use fallback config when creating Redis store (cc9232a)
2.18.0 (2020-04-20)
- Add primary navigation menu (b3c3eb4)
- Dashboard for allocations (0cfad86)
- Route for the allocations dashboard (ecdf0ca)
- Service for the allocations (partial) (dcbac67)
- Handle moves with no court hearings (d16c7b6)
- Move saving of court hearing to end of create journey (ce1c86e)
2.17.0 (2020-04-16)
- Add message to confirmation screen for prison to court moves (ae4a52c)
- Create a new step for capturing case details (dd55c3d)
- Create permission move:create:prison_to_prison (13ea5a9)
- Create status as proposed if to and from locations are both prison (70851e5)
- Display court hearings on the move detail view (7a980d0)
- Feature flag court hearing support (852303b)
- e2e: Check assessment answers in end-to-end tests (42115f8)
- e2e: Fill in court, risk and health section in end-to-end tests (458cb8d)
- End to end tests for OCA journey (603fb2f)
- Journey for the OCA user (f62e38d)
- Adjust spacing of card nested within radio/checkbox list (cb24dfa)
- Correct model and tests for documents entity (955ffe0)
- Ensure court information is only displayed when appropriate (2fdd719)
- Ensure names that contain special characters don't escape (dbfd40d)
- Fix broken e2e test (16fd465)
- Make govuk radios display block (e4e0b4c)
- e2e: Add support for missing person identifiers (7b587a3)
- e2e: Handle case where no moves are in the download (dbfa598)
- Text for proposed moves confirmation page (20adbef)
2.16.0 (2020-04-06)
- Dashboard for the OCA journey (8af537c)
- Move landing page to correct url (e78ae77)
- Presentation of dashboard filters (6e32f42)
- Show this week for the date range (0f16ab1)
- Ensure all shared field configs are a deep copy (73cd1d5)
- Ensure person formatter doesn't send empty identifiers (80c6dbe)
- Prevent field helper mutating properties (e3a8069)
- Visually hide date fieldset legend (938635b)
2.15.1 (2020-04-02)
- Ensure content-type is defined before checking it (9b206e3)
2.15.0 (2020-03-31)
- Add e2e smoke tests for Prison users (f456d87)
- Add end-to-end tests for Prison to Court journeys (74da7c2)
- Add has_date_to field to the date page (3f14804)
- Add redirection according to location type (d44c45a)
- Link give us feedback (d5c484d)
- Navigation for multiple types of moves (8ffa844)
- Primary navigation with link to the dashboard (441e837)
- Split date from move details (99e9665)
- Tests (d914192)
- Use supplier name in confirmation message (3acf7a9)
- [P4-1041] Extend service timeout (be9e963)
- Add missing test file and make requested tweaks (e959006)
- Allow size of uploaded files to be up to that specified in config (95f11ff)
- Check meta items in person to card presenter (c7d12ba)
- Ensure form submit button has correct type (5dd9841)
- Ensure the date range step only applies to prison to prison (3e97060)
- Fix broken unit test (0b35f16)
- Make changes requested in pr401 review (f5f6761)
- Navigation displays wrong label (f8fa010)
- Prevent garbled upload error being displayed (8ae1313)
- Remove null and undefined from Person formatter (dd68617)
- Update end-to-end tests to cater for separate date step (fb5c681)
- Use selector to populate autocomplete fields (dcee06b)
2.14.3 (2020-03-23)
2.14.2 (2020-03-18)
- Add support to define keys to show for previous assessment (096df80)
2.14.1 (2020-03-18)
- Add back missing translation (4bdf6db)
2.14.0 (2020-03-18)
- Add support for images in person search results (cee9e42)
- Unescape search term in person search results (d8b4b8f)
- Update card component (6bc8ccc)
- Update text for incorrect NOMIS information (5ebae5c)
2.13.0 (2020-03-12)
- Allow previous assessments to be sent to API (f77495d)
- Date range in moves (3cbb2cf)
- Replay a previous assessment during the create journey (2eba169)
- View per week in the dashboard (53e69a0)
- Today date in pagination is to be current date, not the base date (fe95bdf)
- Update default template for create wizard (d73e314)
2.12.1 (2020-03-05)
- Ensure the code is checked out before running the GitHub release (4cc3690)
2.12.0 (2020-03-05)
- Add support for new move agreed attributes (ff1503a)
- Broad outline of move request dashboard (55dd4aa)
- step and fields for the move reason (6f3b2f4)
- createmove: Add hint text support for explicit questions (d116476)
- createmove: Add logic to handle no prison results (db6ed5f)
- createmove: Add release status field (2babdca)
- createmove: Add separate special vehicle step (8c23b6b)
- formwizard: Add ability to hide back link (86db1a8)
- formwizard: Create new blocks for form actions (5ad4c47)
- Add inset text GOV.UK component (4b5c67e)
- Introduce changelog (2118c9c)
- set conditional field depending on role (d256a1c)
- Step for date range (9cc88cd)
- createmove: Fork person search type (99de24d)
- createmove: Store from location type (9a71722)
- step for the move agreed (3069ae8)
- Add created_at attribute to move model (0fd5c69)
- Add fallback if role has no permissions (d7a8d26)
- Display search term correctly (6cb9535)
- Ensure date field runs formatter (a6841f1)
- Prevent error when decoding an undefined access token (8047e79)
- Prevent error when grant returns no response in auth (733b2b5)
- Remove padding from text button style (433f07f)
- Set correct journey for prison to prison moves (a3a099c)
- Update key for search translation (84dd4a4)
- Update prison number key (5fe7e8b)
- Update release status assessment question (86b229f)
- Update the e2e tests for prison moves (c4214b1)
- createmove: Check implicit question length (b7a0e11)
- createmove: Ensure create base controller is the default controller (d8b0cc7)
- createmove: Update e2e tests for special vehicle (62a98aa)