View the Profile variable
View current values of the Profile variable
$PROFILE | Select-Object *
Check for existing Profile file
Test-Path $PROFILE
Check for Current User All Hosts Profile file
Test-Path $PROFILE.AllUsersCurrentHost
Create Profile file
New-Item -Path $PROFILE -type file -force
Edit Profile file
Notepad $PROFILE
Set command line colors
Set-PSReadLineOption -Colors @{
"ContinuationPrompt" = "#F18A00" # UCD Poppy
"Emphasis" = "#79242F" # UCD Merlot
"Error" = "#C10230" # UCD Double Decker
"Selection" = "#481268" # UCD Cabernet
"Default" = "#FFFFFF" # White
"Comment" = "#3DAE2B" # UCD Quad
"Keyword" = "#AADA91" # UCD Farmers Market
"String" = "#0047BA" # UCD Gunrock
"Operator" = "#B2B2B2" # UCD Black 30%
"Variable" = "#6CCA98" # UCD Sage
"Command" = "#FFBF00" # UCD Gold
"Parameter" = "#B2B2B2" # UCD Black 30%
"Type" = "#FFFFFF" # White
"Number" = "#FFDC00" # UCD Sunflower
"Member" = "#FFF2CC" # UCD Gold 20%
#"InlinePrediction" = "#333333" # UCD Black 80%
#"ListPrediction" = "#FFD24C" # UCD Gold 70%
#"ListPredictionSelected" = "#7F7F7F" # UCD Black 50%
Set foreground color in console
$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "DarkCyan";
Set the Window title
$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = ("Happy " + (Get-Date).DayOfWeek + "!");
Open default browser to UCD Status Page and other helpful sites
start-process "";
start-process "";
start-process "";
#start-process "";
#start-process "";
Changing the Prompt
function prompt { "Wands at the ready coders!`n > "}
Changing Prompt to the Computer Name and Current Directory Path
function prompt{
"PS [$env:computername] $(Get-Location)>";
Get AD Computers Function
function get-ucd-servers{
#Custom Reporting Object for Server Listing
$cstSrvRpt = new-object PSObject -Property (@{UCDServers=@(); Status=""});
$cstSrvRpt.Status = "";
#Array of Server OU DNs
$ServerOUs = $("OU=unit1,OU=MyUnits,OU=MyDepartment,DC=my,DC=college,DC=edu",
#Check Connection to Campus
if((Test-Connection -Ping -TargetName -Count 1 -TimeoutSeconds 1).Status -eq "Success")
#Import the Active Directory Module
Import-Module ActiveDirectory;
#Loop Through OUs and Get All AD Computers (Including the IPv4Address) and Add Them to Reporting Array
Foreach($srvrOU in $ServerOUs)
$cstSrvRpt.UCDServers += Get-ADComputer -Filter 'Enabled -eq $True' -SearchBase $srvrOU -SearchScope Subtree -Server -Properties IPv4Address | Select-Object -Property Name,DNSHostName,IPv4Address;
#Display Status of Failed Ping
$cstSrvRpt.Status = "Couldn't ping domain. Check your Campus connection!";
return $cstSrvRpt.Status;
#Display Server Report Array
return $cstSrvRpt.UCDServers;
}#End of get-ucd-servers
Pinging a group of systems
@("","","") | Foreach-Object { $pingStatus = Test-Connection $_ -Count 1 -Quiet; "$_ $pingStatus" }
Change Location to the Desktop
Set-Location ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop").ToString());
View command line colors
View the current Prompt code block
(Get-Command Prompt).ScriptBlock
View host UI settings