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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 25, 2020. It is now read-only.


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  • leader_election.js - Use Ringpop to choose a (sloppy) leader and then do something interesting.
  • key_value.js - Use Ringpop to build an in-memory key-value store.


Though each example may have its own dependencies it's safest to run the below from the root directory:

npm install

General Usage

Running any of the examples is the same. Replace example.js with any of the example source files mentioned above:

  Usage: example [options]

  Run an example


    -h, --help                   output usage information
    -n, --clusterName <name>     Name of cluster
    -s, --size <size>            Size of cluster
    -b, --bootstrap <bootstrap>  JSON compatible array of hosts
    -p, --port <port>            Base port for cluster
    -h, --host <host>            Address of host
    [options] example.js

Leader Election

Here is a sample of how to start a 5-node cluster and get them to elect a leader:

node leader_election.js -n le -s 5

And here is how you get 5 more nodes to join that cluster and get them to elect a new leader:

node leader_election.js -n le -s 5 -p 3005 -b '[""]'

Key Value

Start your Ringpop cluster:

node key_value.js -n kv

Put a value into the store:

tcurl -p kv put -3 '{"key":"foo","value":"bar"}'

And read it back (from a different node):

tcurl -p kv get -3 '{"key":"foo"}'