At one time or another Orkid has been ported to the PS2, NintendoDS, Wii, XBox360, MacOs, Linux and Windows.
Unfortunately, with my job and family, I have had only the bandwidth to maintain the Linux and MacOs builds.
If you want to minimize any pain, right now I would recommend Linux (Ubuntu 22.04/24.04 x86/64 or ARM64). The MacOs build is only tested with Xcode on Ventura (Both Intel And Apple Silicon)..
In general building will require a bunch of dependencies which are not included. There is a script included that automates the downloading, building and installation of these dependencies.
- install / update homebrew
- install / update XCode via AppStore.
- Install Ork Build Tools (OBT)
- see OBT installation docs
- ensure that you have created a virtual environment using homebrew's python 3.12+
- If you have not done so already, create an (OBT) staging environment/container. --stagedir ~/.staging-xxx --wipe
- This can take a bit, it will be building a container scoped python and a few other deps which are required for consistent OBT operation.
- Launch the staging environment
- ~/.staging-xxx/bin will now be in your $PATH
- Check which deps will be built for orkid orkid
- Build orkid (clean) orkid --force --wipe
- Build orkid (incremental) orkid --incremental
- first time fixup on macos --all --all
# yes run it twice
- Download audio assets
- Pre-bake some assets
# after asset_count<1> printed five times exit via ctrl-c
- Run a c++ example
- Run a python example
- The Orkid Source Tree will be at ${ORKID_WORKSPACE_DIR}
- Create an XCode Project if that is more your style (or just for easier debugging).
- first build via the standard commandline method, so that all deps are built.
- ${ORKID_WORKSPACE_DIR}/obt.project/bin/ --xcode
open ${ORKID_WORKSPACE_DIR}/.build/orkid.xcworkspace
- Leave The OBT environment
- theoretically these instructions should work on any debian based system that is recent enough.. theoretically.
- update your machine
sudo apt update
sudo apt dist-upgrade
- set python3 as default
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 1
- Install Ork Build Tools (OBT)
- Create an (OBT) staging environment/container. --stagedir ~/.staging-xxx --wipe
- This can take a bit, it will be building a container scoped python and a few other deps which are required for consistent OBT operation.
- Launch the staging environment
- ~/.staging-xxx/bin will now be in your $PATH
- ~/.staging-xxx/lib will now be in your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
- Check which deps will be built for orkid orkid
- Build orkid (clean) orkid --force --wipe
- Build orkid (incremental) orkid --incremental
- Pre-convert some assets
- Run a c++ example
- Run a python example
- The Orkid Source Tree will be at ${ORKID_WORKSPACE_DIR}
- Leave The OBT environment/shell (This will returrn you to your parent shell)
- relaunch a previously created environment container
- list dependencies known by OBT
- list info about a specific dependency <depname>
- list build status of a specific dependency <depname>
- search source folders for a quoted phrase - the quotes are optional for simple single word seaches --dep <depname> "phrase"
- search source folders for a quoted phrase - the quotes are optional for simple single word seaches "phrase"
- search source folders for a quoted phrase - the quotes are optional for simple single word seaches "findphrase" "replace"
- regenerate doxygen docs
- to generate JSON dump of all top level actions (relative to the current staging folder state) that will be taken to perform an orkid build (which will also execute the actions). Actions which execute commandlines will include working folder and environment variable data. The output from this theoretically should be enough for an externally managed process to complete a build entirely without OBT. TODO - can we generate the trace without executing ? --obttrace
This will generate a dump like the below much abbreviated snippet:
"topenv": {
"OBT_PYTHON_DECOD_NAME": "python3.9d",
"OBT_NUM_CORES": "96",
"PKG_CONFIG_PATH": "${OBT_STAGE}/qt5/lib/pkgconfig:${OBT_STAGE}/lib64/pkgconfig:${OBT_STAGE}/lib/pkgconfig:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/share/pkgconfig",
"LITEX_ROOT": "${OBT_STAGE}/builds/litex",
"OBT_PYLIB": "${OBT_STAGE}/python-3.9.4/lib",
"OBT_PYTHON_LIB_PATH": "${OBT_STAGE}/python-3.9.4/lib",
"OBT_PYPKG": "${OBT_STAGE}/pyvenv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages",
"LITEX_BOARDS": "${OBT_STAGE}/builds/litex/litex-boards/litex_boards",
"OBT_SEARCH_PATH": "${OWSDIR}/obt.project:${OWSDIR}/ork.dox:${OWSDIR}/${OWSDIR}/ork.core:${OWSDIR}/ork.lev2:${OWSDIR}/ork.eda:${OWSDIR}/ork.ecs:${OWSDIR}/ork.tool",
"VULKAN_SDK": "${OBT_STAGE}/builds/vulkan/",
"VIRTUAL_ENV": "${OBT_STAGE}/pyvenv",
"OBT_PYTHON_LIB_NAME": "libpython3.9d",
"OBT_BUILDS": "${OBT_STAGE}/builds",
"ISPC": "${OBT_STAGE}/bin/ispc",
"PYTHONPATH": "${OWSDIR}/${OBT_STAGE}/lib/python",
"OBT_PYTHON_HEADER_PATH": "${OBT_STAGE}/python-3.9.4/include/python3.9d",
"HFS": "/opt/hfs19.0",
"SHLVL": "3",
"OBT_VULKAN_ROOT": "${OBT_STAGE}/builds/vulkan/",
"OBT_PYTHON_DECO_NAME": "python3.9",
"LD_LIBRARY_PATH": "${OBT_STAGE}/builds/vulkan/${OBT_STAGE}/python-3.9.4/lib:${OBT_STAGE}/qt5/lib:${OBT_STAGE}/lib64:${OBT_STAGE}/lib:${OBT_STAGE}/pyvenv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/PySide2:${OBT_STAGE}/pyvenv/lib64/python3.9/site-packages/shiboken2",
"PATH": "${OBT_STAGE}/pyvenv/bin:${OBT_STAGE}/qt5/bin:${OWSDIR}/obt.project/scripts/../bin:${OBT_STAGE}/bin:${OWSDIR}/${HOME}/.sdkman/candidates/sbt/current/bin:${HOME}/.sdkman/candidates/java/current/bin:${HOME}/.cargo/bin:${HOME}/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/bin:${OBT_STAGE}/opt/toolchain/m68k-amiga/bin:/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2020.1/bin:${OBT_STAGE}/opt/toolchain/aarch64-elf/bin:${OBT_STAGE}/builds/litex/litex-boards/litex_boards/targets:${OBT_STAGE}/builds/litex/riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.3.0-2019.08.0-x86_64-linux-ubuntu14/bin:${OBT_STAGE}/builds/vulkan/",
"OBT_PYTHON_PYLIB_PATH": "${OBT_STAGE}/python-3.9.4/lib/python3.9",
"PKG_CONFIG": "${OBT_STAGE}/bin/pkg-config",
"_": "${OWSDIR}/obt.project/scripts/../bin/"
"sysargv": [
"op": "",
"subops": [
"op": "path.chdir(${OBT_STAGE}/orkid)"
"op": "dep.require(['vulkan', 'openvr', 'rtmidi', 'glm', 'eigen', 'lexertl14', 'parsertl14', 'rapidjson', 'luajit', 'pybind11', 'ispctexc', 'openexr', 'oiio', 'openvdb', 'embree', 'igl', 'glfw', 'assimp', 'easyprof', 'bullet'])",
"subops": [
"op": "Provider.provide(vulkan)",
"subops": [
"op": "command(cmd.exec)",
"curwd": "${OBT_STAGE}/orkid",
"arglist": [
"os_env": {
"PYTHONHOME": "${OBT_STAGE}/python-3.9.4"
"use_shell": "False"