connection "aws" {
plugin = "aws_bar"
Warning: 1 plugin required by connection is missing. To install, please run steampipe plugin install aws_bar1
Warning: 1 plugin required by connection is missing. To install, please run steampipe plugin install aws_bar1
As expected
connection "aws" {
plugin = "aws_bar"
plugin "aws_bar"{
Expected and actual as 1
connection "aws" {
plugin = plugin.aws_bar
plugin "aws_bar"{
Warning: 1 plugin required by connection is missing. To install, please run steampipe plugin install aws_bar1
Warning: 1 plugin required by connection is missing. To install, please run steampipe plugin install aws_bar1
RefreshConnections stalls
nothing happens?
connection "aws" {
plugin = plugin.aws_bar
Warning: counld not resolve plugin
Warning: counld not resolve plugin
Connection not loaded, no error
Connection not loaded, no error