[]() [](https://github.com/turbosmurfen/spoton/actions/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml)
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ Spoton running on mIRC 7.67
* **Supported Operating System**: Windows 10 and 11.
* **Visual C++ Redistributable 2015-2022 (x86)**
* **mIRC Version**: 7.61 - 7.77
-* **Spotify Version**: 1.1.91 - 1.2.40
-* **HDD/SSD Space**: 18,5 KB.
+* **Spotify Version**: 1.1.91 - 1.2.43
+* **HDD/SSD Space**: 17,5 KB
-> mIRC or Spotify version ABOVE is not going to be updated frequently.
+> mIRC and Spotify version ABOVE is not going to be updated frequently.
# Installation
@@ -32,24 +32,24 @@ Spoton running on mIRC 7.67
3. Then look if the sha256 checksum is correct from [Releases](https://github.com/turbosmurfen/spoton/releases/latest).
4. If it's correct you should be fine.
4. Open mIRC.
-5. In mIRC, write `/run $mircdir`, then move spoton.dll from the downloaded archive to the opened folder.
+5. In mIRC, write `//run $mircdir`, then move spoton.dll from the downloaded archive to the opened folder.
# Usage
-Use: _$dll(pathtospoton\spoton.dll,**command**,)_
+Use: _$dll(spoton.dll,**command**,)_
| Command | Description |
| --- | --- |
| version | Version of the plugin |
| creator | Credits of the plugin creator |
-| status | 0 = Spotify not running, 1 = Spotify paused, 2 = Spotify playing an advertisement, 3 = Spotify playing a track. |
+| status | 0 - Spotify is not running, 1 - Spotify is paused, 2 - Spotify is playing an advertisement, 3 - Spotify is playing a track. |
| song | The entire window title, usually "artist - song title" |
| artist | If the title contains a dash ("-"), returns the left side, usually the artist. Otherwise, nothing. |
| title | If the title contains a dash ("-"), returns the right side, usually the song title. Otherwise, nothing. |
### Controlling Spotify from mIRC
-Use: _/dll pathtospoton\spoton.dll control **command**_
+Use: _/dll spoton.dll control **command**_
| Command |Description |
| --- | --- |
@@ -83,13 +83,13 @@ alias snp {
### Add playback buttons to interface
This script adds playback buttons to your chat interface.
-1. Download and extract the archive "Spoton mIRC Addon.zip"
-3. Copy the contents and paste to mIRC. Ensure you have spoton.dll there as well (from releases).
+1. Download and extract the archive "Spoton.mIRC.Addon.zip"
+3. Copy the contents and paste to the mIRC folder. Ensure you have spoton.dll there as well (from releases).
4. Type ``/load -rs spoton.mrc`` in mIRC. The script will return that it is loaded.
-1. Type ``/unload -rs spoton.mrc`` in mIRC
+1. Type ``/unload -rs spoton.mrc`` in mIRC.
2. Remove spoton.dll and the folder img.
# Frequently Asked Questions
@@ -100,13 +100,13 @@ Removal:
> **Q**: How does Spoton work?
-> **A**: It works by reading Windows API calls from Spotify to detect _artist - title_, plus using Spotify's media controls.
+> **A**: It works by using the Windows API calls from Spotify to detect _artist - title_, plus using Spotify's media controls.
> **Q**: Does Spoton require a Spotify API key or internet connection?
> **A**: No. Spoton does not use Spotify API keys and it works offline.
-> **Q**: I am getting an error: _$dll: unable to open 'C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\mIRC\pathtospoton\spoton.dll_
+> **Q**: I am getting an error: _$dll: unable to open 'C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\mIRC\spoton.dll_
> **A**: This can show up for 2 reasons:
diff --git a/Spoton mIRC Addon/README.md b/Spoton mIRC Addon/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ce67fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Spoton mIRC Addon/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+## Spoton mIRC Addon
+This pack is only for me, when updating the Addon for mIRC.
+To download the latest pack go to the [latest repository](https://github.com/turbosmurfen/spoton/releases/latest).
+Found a bug or vulnerability? Please report this to issues.
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diff --git a/img/spoton_big_logo.png b/img/spoton_big_logo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..07802ee
Binary files /dev/null and b/img/spoton_big_logo.png differ
diff --git a/img/spoton_logo.png b/img/spoton_logo.png
index 469f199..8e436f6 100644
Binary files a/img/spoton_logo.png and b/img/spoton_logo.png differ
diff --git a/img/spoton_logo.svg b/img/spoton_logo.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a6c654..0000000
--- a/img/spoton_logo.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
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