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CoopDet3D: Deep Multi-Modal Cooperative 3D Object Detection of Traffic Participants Using Onboard and Roadside Sensors

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Cooperative perception offers several benefits for enhancing the capabilities of autonomous vehicles and improving road safety. Using roadside sensors in addition to onboard sensors increases reliability and extends the sensor range. External sensors offer higher situational awareness for automated vehicles and prevent occlusions. We propose CoopDet3D, a cooperative multi-modal fusion model, and TUMTraf-V2X, a dataset for the cooperative 3D object detection and tracking task. Our dataset contains 2,000 labeled point clouds and 5,000 labeled images from five roadside and four onboard sensors. It includes 30k 3D boxes with track IDs and precise GPS and IMU data. We labeled nine categories and covered occlusion scenarios with challenging driving maneuvers, like traffic violations, near-miss events, overtaking, and U-turns. Through multiple experiments, we show that our CoopDet3D camera-LiDAR fusion model achieves an increase of +14.36 3D mAP compared to a vehicle camera-LiDAR fusion model. Finally, we make our dataset, model, labeling tool, and dev-kit publicly available:

Overview ✨

News 📢

Features 🔥

  • Support vehicle-only, infrastructure-only, and cooperative modes
    • Vehicle-only
    • Infrastructure-only
    • Cooperative
  • Support camera-only, LiDAR-only, and camera-LiDAR fusion
    • Camera-only
    • LiDAR-only
    • Camera-LiDAR fusion
  • Support multiple camera backbones
    • SwinT
    • YOLOv8
  • Support multiple LiDAR backbones
  • Support offline, ROS, and shared memory operation
    • Offline
    • ROS
    • Shared memory
    • Live Test
  • Export inference results to OpenLABEL format
    • Inference to OpenLABEL

Dataset Download 📂

  1. There are two versions of the TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset (Release R4) provided:

    1.1. TUMTraf-V2X

    1.2. TUMTraf-V2X-mini (half of the full dataset)

We train CoopDet3D on TUMTraf-V2X-mini and provide the results below.

Simply place the splits in a directory named tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset in the data directory and you should have a structure similar to this:

├── mmdet3d
├── tools
├── configs
├── data
│   ├── tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset
|   |   ├── train
|   |   ├── val
  1. The TUMTraf Intersection Dataset (Release R2) can be downloaded below:

    2.1 TUMTraf-I.

Then, download the TUMTraf Dataset Development Kit and follow the steps provided there to split the data into train and val sets.

Finally, place the train and val sets in a directory named tumtraf_i in the data directory. You should then have a structure similar to this:

├── mmdet3d
├── tools
├── configs
├── data
│   ├── tumtraf_i
|   |   ├── train
|   |   ├── val

Pretrained Weights 🚀

The pre-trained CoopDet3D weights can be downloaded from here.

The weights for TUMTraf Intersection Dataset are named following this convention:


The weights for the TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset are named following this convention:


Extract the files and place them in the weights directory.

Use these weights to get the best results from the tables below:

Usage 🌟

Working with Docker

The easiest way to deal with prerequisites is to use the Dockerfile included. Make sure that nvidia-docker is installed on your machine. After that, execute the following command to build the docker image:

cd docker && docker build . -t coopdet3d

The docker can then be run with the following commands:

If you are only using the TUMTraf Intersection Dataset:

nvidia-docker run -it -v `pwd`/../data/tumtraf_i:/home/data/tumtraf_i -v <PATH_TO_COOPDET3D>:/home/coopdet3d --shm-size 16g coopdet3d /bin/bash

If you are only using the TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset:

nvidia-docker run -it -v `pwd`/../data/tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset:/home/data/tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset -v <PATH_TO_COOPDET3D>:/home/coopdet3d --shm-size 16g coopdet3d /bin/bash

If you are using both datasets:

nvidia-docker run -it  -v `pwd`/../data/tumtraf_i:/home/data/tumtraf_i -v `pwd`/../data/tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset:/home/data/tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset -v <PATH_TO_COOPDET3D>:/home/coopdet3d --shm-size 16g coopdet3d /bin/bash

It is recommended for users to run data preparation (instructions are available in the next section) outside the docker if possible. Note that the dataset directory should be an absolute path. Inside the docker, run the following command to install the codebase:

cd /home/coopdet3d
python develop

Finally, you can create a symbolic link /home/coopdet3d/data/tumtraf_i to /home/data/tumtraf_i and /home/coopdet3d/data/tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset to /home/data/tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset in the docker.

Working without Docker

The code is built with following libraries:

After installing these dependencies, run this command to install the codebase:

python develop

Finally, you can create a symbolic link /home/coopdet3d/data/tumtraf_i to /home/data/tumtraf_i and /home/coopdet3d/data/tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset to /home/data/tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset in the docker.

Data Preparation

TUMTraf Intersection Dataset

Run this script for data preparation:

python ./tools/ --root-path /home/coopdet3d/data/tumtraf_i --out-dir /home/coopdet3d/data/tumtraf_i_processed --splits training,validation

After data preparation, you will be able to see the following directory structure:

├── mmdet3d
├── tools
├── configs
├── data
│   ├── tumtraf_i
|   |   ├── train
|   |   ├── val
|   ├── tumtraf_i_processed
│   │   ├── tumtraf_nusc_gt_database
|   |   ├── train
|   |   ├── val
│   │   ├── tumtraf_nusc_infos_train.pkl
│   │   ├── tumtraf_nusc_infos_val.pkl
│   │   ├── tumtraf_nusc_dbinfos_train.pkl

TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset

Run this script for data preparation:

python ./tools/ --root-path /home/coopdet3d/data/tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset --out-dir /home/coopdet3d/data/tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset_processed --splits training,validation

After data preparation, you will be able to see the following directory structure:

├── mmdet3d
├── tools
├── configs
├── data
│   ├── tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset
|   |   ├── train
|   |   ├── val
|   ├── tumtraf_v2x_cooperative_perception_dataset_processed
│   │   ├── tumtraf_v2x_nusc_gt_database
|   |   ├── train
|   |   ├── val
│   │   ├── tumtraf_v2x_nusc_infos_train.pkl
│   │   ├── tumtraf_v2x_nusc_infos_val.pkl
│   │   ├── tumtraf_v2x_nusc_dbinfos_train.pkl


NOTE 1: If you want to use a YOLOv8 .pth file from MMYOLO, please make sure the keys inside fit with this model. Convert that .pth checkpoint using this converter: ./tools/

Note 2: The paths to the pre-trained weights for YOLOv8 models are hardcoded in the config file, so change it there accordingly. This also means that when training models that use YOLOv8, the parameters,, and are optional.

Note 3: We trained our model on 3 GPUs (3 x RTX 3090) and used the following prefix for that: torchpack dist-run -np 3

For training a camera-only model on the TUMTraf Intersection Dataset, run:

torchpack dist-run -np 3 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>  <PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_CAMERA_PTH> 


torchpack dist-run -np 3 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_i/det/centerhead/lssfpn/camera/256x704/yolov8/default.yaml

For training LiDAR-only model on the TUMTraf Intersection Dataset, run:

torchpack dist-run -np 3 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>


torchpack dist-run -np 3 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_i/det/transfusion/secfpn/lidar/pointpillars.yaml

For training a fusion model on the TUMTraf Intersection Dataset, run:

torchpack dist-run -np 3 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> <PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_CAMERA_PTH> --load_from <PATH_TO_PRETRAINED_LIDAR_PTH>


torchpack dist-run -np 3 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_i/det/transfusion/secfpn/camera+lidar/yolov8/pointpillars.yaml --load_from weights/coopdet3d_tumtraf_i_l_pointpillars512_2x.pth

For training camera-only model on the TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset, run:


Use the pretrained camera parameters depending on which type of model you want to train: vehicle-only, camera-only, or cooperative (both).


torchpack dist-run -np 3 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_v2x/det/centerhead/lssfpn/cooperative/camera/256x704/yolov8/default.yaml

For training LiDAR-only model on the TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset, run:

torchpack dist-run -np 3 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE>


torchpack dist-run -np 3 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_v2x/det/transfusion/secfpn/cooperative/lidar/pointpillars.yaml

For training fusion model on the TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset, run:


Use the pretrained camera parameters depending on which type of model you want to train: vehicle-only, camera-only, or cooperative (both).


torchpack dist-run -np 3 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_v2x/det/transfusion/secfpn/cooperative/camera+lidar/yolov8/pointpillars.yaml --load_from weights/coopdet3d_vi_l_pointpillars512_2x.pth

Note: please run tools/ or tools/ separately after training to get the final evaluation metrics.

BEV mAP Evaluation (Customized nuScenes Protocol)

NOTE: This section will not work without the test set ground truth, which is not made public. To evaluate your model's mAPBEV, please send your config files and weights to the authors for evaluation!

For evaluation on the TUMTraf Intersection Dataset, run:

torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> <PATH_TO_PTH_FILE> --eval bbox


torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_i/det/transfusion/secfpn/camera+lidar/yolov8/pointpillars.yaml weights/coopdet3d_tumtraf_i_cl_pointpillars512_2x_yolos_transfer_learning_best.pth --eval bbox

For evaluation on the TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset, run:

torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> <PATH_TO_PTH_FILE> --eval bbox


torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_v2x/det/transfusion/secfpn/cooperative/camera+lidar/yolov8/pointpillars.yaml weights/coopdet3d_vi_cl_pointpillars512_2x_yolos_transfer_learning_best.pth --eval bbox

Running CoopDet3D Inference and Save Detections in OpenLABEL Format

Exporting to OpenLABEL format is needed to perform mAP3D evaluation or detection visualization using the scripts in the TUM Traffic dev-kit.

NOTE: You will not be evaluate your inference results using the dev-kit without the test set ground truth, which is not made public. To evaluate your model's mAP3D, please send your detection results to the authors for evaluation!

For TUMTraf Intersection Dataset:

torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> --checkpoint <PATH_TO_PTH_FILE> --split test --out-dir <PATH_TO_OPENLABEL_OUTPUT_FOLDER>


torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_i/det/transfusion/secfpn/camera+lidar/yolov8/pointpillars.yaml --checkpoint weights/coopdet3d_tumtraf_i_cl_pointpillars512_2x_yolos_transfer_learning_best.pth --split test --out-dir inference

For TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset:

torchpack dist-run -np 1 python scripts/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> --checkpoint <PATH_TO_CHECKPOINT_PTH> --split [train, val, test] --input_type hard_drive --save_detections_openlabel --output_folder_path_detections <PATH_TO_OPENLABEL_OUTPUT_FOLDER>


torchpack dist-run -np 1 python scripts/ configs/tumtraf_v2x/det/transfusion/secfpn/cooperative/camera+lidar/yolov8/pointpillars.yaml --checkpoint weights/bevfusion_coop_vi_cl_pointpillars512_2x_yolos.pth --split test --input_type hard_drive --save_detections_openlabel --output_folder_path_detections inference

Runtime Evaluation:

For TUMTraf Intersection Dataset:

torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> <PATH_TO_PTH_FILE> --log-interval 50


torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_i/det/transfusion/secfpn/camera+lidar/yolov8/pointpillars.yaml weights/coopdet3d_tumtraf_i_cl_pointpillars512_2x_yolos_transfer_learning_best.pth --log-interval 50

For TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset:

torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> <PATH_TO_PTH_FILE> --log-interval 10


torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_v2x/det/transfusion/secfpn/cooperative/camera+lidar/yolov8/pointpillars.yaml weights/coopdet3d_vi_cl_pointpillars512_2x_yolos_transfer_learning_best.pth --log-interval 10

Built in visualization:

For TUMTraf Intersection Dataset:

torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> --checkpoint <PATH_TO_PTH_FILE> --split test --mode pred --out-dir viz_tumtraf 


torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_i/det/transfusion/secfpn/camera+lidar/yolov8/pointpillars.yaml --checkpoint weights/coopdet3d_tumtraf_i_cl_pointpillars512_2x_yolos_transfer_learning_best.pth --split test --mode pred --out-dir viz_tumtraf 

For TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset:

torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ <PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE> --checkpoint <PATH_TO_PTH_FILE> --split test --mode pred --out-dir viz_tumtraf 


torchpack dist-run -np 1 python tools/ configs/tumtraf_v2x/det/transfusion/secfpn/cooperative/camera+lidar/yolov8/pointpillars.yaml --checkpoint weights/coopdet3d_vi_cl_pointpillars512_2x_yolos_transfer_learning_best.pth --split test --mode pred --out-dir viz_tumtraf 

For split, naturally one could also choose "train" or "val". For mode, the other options are "gt" (ground truth) or "combo" (prediction and ground truth).

NOTE: Ground truth visualization on test set will not work since the test set provided is missing the ground truth.

Benchmark 🎯

Evaluation Results (mAPBEV and mAP3D ) of CoopDet3D on TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset Test Set in South 2 FOV

Domain Modality mAPBEV mAP3D Easy mAP3D Mod. mAP3D Hard mAP3D Avg.
Vehicle Camera 46.83 31.47 37.82 30.77 30.36
Vehicle LiDAR 85.33 85.22 76.86 69.04 80.11
Vehicle Cam+LiDAR 84.90 77.60 72.08 73,12 76.40
Infra. Camera 61,98 31.19 46.73 40.42 35.04
Infra. LiDAR 92.86 86.17 88.07 75.73 84.88
Infra. Camera + LiDAR 92.92 87.99 89.09 81.69 87.01
Coop. Camera 68.94 45.41 42.76 57.83 45.74
Coop. LiDAR 93.93 92.63 78.06 73.95 85.86
Coop. Camera + LiDAR 94.22 93.42 88.17 79.94 90.76

Evaluation Results of Infrastructure-only CoopDet3D vs. InfraDet3D on TUMTraf Intersection Dataset Test Set

Model FOV Modality mAP3D Easy mAP3D Mod. mAP3D Hard mAP3D Avg.
InfraDet3D South 1 LiDAR 75.81 47.66 42.16 55.21
CoopDet3D South 1 LiDAR 76.24 48.23 35.19 69.47
InfraDet3D South 2 LiDAR 38.92 46.60 43.86 43.13
CoopDet3D South 2 LiDAR 74.97 55.55 39.96 69.94
InfraDet3D South 1 Camera + LiDAR 67.08 31.38 35.17 44.55
CoopDet3D South 1 Camera + LiDAR 75.68 45.63 45.63 66.75
InfraDet3D South 2 Camera + LiDAR 58.38 19.73 33.08 37.06
CoopDet3D South 2 Camera + LiDAR 74.73 53.46 41.96 66.89

Acknowledgement 🤝

The codebase is built upon BEVFusion with vehicle-infrastructure fusion inspired by the method proposed in PillarGrid.

Citation 📝

  title={TUMTraf V2X Cooperative Perception Dataset},
  author={Zimmer, Walter and Wardana, Gerhard Arya and Sritharan, Suren and Zhou, Xingcheng and Song, Rui and Knoll, Alois C.},
  booktitle={2024 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},

License 📜