Grab the TruBank Server token and secret for UAT and Buster credentials from 1password.
export TRUSONA_TOKEN=<token>
export TRUSONA_SECRET=<secret>
In your IDE/editor, find all places where we've commented out the [Fact]
annotation and uncomment them
From the root of the project, run:
dotnet test TrusonaSDK.Test
Don't forget to re-comment out the tests:
git checkout -- .
dotnet test TrusonaSDK.Test --filter Category!=Integration
In Visual Studio, right click on the trusona-server-sdk-dotnet
top level solution and click Options
Under Main Settings
, set the Version
and click OK
Verify there are two changed files by running git status
modified: TrusonaSDK.API/TrusonaSDK.API.csproj
modified: trusona-server-sdk-dotnet.sln
Commit and push your changes
- Ensure a clean working directory