The factory_boy
project is operated and maintained by:
- Jeff Widman <[email protected]> (
- Raphaël Barrois <[email protected]> (
The project was initially created by Mark Sandstrom <[email protected]>.
The project has received contributions from (in alphabetical order):
- Adam Chainz <[email protected]>
- Alejandro <[email protected]>
- Alexey Kotlyarov <[email protected]>
- Amit Shah <[email protected]>
- Anas Zahim <[email protected]> (
- Andrey Voronov <[email protected]>
- Branko Majic <[email protected]>
- Carl Meyer <[email protected]>
- Chris Lasher <[email protected]>
- Chris Seto <[email protected]>
- Christoph Sieghart <[email protected]>
- David Baumgold <[email protected]>
- Demur Nodia <[email protected]> (
- Eduard Iskandarov <[email protected]>
- Flavio Curella <[email protected]>
- François Freitag <[email protected]>
- George Hickman <[email protected]>
- Hervé Cauwelier <[email protected]>
- Ilya Baryshev <[email protected]>
- Ilya Pirogov <[email protected]>
- Ionuț Arțăriși <[email protected]>
- Issa Jubril <[email protected]>
- Ivan Miric <[email protected]>
- Janusz Skonieczny <[email protected]>
- Jeff Widman <[email protected]> (
- Jon Dufresne <[email protected]>
- Jonathan Tushman <[email protected]>
- Joshua Carp <[email protected]>
- Leonardo Lazzaro <[email protected]>
- Luke GB <[email protected]>
- Marc Abramowitz <[email protected]>
- Mark Sandstrom <[email protected]>
- Martin Bächtold <[email protected]> (
- Michael Joseph <[email protected]>
- Mikhail Korobov <[email protected]>
- Oleg Pidsadnyi <[email protected]>
- Omer <[email protected]>
- Pauly Fenwar <[email protected]>
- Peter Marsh <[email protected]>
- Puneeth Chaganti <[email protected]>
- QuantumGhost <[email protected]>
- Raphaël Barrois <[email protected]> (
- Rich Rauenzahn <[email protected]>
- Richard Moch <[email protected]>
- Rob Zyskowski <[email protected]>
- Robrecht De Rouck <[email protected]>
- Samuel Paccoud <[email protected]>
- Saul Shanabrook <[email protected]>
- Sean Löfgren <[email protected]>
- Tom <[email protected]>
- alex-netquity <[email protected]>
- anentropic <[email protected]>
- minimumserious <[email protected]>
- mluszczyk <[email protected]>
- nkryptic <[email protected]>
- obiwanus <[email protected]>
- tsouvarev <[email protected]>
- yamaneko <[email protected]>
This agreement is required to allow redistribution of submitted contributions. See for an explanation.
Any contributor proposing updates to the code or documentation of this project MUST add its name to the list in the :ref:`contributors` section, thereby "signing" the following contributor license agreement:
They accept and agree to the following terms for their present end future contributions
submitted to the factory_boy
- They represent that they are legally entitled to grant this license, and that their contributions are their original creation
- They grant the
project a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare derivative works of, publicly display, sublicense and distribute their contributions and such derivative works. - They are not expected to provide support for their contributions, except to the extent they desire to provide support.
The above agreement is inspired by the Apache Contributor License Agreement.