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Faust - Programming Language for Audio Applications and Plugins

Grame, Centre National de Creation Musicale:

master : Build Status master-dev : Build Status


Faust (Functional Audio Stream) is a functional programming language specifically designed for real-time signal processing and synthesis. A distinctive characteristic of Faust is to be fully compiled.

The Faust compiler translates DSP specifications into very efficient code for various languages (C++, C, JAVA, JavaScript, ASM JavaScript, LLVM IR, WebAssembly etc.) working at sample level. It targets high-performance signal processing applications, libraries and audio plug-ins for a variety of audio platforms and standards. A same Faust specification can be used to easily generate various kinds of native standalone applications, iOS and Android apps, as well as Csound, LADSPA, Max/MSP, PD, Q, SuperCollider, VST, AU plugins, etc. (see the README in the /architecture folder for an exhaustive list).

While there are Faust contributors everywhere across the globe, Faust is mainly being developed at Grame, Centre National de Creation Musicale (, its birthplace.

This repo

faustus is a creative coding toolkit for the FAUST project written in Rust. As such it has been customized and refactored. Eventually faustus will be a part of tgtracker.

Overview of the Faust Distribution

This is an overview of the content of the top-level folders of the Faust distribution. Most of these folders contain their own README describing their content in more details.

architecture/          : the architecture files currently supported
benchmark/             : tools to measure the impact of various compiler options
build/                 : build tools and scripts (cmake based)
compiler/              : sources of the Faust compiler
debian/                : files for Debian installation
documentation/         : Faust developer's documentation
examples/              : Faust programs examples organized by categories
installer/             : various installers for Linux distribution
libraries/             : DSP libraries
syntax-highlighting/   : support for syntax highlighting for several editors
tests/                 : various tests
tools/                 : additional easy-to-use scripts (faust2...) to produce binaries and plugins
windows/               : Windows related resources

faust2... Scripts and Programs

The faust2... scripts and programs are command line tools allowing to compile Faust codes to any of the supported Faust targets ("architectures"). They are placed on your system during the Faust installation process. The fastest way to get an exhaustive list of all of them is to open a terminal window, type faust2, and then press the Tab key for auto-completion. For example, to compile a Faust code as a JACK application with a Qt interface, run:

faust2jaqt yourCode.dsp

The most commonly used faust2 scripts are:

faust2alqt              : ALSA application with Qt UI
faust2alsa              : ALSA application with GTK UI
faust2alsaconsole       : ALSA command line program
faust2android           : Android app
faust2api               : API generator
faust2asmjs             : asmjs WebAudio code
faust2au                : Audio Unit plugin
faust2bela              : BELA program
faust2caqt              : CoreAudio application with Qt UI
faust2caqtios           : iOS app with Qt UI
faust2csound            : CSOUND Opcode
faust2faustvst          : VST plug-in
faust2graph             : svg graph
faust2ios               : iOS app
faust2jack              : JACK application with GTK UI
faust2jackconsole       : JACK command line program
faust2jaqt              : JACK application with Qt UI
faust2ladspa            : LADSPA plug-in
faust2lv2               : LV2 plug-in
faust2mathdoc           : automatic pdf mathematical documentation
faust2max6              : MaxMSP 6 (and later) external and patch
faust2msp               : MaxMSP 5 external and patch
faust2netjackconsole    : NetJack command line program
faust2netjackqt         : NetJack application with Qt UI
faust2octave            : Octave script
faust2owl               : OWL Program
faust2pdf               : pdf block diagram
faust2plot              : command line program to debug DSP (sample plotting, etc.)
faust2png               : png block diagram
faust2puredata          : PureData external
faust2ros               : ROS app
faust2rosgtk            : ROS app with GTK UI
faust2rpialsaconsole    : Raspberry Pi ALSA command line program
faust2rpinetjackconsole : Raspberry Pi JACK command line program
faust2sig               : SVG signal
faust2supercollider     : SuperCollider external
faust2svg               : SVG block diagram
faust2webaudioasm       : WebAudio web HTML app

Obviously, the corresponding dependencies for each of them must be installed on your system for compilation to be successful. For example, if you use faust2jaqt, JACK and Qt libraries must be installed.

Documentation and Resources


Many persons have been contributing to the Faust project by providing code for the compiler, architecture files, libraries, examples, documentation, scripts, bug reports, ideas, etc.

I would like to thank them and especially: Fons Adriaensen, Tiziano Bole, Baktery Chanka, Thomas Charbonnel, Damien Cramet, Etienne Gaudrin, Albert Graef, Stefan Kersten, Victor Lazzarini, Matthieu Leberre, Mathieu Leroi, Kjetil Matheussen, Remy Muller, Sampo Savolainen, Nicolas Scaringella, Stephen Sinclair, Travis Skare, Julius Smith, as well as my colleagues at GRAME, in particular : Dominique Fober, Stephane Letz and Karim Barkati, and from the ASTREE project : Jerome Barthelemy (IRCAM), Alain Bonardi (IRCAM), Raffaele Ciavarella (IRCAM), Pierre Jouvelot (Ecole des Mines/ParisTech), Laurent Pottier (U. Saint-Etienne)

Questions and suggestions

If you have questions suggestions and comments, or if you want to contribute to the project, two mailing lists are available:


The original FAUST project is licensed under GPL2. The Rust binding code is released under the same license. Any abstractions or coding toolkit code in Rust is dual licensed under Apache 2.0/MIT to best serve the Rust community.