If you find a bug or want to improve existing code base, please open an issue. Pull requests without an issue will be reviewed but we recommend opening issue first.
If you find a bug and want us to know about it - open an issue and describe what kind of a bug you experienced.
Minimal info required:
- General bug description (for example: "I've tried to swap tokens, but as a result provided tokens to another DeFi...")
- Transaction Id or similar info using which we can determine transaction id
- If you found a bug programmatically - we would appreciate information on how to reproduce error
If you want to make an improvement suggestion we will need following information:
- Introduction: what would you like to improve
- Why: why this improvement should be implemented (for example: Improvement "X" will be better for users because "Y", ...)
- How: if you have any suggestions on how this improvement should be done (for example: To achive "X" we must make "Y", ...)
This is done like previously mentioned, but you must be more specific about what changes you want to implement - maybe it's related to specific file or project in general.
This project uses yarn
as package manager.
To install yarn
npm install -g yarn
Some routines will require installed TypeScript (for example to generate typechain bindings):
npm install -g ts-node
Install required packages locally:
Run default tests:
yarn hh-test
Run tests with gas-report:
yarn hh-gas-report
Run tests with coverage report:
yarn hh-coverage