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AWS REST API gateway module

Example usage:

  module "api" {
    source  = "tokarev-artem/rest-api/aws"

    api_gateway_name = "api"

    environment = "dev"
    stage_name  = "v1"

    endpoint_configuration = {
      types = ["EDGE"]

    integrations = [
        integration_type        = "AWS_PROXY"
        uri                     = "arn:aws:apigateway:eu-central-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:eu-central-1:123456789101:function:get_users/invocations"
        http_method             = "GET"
        integration_http_method = "POST"
        path_part               = "user"
        integration_type        = "HTTP"
        uri                     = ""
        http_method             = "GET"
        integration_http_method = "GET"
        path_part               = "group"
        request_parameters = {
          "integration.request.header.X-Authorization" = "'static'"
          "integration.request.header.X-Foo"           = "'Bar'"
        request_templates = {
          "application/json" = ""
          "application/xml"  = "#set($inputRoot = $input.path('$'))\n{ }"
        passthrough_behavior = "WHEN_NO_MATCH"
        content_handling     = "CONVERT_TO_TEXT"
        authorization        = "CUSTOM"
        integration_type     = "MOCK"
        http_method          = "GET"
        path_part            = "mock"
        request_parameters = {
          "integration.request.header.X-Authorization" = "'static'"
        request_templates = {
          "application/xml" = <<EOF
        "body" : $input.json('$')


Name Version
aws n/a


Name Description
api_gateway_access_log_group_arn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the log group. Any :* suffix added by the API, denoting all CloudWatch Log Streams under the CloudWatch Log Group, is removed for greater compatibility with other AWS services that do not accept the suffix.
api_gateway_authorizer_id ID of the API Gateway authorizer
api_gateway_authorizer_lambda_arn ARN of the Lambda function used for API Gateway authorizer
api_gateway_base_path_mapping_id ID of the API Gateway base path mapping
api_gateway_deployment_id ID of the API Gateway deployment
api_gateway_domain_name API Gateway custom domain name
api_gateway_policy_id ID of the API Gateway policy
aws_api_gateway_rest_api_id ID of the REST API
aws_api_gateway_rest_api_root_resource_id Resource ID of the REST API's root
aws_api_gateway_stage_arn ARN of the stage
aws_api_gateway_stage_execution_arn Execution ARN to be used in lambda_permission's source_arn when allowing API Gateway to invoke a Lambda function, e.g., arn:aws:execute-api:eu-west-2:123456789012:z4675bid1j/prod
aws_api_gateway_stage_id ID of the stage
aws_api_gateway_stage_invoke_url URL to invoke the API pointing to the stage, e.g.,
integration_resource_ids Resource's identifier.
integration_resource_paths Complete path for this API resource, including all parent paths.


Name Description Type Default Required
api_gateway_name API gateway name string n/a yes
environment Environment name string n/a yes
stage_name Name of the stage, will be used here:{stage_name}/* string n/a yes
api_gateway_policy API Gateway REST API Policy, here you can restrict access to the API gateway. Documentation: string null no
api_gateway_stage_access_log_data_trace_enable Whether data trace logging is enabled for this method, which effects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs bool false no
api_gateway_stage_access_log_enable Enables access logs for the API stage bool false no
api_gateway_stage_access_log_format The access log format for API Gateway string "{\"requestId\":\"$context.requestId\", \"extendedRequestId\":\"$context.extendedRequestId\",\"ip\": \"$context.identity.sourceIp\", \"caller\":\"$context.identity.caller\", \"user\":\"$context.identity.user\", \"requestTime\":\"$context.requestTime\", \"httpMethod\":\"$context.httpMethod\", \"resourcePath\":\"$context.resourcePath\", \"status\":\"$context.status\", \"protocol\":\"$context.protocol\", \"responseLength\":\"$context.responseLength\"}" no
api_gateway_stage_access_log_level Logging level for this method, which effects the log entries pushed to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. The available levels are OFF, ERROR, and INFO. string "OFF" no
api_gateway_stage_access_log_method Method path defined as {resource_path}/{http_method} for an individual method override, or / for overriding all methods in the stage. string "*/*" no
authorizer_identity_source Source of the identity in an incoming request. Defaults to method.request.header.Authorization string "method.request.header.Authorization" no
authorizer_identity_validation_expression (Optional) Validation expression for the incoming identity. For TOKEN type, this value should be a regular expression. The incoming token from the client is matched against this expression, and will proceed if the token matches. If the token doesn't match, the client receives a 401 Unauthorized response. string null no
authorizer_lambda_name Lambda name of existing lambda authorizer string null no
authorizer_name Name of the authorizer to create string null no
authorizer_provider_arns (Optional, required for authorizer_type COGNITO_USER_POOLS) List of the Amazon Cognito user pool ARNs. Each element is of this format: arn:aws:cognito-idp:{region}:{account_id}:userpool/{user_pool_id}. list(string) [] no
authorizer_result_ttl_in_seconds TTL of cached authorizer results in seconds. Defaults to 300. number 300 no
authorizer_type (Optional) Type of the authorizer. Possible values are TOKEN for a Lambda function using a single authorization token submitted in a custom header, REQUEST for a Lambda function using incoming request parameters, or COGNITO_USER_POOLS for using an Amazon Cognito user pool. Defaults to TOKEN. string "TOKEN" no
certificate_arn ARN for an AWS-managed certificate. AWS Certificate Manager is the only supported source, required only if create_custom_domain is set to true string null no
create_authorizer Determines create API gateway authoriser or not bool false no
create_custom_domain Determines a custom domain name for use with AWS API Gateway bool false no
custom_domain_base_path A custom path for custom domain mapping, e.g. default behaviour ->, or if defined -> string null no
custom_domain_name API gateway custom domain name string null no
endpoint_configuration Configuration block defining API endpoint configuration including endpoint type. any null no
fail_on_warnings Whether warnings while API Gateway is creating or updating the resource should return an error or not bool false no
integrations List of API Gateway integrations
integration_type = string
lambda_name = optional(string, null)
http_method = string
integration_http_method = optional(string, null)
path_part = string
uri = optional(string, null)
timeout_milliseconds = optional(number, 29000)
request_parameters = optional(map(string), {})
request_templates = optional(map(string), {})
passthrough_behavior = optional(string, null)
content_handling = optional(string, null)
authorization = optional(string, "NONE")
[] no
minimum_compression_size Minimum response size to compress for the REST API. String containing an integer value between -1 and 10485760 number -1 no
put_rest_api_mode Mode of the PutRestApi operation when importing an OpenAPI specification via the body argument (create or update operation). Valid values are merge and overwrite string "merge" no
rest_api_parameters Map of customizations for importing the specification in the body argument map(any) null no
tags Key-value map of api gateway tags map(any) {} no