NOTE: The light-grey colored columns are for the Director CSV import feature. All others work based on MIDI.
Channel-Name, Keep in mind that names longer than 8 characters are going to be trimmed automatically to 8 characters.
"-" ignores the cell.
Empty cells are written as blank signs.
Special characters like "äöüéß" are not allowed, otherwise you will get an Error Message.
The following colors are allowed:
- blue
- red
- light blue
- purple
- green
- yellow
- black
- white
- "-" - Don´t care. Ignore the cell.
If the given color does not match, the default color black is used instead.
The following options for dLive are available:
- Unassigned
- MixRack
- Surface
- Surface DX 5/6
- IO 4
- IO 5
- MixRack DX 1/2
- MixRack DX 3/4
- IO 1
- IO 2
- IO 3
- SigGen
The following options for Avantis are available:
- Unassigned
- Surface
- SLink
- IO 1
- IO 2
- SigGen
The Socket number in combination with the Source
Allowed values dLive:
- Mixrack: 1-64
- Surface: 1-8
- Surface DX 5/6: 1-32
- IO 4: 1-128
- IO 5: 1-128
- MixRack DX 1/2: 1-32
- MixRack DX 3/4: 1-32
- IO 1: 1-128
- IO 2: 1-128
- IO 3: 1-128
Allowed values Avantis:
- Surface: 1-12
- SLink: 1-128
- IO 1: 1-128
- IO 2: 1-128
- "-" - Don´t care. Ignore the cell.
- +5 to +60 - the gain value
- yes - to activate PAD
- no - to deactivate PAD.
- "-" - Don´t care. Ignore the cell.
Empty cells are interpreted as Don´t care.
- yes - to activate Phantom Power (48V)
- no - to deactivate Phantom Power (48V).
- "-" - Don´t care. Ignore the cell.
Empty cells are interpreted as Don´t care.
- yes - to mute
- no - to unmute.
- "-" - Don´t care. Ignore the cell.
Empty cells are interpreted as Don´t care.
Dropdown list with predefined fader level values. (-99 = -inf)
"-" - Don´t care. Ignore the cell.
Empty cells are interpreted as Don´t care.
- yes - to activate the Highpass Filter
- no - to deactivate the Highpass Filter
- "-" - Don´t care. Ignore the cell.
Empty cells are interpreted as Don´t care.
20-2000Hz - to set the Highpass Filter value
Empty cells are interpreted as Don´t care.
yes - Assigns the channel to Main-Mix
no - Removes the assignment from Main Mix
"-" - Don´t care. Ignore the cell.
Empty cells are interpreted as Don´t care.
yes - Channel is taken into account for DAW Recording Session
no - Channel will not be part the DAW Recoding session.
Empty cells are interpreted as no
yes - The Record Button is armed / activated
no - The Record Button is not active
Empty cells are interpreted as no
By putting an "x" into the relevant cell, the channel will be assigned to the particular DCA Group.
Empty cells are interpreted as not being assigned.
"-" - Don´t care. Ignore the cell.
By putting an "x" into the relevant cell, the channel will be assigned to the particular Mute Group.
Empty cells are interpreted as not being assigned.
"-" - Don´t care. Ignore the cell.