- PostgreSQL 16.8
16-3.2.20 2025-02-14 joergmschulz@github
- Postgresql 16.7
- Pin to tiredofit/alpine:7.10.28
- Zabbix Postgresql plugin 7.0.8
- Postgresql 16.6
- Postgresql Zabbix Agent 7.0.5
- Postgresql 16.4
- Zabbix Postgresql Module 7.0.4
- Zabbix Postgres plugin 7.0.2
- Alpine 3.20.0 base
- Add Zabbix Postgresql Agent 7.0.1
- Rebuild to support tiredofit/alpine:7.10.0
- Postgresql 16.3
- Postgresql Zabbix Plugin 6.4.13
- Postgresql 16.2
- Zabbix Postgresql plugin 6.4.11
- Change base image to tiredofit/alpine:3.19
- Zabbix Plugin 6.4.9
- Fix issue with image name not reporting correct version
- Fix INITDB_LOCALE not being registered properly on database startup
- Postgresql 16.1
- Postgresql 16.0
- Postgres 15.4
- Zabbix Agent 6.4.4
- Reintroduce building with Clang 15
- Fix Zabbix Agent2 compilation resulting in breaking rest of build
- Strip debug symbols from Zabbix Agent 2
- Stop including llvm dependencies
- PostgreSQL 15.3
- Alpine 3.18 base
- Update Zabbix Postgresql Plugin to 6.4.2
- Add support for _FILE environment variables
- Postgresql 15.2
- Zabbix Postgresql plugin 6.2.7
- Build and insert Zabbix Agent 2 Postgresql plugin in this image
- Cleanup build directories for smaller image size
This image rewrite contains many breaking changes, yet tries to keep compatibility with older installations specifically with paths. It would be recommended to take a backup of your existing database and restore to a fresh installation to take advantage of the new features.
- Rewrote entire image
- Independent Superuser User and Password for controlling all aspects of server
- Multiple Database and User support
- Extensions Support per database
- Replication Support (Main, Secondary (Read Only), Snapshot)
- Customizable paths for logs, config, data, seperate path for transaction logs
- Log formatting, Log type options
- Customizable Locales
- Monitoring Support using Zabbix 2 Agent
- Customizable Listening Ports
- Deprecation of POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_DB environment variables. See README for information
- Alpine 3.17 base
- Postgresql 15.1
- Postgresql 15.0
- Postgresql 14.5
- Postgresql 14.4
- Alpine 3.16 base
- Postgresql 14.3
- Postgresql 14.2
- Rework to support new base image
- Update base image
- Add Zabbix Auto Agent registration support for templates
- Postgresql 14.1
- Postgresql 14.0
- Pin Zabbix Agent Classic
- Postgres 13.4
- Alpine 3.14
- Postgresql 13.3
- Cleanup of Docker image
- Postgresql 13.2
- Postgres 13.1
- Alpine 3.12
- Postgres 12.4
- Update to support tiredofit/alpine 5.0.0 base image
- Move /etc/s6/services to /etc/services.d
- Postgres 12.3
- Postgres 12.2
- Update to support new tiredofit/alpine base image
- Alpine 3.11 Base Image
- Postgresql 12.1
- Bugfix
- Postgres 12.0
- Postgres 11.5
- Postgres 11.4
- Postgres 11.3
- Postgres 11.2
- Postgres 11.1
- Postgres 11.0
- Postgres 10.10
- Postgres 10.9
- Postgres 10.8
- Postgres 10.7
- Postgres 10.6
- Postgres 10.5
- Update to Alpine 3.7
- Update Postgres 9.5.10
- Fix Zabbix Checks
- Update to Postgres 10
- Rebase with s6 overlay
- Postgres 9.5.8
- Initial Release
- Postgres 9.5.6
- Zabbix Enabled
- Alpine 3.5