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from tdw.proc_gen.arrangements.wall_cabinet import WallCabinet

A wall cabinet hangs on the wall above a kitchen counter. It can have objects inside it.

  • The wall cabinet model is chosen randomly; see WallCabinet.MODEL_CATEGORIES["wall_cabinet"].
  • The wall cabinet is placed next to a wall.
    • The wall cabinet's position is automatically adjusted to set it flush to the wall.
    • The wall cabinet is automatically rotated so that it faces away from the wall.
    • The wall cabinet is at a fixed height from the wall, see WALL_CABINET.Y.
  • The wall cabinet always has objects inside it. The contents are random:
    • Sometimes, there is a StackOfPlates; see WallCabinet.PROBABILITY_STACK_OF_PLATES.
    • Sometimes, there is a rectangular arrangement of random objects; see WallCabinet.PROBABILITY_CUPS.
      • The objects are chosen randomly; see WallCabinet.ENCLOSED_BY["wall_cabinet"].
      • The objects are positioned in a rectangular grid inside the wall cabinet with random rotations and positional perturbations; see WallCabinet.CELL_SIZE, WallCabinet.CELL_DENSITY, WallCabinet.WIDTH_SCALE, and WallCabinet.DEPTH_SCALE.
  • The root object of the wall cabinet is kinematic and the door sub-objects are non-kinematic.


  • send_commands If True, send commands when self.get_commands() is called. If False, self.get_commands() will return an empty list.

  • root_object_id The ID of the root object.

  • object_ids A list of all of the object IDs in this arrangement.

  • root_object_id The ID of the root object.

  • object_ids A list of all of the object IDs in this arrangement.

  • object_ids A list of all of the object IDs in this arrangement.

  • send_commands If True, send commands when self.get_commands() is called. If False, self.get_commands() will return an empty list.

  • root_object_id The ID of the root object.

  • object_ids A list of all of the object IDs in this arrangement.

  • root_object_id The ID of the root object.

  • object_ids A list of all of the object IDs in this arrangement.

  • object_ids A list of all of the object IDs in this arrangement.

Class Variables

Variable Type Description Value
CELL_DENSITY float The probability from 0 to 1 of a "cell" in the cabinet rectangular arrangement being empty. Lower value = a higher density of small objects. 0.1
CELL_SIZE float The size of each cell in the cabinet rectangular arrangement. This controls the minimum size of objects and the density of the arrangement. 0.04
DEFAULT_CELL_SIZE float The default span used for arranging objects next to each other. 0.6096
DEPTH_SCALE float When adding objects, the depth of the cabinet is assumed to be actual_width * CABINET_DEPTH_SCALE. This prevents objects from being too close to the edges of the cabinet. 0.8
ENCLOSED_BY Dict[str, List[str]] A dictionary of categories that can be enclosed by other categories. Key = A category. Value = A list of categories of models that can enclosed by the key category. loads(Path(resource_filename(__name__, "data/enclosed_by.json")).read_text())
INSIDE_OF Dict[str, List[str]] A dictionary of categories that can be inside of other categories. Key = A category. Value = A list of categories of models that can inside of the key category. loads(Path(resource_filename(__name__, "data/inside_of.json")).read_text())
MODEL_CATEGORIES Dict[str, List[str]] A dictionary of all of the models that may be used for procedural generation. Key = The category. Value = A list of model names. Note that this category overlaps with, but is not the same as, model_record.wcategory; see: Arrangement.get_categories_and_wcategories(). loads(Path(resource_filename(__name__, "data/models.json")).read_text())
ON_TOP_OF Dict[str, List[str]] A dictionary of categories that can be on top of other categories. Key = A category. Value = A list of categories of models that can be on top of the key category. loads(Path(resource_filename(__name__, "data/on_top_of.json")).read_text())
PROBABILITY_CUPS float The probability between 0 and 1 of adding a rectangular arrangment of cups and glasses. 0.66
PROBABILITY_STACK_OF_PLATES float The probability between 0 and 1 of adding a StackOfPlates. 0.33
WIDTH_SCALE float When adding objects, the width of the cabinet is assumed to be actual_width * CABINET_WIDTH_SCALE. This prevents objects from being too close to the edges of the cabinet. 0.8
Y float The value of the y positional coordinate (the height) of the wall cabinet. 1.289581




WallCabinet(cabinetry, wall, corner, distance, region)

WallCabinet(cabinetry, wall, corner, distance, region, model=None, wall_length=None, rng=None)

Parameter Type Default Description
cabinetry Cabinetry The Cabinetry set.
wall CardinalDirection The wall as a CardinalDirection that the root object is next to.
corner OrdinalDirection The origin OrdinalDirection of this wall. This is used to derive the direction.
distance float The distance in meters from the corner along the derived direction.
region InteriorRegion The InteriorRegion that the object is in.
model Union[str, ModelRecord] None Either the name of the model (in which case the model must be in models_core.json), or a ModelRecord, or None. If None, a model that fits along the wall at distance is randomly selected.
wall_length float None The total length of the lateral arrangement. If None, defaults to the length of the wall.
rng Union[int, np.random.RandomState] None Either a random seed or an numpy.random.RandomState object. If None, a new random number generator is created.




Returns: A dictionary of the categories of every model that can be used by Arrangement and their corresponding wcategory and wnid. Key = The model name. Value = A dictionary with the following keys: "category" (the ProcGenObjects category), "wcategory" (the value of record.wcategory), and "wnid" (the value of record.wnid).



Returns: A list of commands that will generate the arrangement.



Returns: The lateral extent of the object.