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from tdw.add_ons.py_impact import PyImpact

PyImpact has been deprecated. Use Clatter instead.

Generate impact sounds from physics data. Sounds can be synthesized automatically (for general use-cases) or manually (for advanced use-cases).

from tdw.controller import Controller
from tdw.tdw_utils import TDWUtils
from tdw.add_ons.audio_initializer import AudioInitializer
from tdw.add_ons.py_impact import PyImpact

c = Controller()
commands = [TDWUtils.create_empty_room(12, 12)]
                                       position={"x": 1, "y": 1.6, "z": -2},
                                       look_at={"x": 0, "y": 0.5, "z": 0}))
                                         position={"x": 0, "y": 3, "z": 0},
audio_initializer = AudioInitializer(avatar_id="a")
py_impact = PyImpact()
c.add_ons.extend([audio_initializer, py_impact])
for i in range(200):
c.communicate({"$type": "terminate"})

When using PyImpact, please cite Traer,Cusimano and McDermott, A perceptually inspired generative model of rigid-body contact sounds, Digital Audio Effects, (DAFx), 2019 and Agarwal, Cusimano, Traer, and McDermott, Object-based synthesis of scraping and rolling sounds based on non-linear physical constraints, (DAFx), 2021.

@article {4500,
    title = {A perceptually inspired generative model of rigid-body contact sounds},
    journal = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19)},
    year = {2019},
    month = {09/2019},
    abstract = {<p>Contact between rigid-body objects produces a diversity of impact and friction sounds. These sounds can be synthesized with detailed simulations of the motion, vibration and sound radiation of the objects, but such synthesis is computationally expensive and prohibitively slow for many applications. Moreover, detailed physical simulations may not be necessary for perceptually compelling synthesis; humans infer ecologically relevant causes of sound, such as material categories, but not with arbitrary precision. We present a generative model of impact sounds which summarizes the effect of physical variables on acoustic features via statistical distributions fit to empirical measurements of object acoustics. Perceptual experiments show that sampling from these distributions allows efficient synthesis of realistic impact and scraping sounds that convey material, mass, and motion.</p>
    author = {James Traer and Maddie Cusimano and Josh H. McDermott}
     TITLE= "Object-based synthesis of scraping and rolling sounds based on non-linear physical constraints",
     AUTHOR= "V Agarwal and M Cusimano and J Traer and J H McDermott",
     booktitle= "The 24th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-21)",
     MONTH= "September",
     YEAR= 2021,
     PDF-URL= "",

Class Variables

Variable Type Description Value
DEFAULT_AMP float The default amp value for objects. 0.2
DEFAULT_MATERIAL AudioMaterial The default material for objects. AudioMaterial.plastic_hard
DEFAULT_RESONANCE float The default resonance value for objects. 0.45
DEFAULT_SIZE int The default audio size "bucket" for objects. 1
FLOOR_AMP float The amp value for the floor. 0.5
FLOOR_MASS int The mass of the floor. 100
FLOOR_SIZE int The size "bucket" for the floor. 4
ROBOT_JOINT_BOUNCINESS float The assumed bounciness value for robot joints. 0.6
ROBOT_JOINT_MATERIAL AudioMaterial The material used for robot joints. AudioMaterial.metal
SCRAPE_MAX_VELOCITY float The maximum velocity allowed for a scrape. 1
SCRAPE_M_PER_PIXEL float Meters per pixel on the scrape surface. 1394.068 * 10 ** -9
SILENCE_100MS AudioSegment 100ms of silence. Used for scrapes. AudioSegment.silent(duration=100, frame_rate=SAMPLE_RATE)
VR_HUMAN_BOUNCINESS float The assumed bounciness value for human body parts such as in VR. 0.3
VR_HUMAN_MATERIAL AudioMaterial The material used for human body parts in VR. AudioMaterial.cardboard


  • rng The random number generator.

  • initial_amp The initial amplitude, i.e. the "master volume". Must be > 0 and < 1.

  • prevent_distortion If True, clamp amp values to <= 0.99

  • logging If True, log mode properties for all colliding objects, as json.

  • object_modes The collision info per set of objects.

  • resonance_audio If True, the simulation is using Resonance Audio.

  • floor The floor material.

  • material_data Cached material data.

  • scrape_surface_data Cached scrape surface data.

  • _scrape_objects A dictionary of all scrape models in the scene. If scrape == False, this dictionary is empty. Key = Object ID.

  • mode_properties_log The mode properties log.

  • auto If True, PyImpact will evalulate the simulation state per communicate() call and automatically generate audio.

  • collision_events Collision events on this frame. Key = Object ID. Value = CollisionAudioEvent.

  • obj_collisions All collisions between two objects that occurred on the frame.

  • env_collisions All collisions between an object and the environment that occurred on the frame.

  • commands These commands will be appended to the commands of the next communicate() call.

  • initialized If True, this module has been initialized.

  • commands These commands will be appended to the commands of the next communicate() call.

  • initialized If True, this module has been initialized.




PyImpact(initial_amp=0.5, prevent_distortion=True, logging=False, static_audio_data_overrides=None, resonance_audio=False, floor=AudioMaterial.wood_medium, rng=None, auto=True, scrape=True, scrape_objects=None, min_time_between_impact_events=0.25)

Parameter Type Default Description
initial_amp float 0.5 The initial amplitude, i.e. the "master volume". Must be > 0 and < 1.
prevent_distortion bool True If True, clamp amp values to <= 0.99
logging bool False If True, log mode properties for all colliding objects, as json.
static_audio_data_overrides Dict[int, ObjectAudioStatic] None If not None, a dictionary of audio data. Key = Object ID; Value = ObjectAudioStatic. These audio values will be applied to these objects instead of default values.
resonance_audio bool False If True, the simulation is using Resonance Audio.
floor AudioMaterial AudioMaterial.wood_medium The floor material.
rng np.random.RandomState None The random number generator. If None, a random number generator with a random seed is created.
auto bool True If True, PyImpact will evaluate the simulation state per communicate() call and automatically generate audio.
scrape bool True If True, initialize certain objects as scrape surfaces: Change their visual material(s) and enable them for scrape audio. See: tdw.physics_audio.scrape_model.DEFAULT_SCRAPE_MODELS
scrape_objects Dict[int, ScrapeModel] None If scrape == True and this is not None, this dictionary can be used to manually set scrape surfaces. Key = Object ID. Value = ScrapeModel.
min_time_between_impact_events float 0.25 The minimum time in seconds between two impact events that involve the same primary object.


These functions are meant for most use-cases. For general use-cases, PyImpact will generate audio automatically. In all use-cases, you'll need to manually reset PyImapct whenevery you reset the scene.



self.reset(initial_amp=0.5, static_audio_data_overrides=None, scrape_objects=None)

Reset PyImpact. This is somewhat faster than creating a new PyImpact object per trial.

Parameter Type Default Description
initial_amp float 0.5 The initial amplitude, i.e. the "master volume". Must be > 0 and < 1.
static_audio_data_overrides Dict[int, ObjectAudioStatic] None If not None, a dictionary of audio data. Key = Object ID; Value = ObjectAudioStatic. These audio values will be applied to these objects instead of default values.
scrape_objects Dict[int, ScrapeModel] None A dictionary of scrape objects in the scene. Key = Object ID. Ignored if None or scrape == False in the constructor.


These functions manually create audio data, including .wav data and TDW commands.


self.get_impact_sound_command(primary_id, primary_material, secondary_id, secondary_material, primary_amp, secondary_amp, primary_resonance, secondary_resonance, velocity, contact_points, contact_normals, primary_mass, secondary_mass)

Create an impact sound, and return a valid command to play audio data in TDW. "target" should usually be the smaller object, which will play the sound. "other" should be the larger (stationary) object.

Parameter Type Default Description
primary_id int The object ID for the primary (target) object.
primary_material str The material label for the primary (target) object.
secondary_id Optional[int] The object ID for the secondary (other) object.
secondary_material str The material label for the secondary (other) object.
primary_amp float Sound amplitude of primary (target) object.
secondary_amp float Sound amplitude of the secondary (other) object.
primary_resonance float The resonance of the primary (target) object.
secondary_resonance float The resonance of the secondary (other) object.
velocity np.ndarray The velocity.
contact_points List[np.ndarray] The collision contact points.
contact_normals List[np.ndarray] The collision contact normals.
primary_mass float The mass of the primary (target) object.
secondary_mass float The mass of the secondary (target) object.

Returns: A play_audio_data or play_point_source_data command that can be sent to the build via Controller.communicate().


self.get_scrape_sound_command(primary_id, primary_material, secondary_id, secondary_material, primary_amp, secondary_amp, primary_resonance, secondary_resonance, velocity, contact_points, contact_normals, primary_mass, secondary_mass, scrape_material)

Parameter Type Default Description
primary_id int The object ID for the primary (target) object.
primary_material str The material label for the primary (target) object.
secondary_id Optional[int] The object ID for the secondary (other) object.
secondary_material str The material label for the secondary (other) object.
primary_amp float Sound amplitude of primary (target) object.
secondary_amp float Sound amplitude of the secondary (other) object.
primary_resonance float The resonance of the primary (target) object.
secondary_resonance float The resonance of the secondary (other) object.
velocity np.ndarray The velocity.
contact_points np.ndarray The collision contact points.
contact_normals List[np.ndarray] The collision contact normals.
primary_mass float The mass of the primary (target) object.
secondary_mass float The mass of the secondary (target) object.
scrape_material ScrapeMaterial The scrape material.

Returns: A command to play a scrape sound.


self.get_impact_sound(primary_id, primary_material, secondary_id, secondary_material, primary_amp, secondary_amp, primary_resonance, secondary_resonance, velocity, contact_normals, primary_mass, secondary_mass)

Produce sound of two colliding objects as a byte array.

Parameter Type Default Description
primary_id int The object ID for the primary (target) object.
primary_material str The material label for the primary (target) object.
secondary_id Optional[int] The object ID for the secondary (other) object.
secondary_material str The material label for the secondary (other) object.
primary_amp float Sound amplitude of primary (target) object.
secondary_amp float Sound amplitude of the secondary (other) object.
primary_resonance float The resonance of the primary (target) object.
secondary_resonance float The resonance of the secondary (other) object.
velocity np.ndarray The velocity.
contact_normals List[np.ndarray] The collision contact normals.
primary_mass float The mass of the primary (target) object.
secondary_mass float The mass of the secondary (target) object.

Returns: Sound data as a Base64Sound object.


self.get_scrape_sound(primary_id, primary_material, secondary_id, secondary_material, primary_amp, secondary_amp, primary_resonance, secondary_resonance, velocity, contact_normals, primary_mass, secondary_mass, scrape_material)

Create a scrape sound, and return a valid command to play audio data in TDW. "target" should usually be the smaller object, which will play the sound. "other" should be the larger (stationary) object.

Parameter Type Default Description
primary_id int The object ID for the primary (target) object.
primary_material str The material label for the primary (target) object.
secondary_id int The object ID for the secondary (other) object.
secondary_material str The material label for the secondary (other) object.
primary_amp float Sound amplitude of primary (target) object.
secondary_amp float Sound amplitude of the secondary (other) object.
primary_resonance float The resonance of the primary (target) object.
secondary_resonance float The resonance of the secondary (other) object.
velocity np.ndarray The velocity.
contact_normals List[np.ndarray] The collision contact normals.
primary_mass float The mass of the primary (target) object.
secondary_mass float The mass of the secondary (target) object.
scrape_material ScrapeMaterial The scrape material.

Returns: A Base64Sound object or None if no sound.




Parameter Type Default Description
model Union[np.ndarray, ModelRecord] Either the extents of an object or a model record.

Returns: The size integer of the object.