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JavaScript API

thednp edited this page Nov 21, 2021 · 25 revisions

Instance Methods

The SVGPathCommander construct comes with instance methods you can call, intuitive and easy to use:

  • .toAbsolute() - will convert all path commands of a SVGPathElement with or without sub-path to absolute values; the absolute path is used by all other tools for specific processing;
  • .toRelative() - will convert all path commands of a shape with or without sub-path to relative values;
  • .reverse(onlySubpath) - will reverse the shape draw direction by changing the order of all path segments and their coordinates; when the onlySubpath option is true, it will only reverse the draw direction of subpath shapes
  • .normalize() - will convert path command values to absolute and convert shorthand S, T, H, V to C, Q and L respectivelly;
  • .optimize() - will compute two pathArrays one with absolute and the other with relative values, then update the pathArray segments using the values that convert to shortest string;
  • .transform(transformObject) - will normalize all path commands and apply a 2D transformation matrix to all path commands;
  • .flipX() - will call the above transform() method to apply a 180deg rotation on the X axis;
  • .flipY() - will call the above transform() method to apply a 180deg rotation on the Y axis;
  • .toString() - will return the pathString of the current pathArray stored in the instance.segments object.

Instance Options

  • round Boolean - option to enable/disable value rounding for the processing output; the default value is TRUE
  • decimals Number - option to set a certain amount of decimals to round values to; the default value is 3

Static Methods

When using the distribution files, type in "SVGPathCommander." in your browser console and have a look, there are a wide range of tools to play with. Here are some notable utilities:

  • SVGPathCommander.parsePathString(pathString) - returns a pathArray which is used by all of SVGPathCommander processing tools;
  • SVGPathCommander.pathToAbsolute(pathString|pathArray) - returns a new pathArray having all path commands as absolute coordinates;
  • SVGPathCommander.pathToRelative(pathString|pathArray) - returns a new pathArray having all path commands as relative coordinates;
  • SVGPathCommander.pathToCurve(pathString|pathArray) - returns a new pathArray having all path commands converted to cubicBezier (C) and absolute values;
  • SVGPathCommander.pathToString(pathArray) - converts any pathArray to string and returns it;
  • SVGPathCommander.clonePath(pathArray) - returns a deep clone of a pathArray, which is the result of any of the above functions;
  • SVGPathCommander.roundPath(pathArray, decimals) - returns a new pathArray with all float path command values rounded to 3 decimals by default, or provide a number to be used as the amount of decimals to round values to;
  • SVGPathCommander.reversePath(pathString|pathArray) - returns a new pathArray with all path commands having absolute values and in reverse order, but only for a single M->Z shape, for paths having sub-path(s) you need to use the SVGPathCommander constructor itself;
  • SVGPathCommander.optimizePath(pathArray) - returns a new pathArray with all segments that have the shortest strings from either absolute or relative pathArray segments;
  • SVGPathCommander.transformPath(pathArray,transformObject) - returns a new pathArray with all segments transformed according to the properties defined in the transformObject;
  • SVGPathCommander.normalizePath(pathString|pathArray) - returns a new pathArray with all shorthand path command segments such as S, T are converted to C and Q respectively, V and H to L, all in absolute values; the utility is used by pathToCurve and reversePath;
  • SVGPathCommander.getDrawDirection(pathArray) - converts the pathArray to curve and returns TRUE if a shape draw direction is clockwise, it should work for shapes with sub-paths, but it might skew your results, so make sure you split your path and test each subpath separatelly;
  • SVGPathCommander.getPathBBox(pathArray) - converts the pathArray to curve and returns the bounding box of a shape in the form of the following object: {x1,y1, x2,y2, width,height, cx,cy}, where cx & cy are the shape's center point; for faster processing, you might want to split the path with subpaths and return the bounding box you know is the largest;
  • SVGPathCommander.getPathLength(pathArray) - converts the pathArray to curve and returns the total length of the shape; this is equivalent to SVGPathElement.prototype.getTotalLength() and should work in Node.js;
  • SVGPathCommander.getPointAtLength(pathArray) - converts the pathArray to curve and looks into each segment and returns an {x,y} object;
  • SVGPathCommander.splitPath(pathString) - returns an Array of sub-path strings.
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