- @font-face
- @font-face/src
- @font-face/font-display
- @font-face/unicode-range
- @font-face/size-adjust
- @font-face/ascent-override
- @font-face/descent-override
- @font-face/line-gap-override
- rel=preload
- httparchive.org - Fonts
- web.dev - Best practices for fonts
- web.dev - Optimize WebFont loading and rendering
- web.dev - Optimize web fonts
- web.dev - CSS size-adjust for @font-face
- web.dev - CSS font-size-adjust is now in Baseline
- debugbear.com - The Ultimate Guide to Font Performance Optimization
- paulcalvano.com - Identifying Font Subsetting Opportunities with Web Font Analyzer
- tunetheweb.com - Should you self-host Google Fonts?
- zachleat.com - It’s Dangerous to Go Stallone. Take Glyphhanger
- phpied.com - How many bytes is “normal” for a web font
- nitropack.io - 8 Web Font Optimization Strategies to Pass Core Web Vitals
- markoskon.com - Creating font subsets
- industrialempathy.com - More than you ever wanted to know about font loading on the web
- subsetting.xyz - Which type foundries support font subsetting?
- github.com - glyphhanger
- github.com - subfont
- paulcalvano.com - Web Font Analyzer
- fontdrop.info - FontDrop
- wakamaifondue.com - Wakamai Fondue
- yellowlab.tools - Yellow Lab Tools
- textlab.dev - CSS Text Stats
- Slice GUI