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(Week 2) Monica & Nikema (As a user, I want to set up a new shopping list)

Nikema Prophet edited this page Dec 26, 2019 · 14 revisions

Project Brief:

Our Story This Week:

A shopping list consists of a set of items associated with a user’s token. Tokens can be shared with other users to allow them to co-manage a given list. Creating a new list consists of the following:

[ ] Generate a new unique token
[ ] Save the token to localStorage
[ ] Show the user the list view

The following script can be used to generate a suitable token:

We meet today! I don't know where to start yet.

TODO: Create the branch for this story

local storage resources:

Pairing Session (12/25)

  • We were able to import the token.js file to the project and generate a token that was displayed in a component.