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Week 7 Michelle & Claudia (As a user, I want to filter my shopping list to make it easier to locate an item in the list #15)

ClaudiaStar edited this page Dec 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

#15 - As a user, I want to filter my shopping list to make it easier to locate an item in the list


Display a text field at the top of the shopping list As the user types into the field, the list narrows to include only items that contain the text the user entered in the filter field When the field has text in it, the user should be able to tap a UI element (e.g., with an "X" button next to the field) to clear the field


Realized that we had to fix the call to DB and how items were being filtered before getting started on our AC's. Created a branch called Week 6 Fix and worked on achieving this. Michelle finished it on her own and submitted PR for review.


Created filter input field and onChange handler. Realized that the last letter typed does not get stored in state and worked on using useEffect hook to handle this. Need to figure out how to filter items as user types, because right now our logic would only find a match when the entire item name is typed.

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