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385 lines (302 loc) Β· 22.1 KB

File metadata and controls

385 lines (302 loc) Β· 22.1 KB

1.4.0 (2023-09-04)



  • modal: Super Simple Modals πŸ”₯ (9f7a910)
  • core: custom transitions for present/destroy (ed7e4c2)
  • settings: ion-content auto-disable scroll on present (#202)
  • settings: parent instance as HTMLElement or string (#193) (56049ae)
  • zStack: custom border radius for pushElement (#195) (1eb1f4c)
  • fitHeight: calcFitHeight function fallback (#218) (bb89ff7)


Bug Fixes

  • draggable: able to move scrolled pane by draggable element (#184) (9e3eaaa)
  • events: getEventClientYX can be undefined #214, #209 (1f283a3)
  • events: ios OSK resizes body (#200) (0fc6fac)
  • events: keyboard push based on transformY (#200) (e2108e5)
  • fitHeight: deal with Ionic framework (029d625)
  • fitHeight: calcFitHeight with fitScreenHeight (#192) (016c4d3)
  • inverse: calcFitHeight for inverse pane cause animation swing (91359a0)
  • modules: modules public methods typings, calcFitHeight fix (deb7de8)
  • present: ionic cancel transitions on initialization (#216) (a944d32)

1.3.0 (2022-07-04)



  • core: Events emitter and callbacks assignments (64788d0)

Callback enhanced and required simple updates. All callbacks has been moved under events key in settings dictionary. Callbacks now can be assigned with on() method.



  • core: remastered isHidden() and hide() methods
  • events: keyboard hero (#175)
  • events: keyboard hero v2 (#175)(#176)
  • desktop: text no-selectable, img no-draggable, grab cursor
  • gesture: topperThanTop reducer cleared

Bug Fixes

  • break: buildBreakpoint() clear on begin (#181) (e245bca)
  • core: events attached before didPresent callback (#170) (5b49dc3)
  • desktop: handle mouseleave events (8c6c81f)
  • events: disable drag upperThanTop for full height top breakpoint (#171) (d048dbd)
  • events: clear steps after fastSwipeClose (#180) (3558cf2)
  • events: drag events emitted with position changes (#179) (c1aa175)
  • events: hide-on-bottom attribute by recent position on touchend (4804af8)
  • events: overscroll-behavior fix safari scroll bounce (c9c6a69)
  • events: skipped touchstart event (#177) (4a878f0)

1.2.8 (2021-12-06)

Bug Fixes

  • draggable: reduced zIndex to prevent overlapping (#169) (6196a4e)
  • events: android fast drag was interpreted as tap event (#154) (ac7093e)
  • events: fixed unexpected jumps on fast drag (1b0d082)
  • events: prevent hidden pane to be visible on keyboard (#112) (bf34a24)
  • events: touchmove position while transition (7c367a3)
  • inverse: calcFitHeight for inverse pane cause animation swing (91359a0)
  • keyboard: detach resize from keyboard events (#112) (5d574d7)
  • events: unlock mode show hidden pane on Android #159
  • keyboard: fixed keyboard for fitHeight panes - #155


  • core: add classes for transitions and z-stack


  • gestures: topperThanTop gesture smooth on backward
  • gestures: scroll events remastered for smooth entry scrolls
  • core: implemented proper UMD and EMS bundle system
  • ci: async build and face typings with public-api
  • events: default touchAngle is 45


  • destroy: allow to destroy without DOM element (#163) (44a0d18)
  • docs: commits standards and changelogs

[1.2.7] - 2021-05-08



  • Functions .present() and .destroy() enhanced to using Promise like functins. #144
    await myPane.present({animate: true});
    myPane.destroy({animate: true}).then(...);

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed slow drag gesture with velocity when first touchmove not firing

[1.2.6] - 2021-03-18


  • All Z-Stack and 3D Push properties was merged into zStack object. Readme
let settings = {
  zStack: {
    pushElements: string[];
    minPushHeight?: number;
    cardYOffset?: number;
    cardZScale?: number;
    cardContrast?: number;
    stackZAngle?: number;



  • 3D Push transitions and gestures now available as cumulative options with pushElements property. Define array of elements which will be pushed when main element execute transitions. All styles from all elements will be accumulated together.
let settings = {
  zStack: {
    pushElements: ['.card-1', '.card-2', '.card-3']

Bug Fixes

  • Click to elements fixed with .disableDrag() method #140
  • Fixed css variable --cupertino-pane-icon-close-color #139
  • Fixed pane jump on drag with positive scroll from lower breakpoints #135

[1.2.5] - 2021-02-20


  • Added cssClass property to settings. Pass custom class for .cupertino-pane-wrapper here to style later, instead of picking custom class from your element.
  • Removed darkmode property and setDarkmode() method. Proper way you can style darkmode with variables:
body.dark {
  --cupertino-pane-icon-close-color: #a8a7ae;
  --cupertino-pane-background: #1c1c1d;
  --cupertino-pane-color: #ffffff;
  --cupertino-pane-shadow: 0 4px 16px rgb(0 0 0 / 12%);
  --cupertino-pane-border-radius: 20px;
  --cupertino-pane-move-background: #424246;
  --cupertino-pane-destroy-button-background: #424246;



  • CSS variables available Readme

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed styles for few panes in single DOM #133
  • Fixed with internal styles injector in DOM. Minified styles now injected once inside <head> tag.
  • Fixed backdrop with { animate:false }

[1.2.4] - 2021-01-28


  • Keyboard will move pane up, only if focused element is child of Pane
  • window.resize events are now automatically managed #127

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed currentBreak() method
  • Fixed and improved keyboard events #125

[1.2.3] - 2021-01-22


  • Added .calcFitHeight() method to re-calculate automatically height fitHeight: true, if this value was not proper calculated due DOM issues #123
  • Added maxFitHeight property to settings to define maximum possible automatically calculated height #122

Bug Fixes

  • Switched resize callback to orientationchange callback for device orientation changes. Fixed issues regarding resize and keyboards. #125

[1.2.2] - 2021-01-20


  • Added fitHeight property for usage pane without breakpoints. On fitHeight: true, pane height will automatically calculated before present. Then height will be applied as top breakpoint height, bottom and middle breakpoint will be disabled. See Bulletin demo on example. #113
  • Added fitScreenHeight property. On fitScreenHeight: true, pane height will not be more than screen height.


  • Button close renamed to button destroy to avoid confuses. Option renamed buttonClose -> buttonDestroy #116
  • window.resize events and orientation changing now automatically reset breakpoints and pane to proper position. May be good using in pair with fitScreenHeight: true #119

Bug Fixes

  • Cordova keyboard hide if pane is hidden #112

[1.2.0] - 2020-12-15


  • Improved .preventDismiss() method and gesture #87
const settings = {
  onWillDismiss: (e) => {
    if (e) {

const myPane = new CupertinoPane('.cupertino-pane', settings);
myPane.present({animate: true});

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed setBreakpoints() method for inversed pane #92
  • Fixed textarea overflow scroll. Pane disallowed from drag if scroll available and target element is textarea #88
  • Fixed horizontal scroll inside pane #102
  • Fixed keyboard issues on Android devices with cordova webview
  • Fixed drag event and stops laggy on drag pane with touchAngle option #102
  • Fixed onTransitionEnd callback with top position #105
  • Fixed currentBreak() detection for onDragEnd callbac #106
  • Fixed height calculation for overflow element #104

[1.1.94] - 2020-11-15


  • Implemented auto-keyboard handler for cordova applications. Keyboard now will push pane for exact keyboard height. If you would like handle this part by yourself, set option handleKeyboard: false.



  • Added preventDismiss() method. Using in pair with onWillDismiss() callback to prevent pane from destroy on custom conditions #82
const settings = {
  onWillDismiss: () => {
    if (disallowDismiss) {

[1.1.93] - 2020-10-29



  • Added fastSwipeClose for close pane with fast drag to bottom direction #78
  • Added fastSwipeSensivity property to regulate how long should a swipe event being for automaticaly swipe into next point #78
  • Added pushYOffset property to realize Z-Deminsion Stack

1.1.92 - 2020-10-17


  • Added moveToHeight(val: **number**) method. Allow to move pane into exact height position. #73

Bug Fixes

  • Removed excesive padding from inversed top-to-bottom overscrolls. #75

1.1.9 - 2020-10-10


  • Added inverse property which allows to use top-to-bottom direction. #58
let settings: CupertinoSettings = { 
  inverse: true
  • Added .setDarkMode({enable: true}) method, to helps maintain color scheme after pane initialization #68
  • Added .setBreakpoints(breakpoints: PaneBreaks) method. Method updates breakpoints configuration for rendered Pane. #69
  • Improved lowerThanBottom configuration and become accessable in default mode

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Commonjs bundle. No more line required on import:
<script>var exports = {"__esModule": true};</script>

1.1.8 - 2020-08-29


  • Property offset for breaks are not more under support. Renamed with height
breaks: {
    middle: {
      enabled: true,
      height: 400


  • Added upperThanTop settings property
  • Added touchMoveStopPropagation settings property. Set true to prevent all move events behind pane and backdrop #55
  • Added bounce property for breakpoints (transition in apple stocks style)
breaks: {
    middle: {
      enabled: true,
      height: 400,
      bounce: true
  • Added touchAngle settings property which allow user set possible pane move angle. Helps to handle horizontal slider elements inside pane such as ion-item-sliding #23
  • Added 3d push effect within pushElement and pushMinHeight properties
 const settings = {
  parentElement: 'ion-tabs',
  pushElement: 'app-home',
  pushMinHeight: 350

Bug Fixes

  • Improved drag top gesture
  • Auto-preventing accidental unwanted clicks events during pane move gestures by preventClicks parameter
  • Close button touch area fixed

1.1.7 - 2020-07-22


  • Changelog created to keep user informed #47
  • Better issues templates #48
  • Show/Hide backdrop method #43
myPane.backdrop({show: true}); // show
myPane.backdrop({show: false}); // hide
  • Element or selector on class creation #40
// String selector
new CupertinoPane('.cupertino-pane');

// HTML element
let element = document.querySelector('.cupertino-pane');
new CupertinoPane(element); // HTMLElement

Bug Fixes

  • Mobile chrome pull-to-refresh function disabled with overscroll-behavior-y #46
  • Resize frame after hide keyboard on Android device with Ionic apps #49