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182 lines (141 loc) · 5.42 KB


🚧 This gem is no longer available by the renewal of the ITS-kenpo site in June 14, 2019. See the detail in here.

Ruby binding for kenpo reservation API (関東ITソフトウェア健康保険組合 施設・レクリエーション).

Travis Gem license


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kenpo_api'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kenpo_api



Resort reservation by lottery

# Request email.
resort_names = KenpoApi::Resort.resort_names
KenpoApi::Resort.request_reservation_url(resort_name: 'トスラブ箱根和奏林', email: '[email protected]')

# Check email and copy the url in the email.
url = ''
# Check criteria.
criteria = KenpoApi::Resort.check_reservation_criteria(url, type: :lottery)

# Apply for the reservation by lottery.
reservation_data = {
  sign_no:       6666,
  insured_no:    666,
  office_name:   '株式会社FLAG',
  kana_name:     'マツノ オソマツ',
  birth_year:    1962,
  birth_month:   5,
  birth_day:     24,
  gender:        :man,
  relationship:  :myself,
  contact_phone: '666-6666-6666',
  postal_code:   '180-0004',
  state:         13,
  address:       '武蔵野市本町666-666',
  join_time:     '2018-02-15',
  night_count:   1,
  stay_persons:  6,
  room_persons:  6, (1 room) # or [3, 3] (2 rooms) or [2, 2, 2] (3 rooms) ...
  meeting_dates: nil, # (none) or [1] (first day only) or [1, 2] (both days) ...
  must_meeting:  false,
KenpoApi::Resort.apply_reservation(url, reservation_data, type: :lottery)

Resort reservation for vacant rooms

# Check criteria.
resort_name = 'トスラブ箱根和奏林'
KenpoApi::Resort.check_vacant_search_criteria(resort_name: resort_name)

# Search vacant rooms.
search_condition = {
  join_time:     '2018-02-27',
  night_count:   1,
  stay_persons:  6,
  room_persons:  6, # (1 room) or [3, 3] (2 rooms) or [2, 2, 2] (3 rooms) ...
KenpoApi::Resort.search_vacant_rooms(resort_name: resort_name, search_condition: search_condition)

# Request email.
res = KenpoApi::Resort.request_reservation_url_for_vacant_rooms(resort_name: resort_name, search_condition: search_condition, vacant_room_id: 525968, email: '[email protected]')

# Check email and copy the url in the email.
url = ''
# Check criteria.
KenpoApi::Resort.check_reservation_criteria(url, type: :vacant)

# Apply for the reservation by lottery.
reservation_data = {
  sign_no:       6666,
  insured_no:    666,
  office_name:   '株式会社FLAG',
  kana_name:     'マツノ オソマツ',
  birth_year:    1962,
  birth_month:   5,
  birth_day:     24,
  gender:        :man,
  relationship:  :myself,
  contact_phone: '666-6666-6666',
  postal_code:   '180-0004',
  state:         13,
  address:       '武蔵野市本町666-666',
KenpoApi::Resort.apply_reservation(url, reservation_data, type: :vacant)

Sport reservation by lottery

# Request email.
sport_names = KenpoApi::Sport.sport_names
KenpoApi::Sport.request_reservation_url(sport_name: 'サマディ門前仲町', email: '[email protected]')

# Check email and copy the url in the email.
url = ''
# Check criteria.
criteria = KenpoApi::Sport.check_reservation_criteria(url)

# Apply for the reservation by lottery.
reservation_data = {
  sign_no:       6666,
  insured_no:    666,
  office_name:   '株式会社FLAG',
  kana_name:     'マツノ オソマツ',
  birth_year:    1962,
  birth_month:   5,
  birth_day:     24,
  contact_phone: '666-6666-6666',
  postal_code:   '180-0004',
  state:         13,
  address:       '武蔵野市本町666-666',
  join_time:     '2018-03-11',
  use_time_from: '13:00',
  use_time_to:   '15:00',
KenpoApi::Sport.apply_reservation(url, reservation_data)

Low-level APIs

categories = KenpoApi::ServiceCategory.list

category = KenpoApi::ServiceCategory.find(:resort_reserve)

group = KenpoApi::ServiceGroup.find(category, 'トスラブ箱根ビオーレ')


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to

Use Docker env

$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose exec ruby sh

# # Start interactive console.
# pry --gem
# # Execute tests.
# rake spec


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at