Find below the documentation for the webserv configuration file.
Syntax: http { ... }
Default: —
Context: main
Provides the configuration file context in which the HTTP server directives are specified.
Syntax: server { ... }
Default: —
Context: http
Sets configuration for a virtual server.
Syntax: listen address[:port]
Default: listen *:80;
Context: server
Sets the address and port for IP, or the path for a UNIX-domain socket on which the server will accept requests. An address may also be "localhost", for example:
listen localhost:8000;
Syntax: server_name name ...;
Default: server_name "";
Context: server
Sets names of a virtual server, for example:
server {
The first name becomes the primary server name.
Sets configuration depending on a request URI.
Syntaxe: location uri { ... }
Défaut: —
Contexte: server
Syntax: error_page code ... [=[response]] uri;
Default: —
Context: http, server, location
Defines the URI that will be shown for the specified errors. Example:
error_page 400 /404.html;
error_page 300 400 500 /50x.html;
Syntax: root path;
Default: root html;
Context: http, server, location
Sets the root directory for requests. For example, with the following configuration
location /i/ {
root /data/w3;
Syntax: return code URL;
Default: —
Context: server, location
Syntax: index file ...;
Default: index index.html;
Context: http, server, location
Defines files that will be used as an index. Files are checked in the specified order. Example:
index index.html index0.html something.html;
Syntax: allow_methods ...
Default: allow_methods GET POST DELETE;
Context: http, server, location
Allowed methods, for example:
allow_methods GET POST;
Syntax: client_max_body_size size;
Default: client_max_body_size 1m;
Context: http, server, location
Sets the maximum allowed size of the client request body.
Syntax: autoindex on | off;
Default: autoindex off;
Context: http, server, location
Enables or disables the directory listing output.
Syntax: cgi_path extension:path
Default: —
Context: location
Defines a location as accepting cgi.
location /cgi-bin/ {
root cgi-bin/;
cgi_path: .py:/usr/bin/python3 .php:/usr/bin/php;