Ostrobothnia is an open-source NATO-spec Live combat simulation project.
Live combat simulation allows soldiers to train as they fight simulating bullets, missiles, mines etc.
It's built on the NATO standards and is thus combatible with the existing systems used in NATO multinational exercises.
Current systems are expensive. A single system for infantry costs over 10 000$. A system for a Main Battle Tank over 100 000$.
The goal of this project is to demonstrate comparable systems with a 100x reduction in the cost.
Good question.
A live simulation system allows soldiers to train against real humans, without actually killing them.
- Instead of bullets, we use lasers to register a hit
- Instead of artillery ammunition, we use GPS to determine who was hit by the simulated round
- Instead of Landmines, we use radio frequencies to register a hit on the tank that hit the simulated mine.
"Why does this matter?"
Imagine your favourite sports team training for their big game, without actually being able to play their sport. You train three-poiters, free kicks or whatever, but you can't actually measure your performance against anyone.
Doesn't seem like a winning strategy
During peacetime, militaries would go decades without actually testing their performance. Live simulation technology has brought change in that regard, but we still have a long way to go in widespread adoption in all of NATO. The first step is to have every single soldier in the west train with these systems.