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GNU ARM toolchain can be downloaded from We are currently using Version 7-2018-q2-update Linux 64-bit.
Make is usually available in some base development package, but you can install it directly, e.g. for debian like systems sudo apt-get install make
Basic shell utilities (usually present in system): bash, dd, sed, tac, printf, find, etc.
Some usually available aux utilities (could require separate installation): crc32, sha1sum
Add ARM toolchain bin/ directory to PATH.
(e.g. ~/arm/gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update/bin)
Run make to build the program.
Generated program build/SDKdemo.pgm
Contents of QSPI build/SDKdemo_qspi.bin
The latest version of SDKdemo is available at
You can copy the help/sdkdemo.html file to directory /HELP/ on calculator filesystem. Then the help is available directly on calculator by pressing F1 key.