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A place to jot down ideas and/or commentary about the work in progress.

2021 Nov 30 - Going backward to go forward.

The single pass straight code generation from parsing approach was working but feeling increasingly brittle in the face of trying to get basic optimizations going, etc. Decided to pause that and shift to compiler2.c to start fresh with the existing lexer and rebuilding the parser to generate an Abstract Syntax Tree instead.

This allows for multiple passes, simplifies some optimizations, and paves the way for generating three-argument IR, SSA, etc.

  FUNCDEF 'fib' 
    PARAM 'n' i32
    RETURNS i32
        BINOP <
          NAME 'n'
          U32 0x2
            NAME 'n'

The new compiler can parse all the existing test and demo code, but does not yet do any codegen.

2021 May 24 - Where was I?

Implemented basic global scope enum support and changed remaining #defines in compiler.c to enums.

Yanked out the lexer and built up rewriter.c that does a pretty limit C to whatever language this is transform by mostly passing code through but rewriting simple patterns like:

  • void name(at an, bt bn) { -> func name(an at, bn bt) {
  • type name = ... -> var name types = ...
  • struct name { ... -> type name struct { ...

Discovered that demo/life.src bitrotted. Git bisect identifies the guilty commit as cfe2d815bea0dd47d0ebeae933d673f4bf16cd6d "compiler: logical and/or improvements.

Also d30153ccc6a1f5e61d13094999e703504153aa94 "copmiler: scanner fetches input data in chunks" seems to have broken the correct printing of error lines.

Considering replacing varargs error io... error("file %s has %u typos",fn,n) em("file "); es(fn); es(" has "); eu(n); ee(" typos"); kinda gross.

2020 Mar 15 - Non-optimal codegen

1030-flow-control shows inefficient branch patterns around if-x-continue usage:

000000ac: 88e00004  ldw r8, [sp, 4]
000000b0: 48840001  and r8, r8, 1
000000b4: 49000001  mov r9, 1
000000b8: 08890009  sub r8, r8, r9
000000bc: e9000002  bne 0xc8

                if ((n & 1) == 1) {

000000c0: e7fffff3  b 0x90


000000c4: e7000000  b 0xc8

This also gets me thinking that adopting the C convention that integer types are treated as bools (0 = false, othewise true) would be more efficent in a number of places,

2020 Mar 14 - More questionable codegen

All of these from demo/life.src

What's up with this mov'ing the constant to r9 instead of just sub r8, r8, 5?

00000098: f7ffffdb  bl 0x8
0000009c: 08000000  mov r8, r0
000000a0: 4884000f  and r8, r8, 15
000000a4: 49000005  mov r9, 5
000000a8: 08890009  sub r8, r8, r9
000000ac: ed00000a  bge 0xd8

                        if ((xorshift32() & 15) < 5) {


gen_load_reg         0x8, <Reg: r=0,a=8,b=0,t=int32>
gen_code             '0000009c: 08000000  mov r8, r0' 
gen_load_reg<<<      <Reg: r=8,a=0,b=0,t=int32>
gen_mul_op           0x3, <Reg: r=8,a=0,b=0,t=int32>, <Const: r=0,a=15,b=0,t=int32>
gen_code             '000000a0: 4884000f  and r8, r8, 15' 
gen_rel_op           0x2, <Reg: r=8,a=0,b=0,t=int32>, <Const: r=0,a=5,b=0,t=int32>
gen_load_reg         0x9, <Const: r=0,a=5,b=0,t=int32>
gen_code             '000000a4: 49000005  mov r9, 5' 
gen_load_reg<<<      <Reg: r=9,a=0,b=0,t=int32>
gen_branch_cond      0x0, <Comp: r=2,a=8,b=9,t=int32>
gen_code             '000000a8: 08890009  sub r8, r8, r9' 
gen_code             '000000ac: ed000000  bge 0xb0' 

Hm. RHS of the rel-op is insufficiently lazy, it looks. It loads 5 into a register ahead of gen_branch_cond

And the add r8, r8, 4 at 0xc0 looks fishy too...

000000b0: 48d80004  add r8, sb, 4
000000b4: 89e00018  ldw r9, [sp, 24]
000000b8: 499a0050  mul r9, r9, 80
000000bc: 08880009  add r8, r8, r9
000000c0: 48880004  add r8, r8, 4
000000c4: 89e00014  ldw r9, [sp, 20]
000000c8: 08880009  add r8, r8, r9
000000cc: 49000001  mov r9, 1
000000d0: b9800004  stb r9, [r8, 4]

                                grid[y][x] = 1;
gen_item_from_obj<<< <RegInd: r=13,a=4,b=0,t=[25][80]byte>
gen_item_from_obj<<< <RegInd: r=14,a=24,b=0,t=int32>
gen_index            <RegInd: r=13,a=4,b=0,t=[25][80]byte>, <RegInd: r=14,a=24,b=0,t=int32>
gen_address_reg      0x8, <RegInd: r=13,a=4,b=0,t=[25][80]byte>
gen_code             '000000b0: 48d80004  add r8, sb, 4' 
gen_load_reg         0x9, <RegInd: r=14,a=24,b=0,t=int32>
gen_code             '000000b4: 89e00018  ldw r9, [sp, 24]' 
gen_load_reg<<<      <Reg: r=9,a=0,b=0,t=int32>
gen_code             '000000b8: 499a0050  mul r9, r9, 80' 
gen_code             '000000bc: 08880009  add r8, r8, r9' 
gen_index<<<         <RegInd: r=8,a=4,b=0,t=[80]byte>
gen_item_from_obj<<< <RegInd: r=14,a=20,b=0,t=int32>
gen_index            <RegInd: r=8,a=4,b=0,t=[80]byte>, <RegInd: r=14,a=20,b=0,t=int32>
gen_address_reg      0x8, <RegInd: r=8,a=4,b=0,t=[80]byte>
gen_code             '000000c0: 48880004  add r8, r8, 4' 
gen_load_reg         0x9, <RegInd: r=14,a=20,b=0,t=int32>
gen_code             '000000c4: 89e00014  ldw r9, [sp, 20]' 
gen_load_reg<<<      <Reg: r=9,a=0,b=0,t=int32>
gen_code             '000000c8: 08880009  add r8, r8, r9' 
gen_index<<<         <RegInd: r=8,a=4,b=0,t=byte>
gen_gen_store        <Const: r=0,a=1,b=0,t=int32>, <RegInd: r=8,a=4,b=0,t=byte>
gen_load_reg         0x9, <Const: r=0,a=1,b=0,t=int32>
gen_code             '000000cc: 49000001  mov r9, 1' 
gen_load_reg<<<      <Reg: r=9,a=0,b=0,t=int32>
gen_code             '000000d0: b9800004  stb r9, [r8, 4]' 

2020 Mar 14 - stdlib deps

Quick check to see how much libc the compiler is depending on...

Not too bad.

unistd/syscall: open close read write exit
buffered: fopen fclose fgets fputs fwrite formatted: printf fprintf vfprintf
memory: malloc memcmp memcpy memset strlen
misc: putchar puts exit abort\

2020 Mar 10 - Non-optimal codegen

When a break / continue / return takes control out of a scope, we're not smart enough to discard stuff like the jump-around-else emitted at the end of an if block, resulting in a dead branch op:

	if (n < 2) {
		return n;

00000020: 80e00004  ldw r0, [sp, 4]
00000024: e700000d  b 0x5c
00000028: e700000c  b 0x5c

We move return values from r0 to a temp register to cover cases where we may immediately need r0 again (another call, etc) but that means extra instructions and copies in other cases like return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

0000002c: 88e00004  ldw r8, [sp, 4]   # get n
00000030: 40890001  sub r0, r8, 1     # r0 = n - 1
00000034: f7fffff3  bl 0x4            # r0 = fib(r0)
00000038: 08000000  mov r8, r0        # r0 -> tmp0
0000003c: 89e00004  ldw r9, [sp, 4]   # get n
00000040: 40990002  sub r0, r9, 2     # r0 = n - 2
00000044: a8e00008  stw r8, [sp, 8]   # save tmp0
00000048: f7ffffee  bl 0x4            # r0 = fib(r0)
0000004c: 88e00008  ldw r8, [sp, 8]   # restore tmp0
00000050: 09000000  mov r9, r0        # r0 -> tmp1
00000054: 00880009  add r0, r8, r9    # r0 = tmp0 + tmp1
00000058: e7000000  b 0x5c            # jump to epilogue (return)

2020 Mar 09 - Simplifying the Code

Up til now I had been passing around a "compiler context" pointer, so almost every method looked like parse_xyz(Ctx ctx, ...) with a sort of explicit this pointer as the first argument.

This caused a lot of clutter, and it will not help performance in any useful way once it's self-hosting (since globals are loaded relative to a global pointer register, whereas pointers first have to be grabbed relative to sp and then further dereferenced).

It is useful from a namespace clutter standpoint to keep the struct rather than 20-some stray globals.

See: commit 1086c2aa1

2020 Mar 09 - Path to Self-Hosting

As a big goal of the project is for the compiler to be self-hosted, able to compile itself, and the bigger and more complex it and the language gets the more work converting the source base over is likely to be, I've been thinking about the simplest path to a MVP self-hosting compiler.

Expressions and simple flow control (if/else, while, break, return) will be nearly identical to C. Basic function and structure declarations will be very similar (mostly flipping the name/type order and some slight punctuation changes).

My thinking is by writing the compiler in a strict subset of C that is very regular it should be pretty simple to mechanically translate the compiler with a script. Ideally entirely by script so I could maintain the compiler in both languages long enough to do some "co-simulation" style testing to ensure I'm getting identical compilation from both.

The remaining pieces needed to hit the MVP target are, I believe:

  • finish if/while flow control
  • support for enums, or convert enums to consts
  • support for structs
  • support for arrays
  • support for pointers
  • support for globals, init'ing gp
  • support for open/close/read/write "syscalls"
  • mini std library (malloc-analogue, alloc-only heap, string utils)
  • rewrite lexer to use if/else instead of case
  • emulator support for commandline args passing

Okay, that's still a decent chunk of work. But most of it is straight forward for a base implementation.

We can survive for a while without floating point, structure extension, whatever case/match mechanism ends up looking like, etc, etc. Data structures are all about dumb, single-linked lists for now. Hashtables or Trees can come much later in the process.

I need to make some decisions on pointers vs references.

I should just make ctx global -- passing it like a this pointer clutters up the code and doesn't buy much. And it'll be slower for quite a while, since for now param -> ldw -> pointer-in-reg -> ldw -> value in struct is more work than just loading relative to the global pointer.